type: Group instructions: # Informs qtestblacklist.cpp that tests are run in the CI. # A related QT_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT env var is set during an integration's build phase. - type: EnvironmentVariable variableName: QTEST_ENVIRONMENT variableValue: "ci" - type: Group instructions: - type: EnvironmentVariable variableName: TESTS_ENV_PREFIX variableValue: "{{.Env.ENV_PREFIX}}" enable_if: condition: and conditions: - condition: property property: host.os equals_property: target.os - condition: property property: target.osVersion not_in_values: [QEMU, QNX_710] - type: Group instructions: - type: EnvironmentVariable variableName: TESTS_ENV_PREFIX variableValue: "{{.Env.TARGET_ENV_PREFIX}}" disable_if: condition: and conditions: - condition: property property: host.os equals_property: target.os - condition: property property: target.osVersion not_in_values: [QEMU, QNX_710] - type: Group instructions: - !include "{{qt/qtbase}}/cmake_setup_running_qnxqemu_tests_env_vars.yaml" enable_if: condition: and conditions: - condition: property property: target.osVersion equals_value: QNX_710 - condition: property property: features not_contains_value: DisableTests