Qt 5.12.1 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 5.12.0. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.12 series is binary compatible with the 5.11.x series. Applications compiled for 5.11 will continue to run with 5.12. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Important Behavior Changes * **************************************************************************** - qmake / WinRT: * Cross-builds will now ignore pre-set values of %INCLUDE% and %LIB% when building target executables. If necessary, use configure's -I and -L switches when building Qt, and pass QMAKE_INCDIR and QMAKE_LIBDIR on qmake's command line when building own projects. **************************************************************************** * Documentation * **************************************************************************** - Fixed the icons for the "file save" action that were inaccurate representations of a 3.5-inch floppy disk (the cut edge was on the wrong side). Now all floppy representations are physically accurate. **************************************************************************** * QtCore * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-71256] QString, QByteArray and QLocale's toDouble return an infinity on overflow (since 5.7), while setting ok to false; this was at odds with their documented behavior of returning 0 on failure. The documentation now reflects the actual behavior. - [QTBUG-71868] QString, QByteArray and QLocale's toFloat returned an infinity on double-overflow (since 5.7) but returned 0 on a finite double outside float's range, while setting ok to false; this was at odds with their documented behavior of returning 0 on any failure. They also succeeded, returning zero, on underflow of float's range, unless double underflowed, where they failed. Changed the handling of values outside float's range to match that of values outside double's range: fail, returning an infinity on overflow or zero on underflow. The documentation now reflects the revised behavior, which matches toDouble(). - QCborStreamReader: * [QTBUG-71426] Made setDevice() clear the last error. - QCollator: * [QTBUG-58621] Added support for collation in the C locale, albeit this is only well-defined for ASCII. Collation sort keys remain unsupported on Darwin. - QContiguousCache: * [QTBUG-52125] Fixed a memory leak. - QObject: * [QTBUG-32340] Fixed a bug that caused isSignalConnected() to return true if the signal was connected and later disconnected. * [QTBUG-71550] Fixed a bug that caused isSignalConnected() not to report signals that were connected by the QML engine. - QPluginLoader: * [QTBUG-71443] Fixed the parsing of ELF headers (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.), which could cause certain valid plugins to not be deteced as valid. - QRegularExpression: * [QTBUG-72539] The wildcardToRegularExpression method now returns a properly anchored pattern. - QSettings: * [QTBUG-72007] Fixed QSettings parsing of blank spaces after comment lines in INI-style configuration files. - QStringListModel: * setData will now emit the dataChanged() signal only if the string set is different from the one already contained in the model - QSysInfo: * [QTBUG-72489] Now returns "Mojave" in prettyProductName() for macOS 10.14. - QUrl: * [QTBUG-71973] Changed the normalization done by QUrl::NormalizePathSegments) to match what web browsers do for non-local URLs. **************************************************************************** * QtGui * **************************************************************************** - Text: * Fixed a bug where eliding text could change the height of its bounding rectangle for certain fonts. * Improved appearance of monochrome text on some platforms. * Fixed so ShowTabsAndSpaces will use the correct font. **************************************************************************** * QtSql * **************************************************************************** - PostgreSQL: * Added support for PostgreSQL 11 **************************************************************************** * QtWidgets * **************************************************************************** - Reverted a Qt 5.12.0 behavior change in QToolTip that made plain tooltip text be wrapped automatically. - [QTBUG-72844] Fixed a regression related to accepting a Drag'n'Drop event. - [QTBUG-27110] Reverted a change that caused a regression related to styling a QListView using CSS. - QWidgetLineControl/security: * Zero-out the string that contains a password entered into the QLineEdit * Preallocate a buffer for the string that contains the entered value when the QLineEdit serves as a password input field to minimize reallocations. **************************************************************************** * Platform Specific Changes * **************************************************************************** - Android: * QClipboard now supports HTML and URI data. - Windows: * Reduced the number of font engines that are created when loading new fonts, fixing crashes in some special cases where a large number of fonts are created during a short period of time. - X11: * [QTBUG-71296] Fixed a bug with open/close hand cursors not being shown correctly. * [QTBUG-46626][QTBUG-70756] Fixed a bug with dialogs hidden by other windows in certain use cases. **************************************************************************** * Third-Party Code * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-65503] Removed xkbcommon from bundled sources. This library is present on all supported platforms. The minimal required version now is 0.5.0. - Updated bundled SQLite to version 3.26.0. **************************************************************************** * Tools * **************************************************************************** - moc now parses enum struct the same way as enum class therefore that keyword can be used with the Q_ENUM macro as well as Q_FLAG and Q_DECLARE_FLAGS.