# This script writes its arguments to the file determined by OUT_FILE. # Each argument appears on a separate line. # This is used for writing the config.opt file. # # This script takes the following arguments: # OUT_FILE: The output file. # SKIP_ARGS: Number of arguments to skip from the front of the arguments list. # Look for the -P argument to determine the start of the actual script arguments math(EXPR stop "${CMAKE_ARGC} - 1") set(start 0) foreach(i RANGE 1 ${stop}) if(CMAKE_ARGV${i} STREQUAL "-P") math(EXPR start "${i} + 2") break() endif() endforeach() # Skip arguments if requested if(DEFINED SKIP_ARGS) math(EXPR start "${start} + ${SKIP_ARGS}") endif() # Write config.opt set(content "") if(start LESS_EQUAL stop) foreach(i RANGE ${start} ${stop}) string(APPEND content "${CMAKE_ARGV${i}}\n") endforeach() endif() file(WRITE "${OUT_FILE}" "${content}")