type: Group instructions: - type: MakeDirectory directory: "{{.SourceDir}}_doc_build" - type: SetBuildDirectory directory: "{{.SourceDir}}_doc_build" - type: ChangeDirectory directory: "{{.BuildDir}}" - type: ExecuteCommand command: "rm -f {{.SourceDir}}/CMakeCache.txt" # CMake configure does not apply if not removed. maxTimeInSeconds: 300 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 300 userMessageOnFailure: Failed to remove CMake cache. - type: CreateFileListFromDirectory directory: "{{.BuildDir}}/doc" filterListFileName: "doc_build_filter" userMessageOnFailure: "Failed to create filter list for docs" - type: EnvironmentVariable variableName: COIN_CMAKE_ARGS variableValue: "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH={{.InstallDir}} {{.SourceDir}}" - !include "{{qt/qtbase}}/call_cmake.yaml" - type: ExecuteCommand command: "{{.Env.ENV_PREFIX}} cmake --build . --target docs -v" maxTimeInSeconds: 6000 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 1200 userMessageOnFailure: Failed to generate documentation. - type: UploadArtifact archiveDirectory: "{{.BuildDir}}/doc" transferType: UploadModuleDocumentation filterListFileName: "doc_build_filter" maxTimeInSeconds: 1200 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 1200 enable_if: condition: and conditions: - condition: property property: features contains_value: Documentation - condition: runtime env_var: BUILD_DOCUMENTATION not_equals_value: null