Qt 5.10 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes over the 5.9.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.10 series is binary compatible with the 5.9.x series. Applications compiled for 5.9 will continue to run with 5.10. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Important Behavior Changes * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-60857] The names of the roles returned by QSqlQueryModel::roleNames now only include a name for the Qt::DisplayRole. Previously all the roles names of QSqlQueryModel were returned. - QFileInfo on empty strings now behaves like the default-constructed QFileInfo. Notably, path() will now be the empty string too, instead of ".", which means absoluteFilePath() is no longer the current working directory. - QTemporaryFile: * rename() no longer attempts to do block copying, as that usually indicates a mistake in the user's code. Instead, either create the temporary file in the same directory as the new name to be, or use QSaveFile. * On Linux, QTemporaryFile will attempt to create unnamed temporary files. If that succeeds, open() will return true but exists() will be false. If you call fileName() or any function that calls it, QTemporaryFile will give the file a name, so most applications will not see a difference. - Windows: * [QTBUG-62662] On Windows, a drag & drop operation of local file URIs, like QListView items backed by a QFileSystemModel, will result in the attachment or opening of the files by the target application, instead of the creation of hyperlinks. **************************************************************************** * General Notes * **************************************************************************** Deprecation Notice ------------------ - Starting with Qt 5.10, IPv6 support is mandatory for all platforms. Systems without proper IPv6 support, such as the getaddrinfo() function or the proper socket address structures, will not be able to build QtNetwork anymore. - QSignalMapper is now marked as deprecated. Potentially Source-Incompatible Changes --------------------------------------- - QByteArray: * qbytearray.h no longer includes qstring.h. In particular, this means that in order to use QStringBuilder with QByteArray, you need to include both qbytearray.h and qstring.h now (or and , resp.). - QStaticText: * The QStaticText(const QString &) constructor is now explicit. Third-Party Code ---------------- - PCRE2 has been updated to version 10.30. - Replaced bundled libjpeg by libjpeg-turbo 1.5.2 - Improve documentation about Freetype 2 licenses. - Sqlite was updated to version 3.20.1 **************************************************************************** * Library * **************************************************************************** QtCore ------ - Added qHash(QStringView). - [QTBUG-37253] Added QMetaObject::invokeMethod() overloads for function pointers. - [QTBUG-41006] Added qEnvironmentVariable, which returns the value of an environment variable in a QString, while qgetenv continues to be used to return it in a QByteArray. For Unix, since most environment variables seem to contain path names, qEnvironmentVariable will do the same as QFile::decodeName, which means NFC/NFD conversion on Apple OSes. - [QTBUG-62915] qAddPostRoutine() and qRemovePostRoutine() are now thread-safe. - Containers: * Added an STL-like iterator to go through QHash/QMap returning both the key and the value of the element pointed to. That lets QHash/QMap interoperate better with stl's algorithms like std::set_union. - JSON: * QJsonArray, QJsonDocument, QJsonObject and QJsonValue now have move operations and a swap() member function. - Logging: * If you set QT_FATAL_WARNINGS to a number n > 1, Qt will stop the application on that n-th warning, instead of on the first. For the sake of compatibility with previous versions, if the variable is set to any non-empty and non-numeric value, Qt will understand it as "stop on first warning". - QByteArray: * Added shrink_to_fit() for compatibility with the Standard Library. This function does the same as squeeze(). - QChar: * Added constructors from char16_t and, on Windows, wchar_t. - QCoreApplication: * [QTBUG-57095] Calling QCoreApplication::translate() is now thread-safe. - QCryptographicHash: * [QTBUG-59770] In order to preserve compatibility with earlier versions of Qt, QCryptographicHash is now able to calculate Keccak message digests. Please see the release notes for Qt 5.9.2 for more details. - QDate/QTime/QDateTime: * Added toString() overloads taking the format as a QStringView. * [QTBUG-22833] Added support for parsing of time-zones. - QDebug: * Added streaming of QStringViews. - QFile: * [QTBUG-984] Added fileTime() and setFileTime(). - QFileInfo: * [QTBUG-984] Added fileTime(). * Deprecated created() because it could return one of three different file times depending on the OS and filesystem type, without the ability to determine which one is which. It is replaced by metadataChangeTime() and birthTime(). * Added QFileInfo::metadataChangeTime(), which returns the time the file's metadata was last changed, if it is known, and falling back to the same value as lastModified() otherwise. On Unix systems, this corresponds to the file's ctime. * Added QFileInfo::birthTime(), which returns the file's birth time if it is known, an invalid QDateTime otherwise. This function is supported on Windows and on some Unix systems. - QIODevice: * Added skip() method to improve performance in read operations. - QLatin1String: * Added isEmpty(), isNull(). * Added iterators, {c,}{r,}{begin,end}(). * Added chopped(), chop(), truncate(). * Added startsWith(), endsWith(). * Added a constructor taking two pointers, complementing the constructor that takes a pointer and a length. * Added trimmed() function. - QLocale: * Added toString(QDate/QTime/QDateTime) overloads taking the format string as a QStringView. * Added QLocale::formattedDataSize() for formatting quantities of bytes as kB, MB, GB etc. - QLockFile: * Fixed a bug that would cause QLockFile to mis-identify valid lock files as stale if the application name was set with QCoreApplication::setApplicationName(). - QMimeType: * Add Q_GADGET, so that QML applications can make use of QMimeType's properties and methods. - QObject: * [QTBUG-60339] Added connect() support for move-only function objects. - QProcess: * [QTBUG-2058][QTBUG-2284][QTBUG-37656][QTBUG-52405][QTBUG-57687] Added non-static QProcess::startDetached to support more features for detached processes. * [QTBUG-2284] Added the ability to set a custom process environment for detached processes. * [QTBUG-52405] Added the ability to specify native arguments for detached processes on Windows. * [QTBUG-2058][QTBUG-37656] Added support for standard channel redirection using setStandard{Input|Output|Error}File to QProcess::startDetached. - QSaveFile: * [QTBUG-47379] Saving to Alternate Data Streams on NTFS on Windows is now possible, but requires setDirectWriteFallback(true). - QSemaphore: * Added a new RAII class, QSemaphoreReleaser, to reliably perform release() calls. - QSettings: * [QTBUG-47379] Added setAtomicSyncRequired(), which allows one to use QSettings with config files in unwriteable directories or in Alternate Data Streams on NTFS on Windows. This used to work before Qt 5.4, but remains a non-default behavior due to the potential of data corruption. - QSortFilterProxyModel: * QSortFilterProxyModel now does not emit an unnecessary layoutChanged() following a model reset. - QStandardPaths: * On Windows, QStandardPaths now also looks into "/data/" for non-generic paths. - QString: * Added arg(QStringView), arg(QLatin1String) overloads. * Added shrink_to_fit(), for compatibility with the Standard Library. This function does the same as squeeze(). - QString/QStringRef: * Added startsWith(), endsWith() overloads taking QStringView. - QString/QStringRef/QByteArray: * Added chopped(n), a const version of chop(n). - QString/QStringRef/QByteArray/QLatin1String: * Added front() and back() for STL compatibility. - QStringBuilder: * Added support for (non-const) char*. - QStringList: * Added contains(QLatin1String) overload. - QStringRef: * trimmed() now returns an empty string-ref for an empty input. Before, it would return a null one. - QStringView: * New class, superseding const QString and QStringRef as function parameters, accepting a wide variety of UTF-16 string data sources, e.g. u"string", std::u16string{,_view}, and, on Windows, L"string", std::wstring{,_view} without converting to QString first. - QTemporaryDir: * The class now supports the "XXXXXX" replacement token anywhere in the template, not just at the end. This behavior is similar to what QTemporaryFile supports. - QTextCodec: * Added fromUnicode() and canEncode() overloads taking QStringView. - QTextEncoder: * Added fromUnicode() overload taking QStringView. - QThread: * Added the QThread::create() function. * An exception escaping from QThread::run() will now result in immediate and abnormal program termination. The same applies if an exception leaves a slot connected directly to the QThread::started() or QThread::finished() signals. - QUuid: * Added fromString(QStringView/QLatin1String). - QVariant: * QVariants containing pointers will now return true on isNull() if the contained pointer is null. - QVarLengthArray: * Added shrink_to_fit(), for compatibility with the Standard Library. - QVector: * Added shrink_to_fit(), for compatibility with the Standard Library. - QVersionNumber: * Added QStringView and QLatin1String overloads of fromString(). - QtGlobal: * Q_ASSERT() and Q_ASSERT_X() now always expand to expressions of type void that are usable in constexpr contexts. This makes them usable in both C++11 and C++14 constexpr functions and in comma expressions. QtGui ----- - [QTBUG-55981] Added support for rendering to QWindow via the Vulkan graphics API. - [QTBUG-55981] Added QVulkanWindow, a convenience subclass of QWindow. - Added support for the OpenGL ES 3.2 API in QOpenGLExtraFunctions - [QTBUG-50987] Added support for requesting OpenGL windows with sRGB-capable default framebuffers. While this is implicit on some platforms, QSurfaceFormat now has the necessary flags to request such windows in a cross-platform manner. - High DPI variants of 9-patch images can now be loaded using the following syntax: "foo@2x.9.png" - It's now possible to retrieve the screen at a given point via QGuiApplication::screenAt(). - Important Behvior Changes: * [QTBUG-56848][QTCREATORBUG-17683] Changed CSS line-height property with multiplier to follow CSS spec - Tablet support: * [QTBUG-44964] If the application attribute AA_CompressTabletEvents is set in addition to AA_CompressHighFrequencyEvents, even the QTabletEvents will be compressed (only on the X11 platform so far). AA_CompressHighFrequencyEvents does not enable compression of tablet events by itself, because paint applications typically need to process all possible tablet events in order to draw the smoothest curves. - QPA: * [QTBUG-57608] QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::handleGeometryChange no longer takes the old geometry as an argument. - QImage: * QImages can now use more than 2GByte of pixel data. - QCursor: * Added equality operators. - QImageWriter: * Add QImageWriter::InvalidImageError to communicate invalid attempts to write a bad QImage (for instance, a null QImage). - QMovie: * Added lastError and lastErrorString accessors, as a convenience over connecting to the error() signal. - QWindow: * setMask() no longer requires the window to be created to have an effect; it can be set at any time. - Text: * [QTBUG-56728] Added QFont::PreferNoShaping style strategy to support improvements to performance at the expense of some cosmetic font features. - Windows: * [QTBUG-55967] Native menus have been implemented. * A native system tray icon is now available for SystemTrayIcon. QtNetwork --------- - [QTBUG-56102] QSslSocket can now use a temporary keychain on macOS. - Fixed a proxy-authentication issue, after a wrong password has been used, when supplying the right password. - HTTP/2: * [QTBUG-61397] In case of clear text HTTP/2 we now initiate a required protocol upgrade procedure instead of 'H2Direct' connection. - QHostInfo: * Added swap() and move operator. - QLocalServer: * [QTBUG-55043] Added a function to retrieve the socket descriptor. - QNetworkAccessManager: * [QTBUG-63075] Added support for HTTP status 308. - QNetworkInterface: * [QTBUG-51922] Changed allAddresses() to not include addresses found in inactive interfaces, matching the user expectations of this function. If those addresses are needed for some purpose, the application can call allInterfaces() and obtain the addresses in each interface. - QNetworkProxy: * [QTBUG-45495] Setting of network proxies is now supported on UWP. * [QTBUG-45495] UWP now supports proxies using SOCKS5. * The functions related to QNetworkConfiguration are deprecated. They've performed no action since Qt 5.0, so code using them can safely stop doing so. - QSslSocket: * [QTBUG-52905] Added OpenSSL 1.1 backend. QtSql ----- - QSqlError: * Added swap(). - SQLite: * Named placeholder can now be used. If compiling Qt by hand and using system libraries, this feature requires at least SQLite 3.3.11. * [QTBUG-18084] Added QSQLITE_ENABLE_REGEXP connect option for the SQLite backend. If set, a Qt based regexp() implementation is provided allowing use of REGEXP in SQL statements. QtTest ------ - [QTBUG-53381] Added keySequence() function. - QCOMPARE: * Can now be used for mixed-type comparisons. * Now outputs contents of QPair and std::pair on failure. * Now supports printing QStringViews in case of test failures. QtWidgets --------- - The windowsxp style is no longer available as a separate style, because it did not (and cannot) actually provide an XP-style appearance on currently supported Qt platforms. - Added AA_DisableWindowContextHelpButton attribute. Setting this attribute globally prevents the automatic "What's this" button on dialogs on Windows (WindowsContextHelpButtonHint). - [QTBUG-56860] Fixed widget losing focus after showing menu second time. - [QTBUG-47185][QTBUG-61280] QOpenGLWidget is now able to render and return its content via grabFramebuffer(), QWidget::grab() or QWidget::render() even when the widget has not been made visible. - [QTBUG-10907] When tabbing to a widget with focus proxy, focus will now be given to the proxy rather than just being ignored. - ItemViews: * Made it easier to drop above and below items. - QAbstractItemView/QTreeWidget/QTableWidget/QListWidget: * [QTBUG-61139] Added isPersistentEditorOpen(). - QDockWidget: * When QMainWindow::GrouppedDragging and QMainWindow::AllowNestedDocks are both enabled, floating dock widgets now have the ability to be dropped together side by side. * [QTBUG-63526] Fixed an issue in QDockWidgets where the widget would not resize despite showing a resize cursor. - QFusionStyle: * The default palette used by the platform-agnostic Fusion style has been desaturated. Previously the window background color, and other colors derived from it, were brown shades. Now these colors are neutral gray that fit better on any desktop. - QInputDialog: * [QTBUG-17547] Added setDoubleStep to enable changing of the step amount for getDouble(). - QLineEdit: * Added selectionEnd(), selectionLength(), complementing selectionStart(). - QOpenGLWidget: * [QTBUG-50987] Added support for specifying custom internal texture formats in QOpenGLWidget in order to make it possible to have the widget backed by an sRGB-capable framebuffer. - QSplashScreen: * All constructors now implicitly set Qt::FramelessWindowHint, not just the (pixmap, flags) one. - QWidget: * [QTBUG-10907] QWidget::setTabOrder() will now preserve the local tab order inside a widget if it has a focus proxy set to an inner child. - Styles: * Added SH_Widget_Animation_Duration style hint which supersedes SH_Widget_Animate, which is now deprecated. - Text: * Introduced tabStopDistance property in QTextOption, QTextEdit and QPlainTextEdit as replacement for the inconsistently named tabStop and tabStopWidth properties. QTextOption::tabStop, QTextEdit::tabStopWidth and QPlainTextEdit::tabStopWidth are now deprecated. **************************************************************************** * Platform-specific Changes * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-60268] Input context is now supported with the offscreen platform. Android ------- - QtLoader: Enabled loading shared libraries from /system/lib or a custom path specified with the android.app.system_libs_prefix metadata variable in AndroidManifest.xml. This supports deploying Qt apps as Android system apps. - [QTBUG-58060] Android dialogs now have more appropriate button layouts, with affirmative actions on the right. - [QTBUG-59175] QWidget::createWindowContainer() is now supported on Android for embedding OpenGL-based QWindows into widget UIs. iOS --- - [QTBUG-59403] Support added for using the input panel as a trackpad using two-finger swipe. - The minimum deployment target for applications is now iOS 10.0. Linux ----- - XInput device property changes are now detected at runtime (no application restart required). - [QTBUG-60513][QTBUG-29278][QTBUG-43768][QTBUG-18380] The _NET_WORKAREA atom is used for calculating QScreen::availableGeometry() only on systems with one monitor. In all other cases QScreen::availableGeometry() is equal to QScreen::geometry(). To restore the legacy behavior with untrustworthy values in QScreen::availableGeometry() set QT_RELY_ON_NET_WORKAREA_ATOM=1 in the environment. - The QT_XCB_NO_XI2_MOUSE environment variable is deprecated and will be removed in Qt 6. If your application relies on behavior set by QT_XCB_NO_XI2_MOUSE, it should be updated accordingly. - Pointer event delivery on X11 is now done starting from XInput version 2.0 (when available) instead of 2.2. XInput support can be disabled by setting QT_XCB_NO_XI2=1 in the environment; note that doing so will also disable tablet and touch support. - Qt uses the statx(2) system call for obtaining file information on kernels 4.12 and later. Some older container systems install system call protection rules that do not include this system call. If you experience problems running Qt applications inside containers (such as the report of a file not existing when it does), ensure the statx(2) is allowed in the container configuration. - Linux/XCB: * Added screen product information from EDID. - eglfs/KMS: * Screen modes, including current and preferred ones, are now listed. * Added screen product information from EDID. Windows ------- - Accessibility: * MinGW builds now support IAccessible2. - Fonts: * [QTBUG-62176] Some key fonts, such as Calibri, were being detected as bitmap fonts and not rendered correctly in Qt Quick. This has now been fixed. X11 --- - Native painting (instead of software rasterization) has been experimentally re-introduced. Enabled by the configure option -xcb-native-painting. **************************************************************************** * Tools * **************************************************************************** moc --- - moc now supports NOTIFY signals of parent classes in Q_PROPERTY qmake ----- - [QTBUG-1581] Introduced the variable OBJECTIVE_HEADERS. - [QTBUG-11117][nmake] Added support for precompiled header also for plain C files. - Added versionAtLeast() and versionAtMost() test functions. - If you use CONFIG+=qmltestcase with no SOURCES, 'make check' will now run qmltestrunner for you. - [Darwin] Added support for Info.plist in non-bundle apps and libs. uic --- - [QTBUG-51602] Added the no-stringliteral option, to be used for building shared objects which are meant to be unloadable. - Old images embedded in ui files, imported from Qt 3, are now ignored. uic will now behave consistently with Qt Designer - both will ignore them.