version: 1 accept_configuration: condition: property property: host.os equals_property: target.os build_instructions: - type: MakeDirectory directory: .git - type: SetBuildDirectory directory: "{{.SourceDir}}" - type: ChangeDirectory directory: "{{.BuildDir}}" - type: ExecuteCommand command: cmake {{.Env.CONFIGURE_ARGS}} -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH={{.InstallDir}} -GNinja {{.SourceDir}} maxTimeInSeconds: 6000 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 120 userMessageOnFailure: > Failed to call cmake. Contact Liang then. - type: EnvironmentVariable variableName: DESTDIR variableValue: "{{.InstallRoot}}" - type: ExecuteCommand command: ninja install maxTimeInSeconds: 6000 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 120 userMessageOnFailure: > Failed to build sources. In the current state bug can be everywhere. Contact Liang first. - type: SignPackage disable_if: condition: property property: host.os not_equals_value: Windows directory: "{{.InstallRoot}}/{{.AgentWorkingDir}}" maxTimeInSeconds: 1200 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 1200 - type: UploadArtifact archiveDirectory: "{{.InstallRoot}}/{{.AgentWorkingDir}}" transferType: UploadModuleBuildArtifact maxTimeInSeconds: 1200 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 1200 test_instructions: - type: ExecuteCommand command: echo "hello world - test" maxTimeInSeconds: 60 maxTimeBetweenOutput: 12 userMessageOnFailure: > Failed to call echo. Contact Liang then.