Qt 5.14.2 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 5.14.0 through 5.14.1. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.14 series is binary compatible with the 5.13.x series. Applications compiled for 5.13 will continue to run with 5.14. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * QtCore * **************************************************************************** - QCollator: * QTBUG-81673: Fixed a regression introduced in 5.14.0 that caused QCollator not to operate with default-constructed QStrings and print a warning on Windows. - QString, codecs: * QTBUG-62011: ZWNBS is no longer discarded (mistaken for a BOM despite not being at the start) when converting UCS4 to QString's UCS2. - QLocale: * QTBUG-80459: Skip digit-grouping if the system locale is configured to use an empty group separator. * QTBUG-81530: Use "+" if MS reports empty for the system locale's plus sign, as documented in MS's API for the relevant query. - QLockFile: * Suppressed the warning on QNX that said 'setNativeLocks failed: "Function not implemented"'. There is no difference in behavior: Qt will continue not to be able to apply an OS- level file lock, which means the lock could be accidentally stolen by buggy software. Correct software using QLockFile should not be affected. - QObject: * For the purposes of QT_NO_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS_IN_CONNECT, pointer (incl. pointer-to-member) to bool conversions are now considered narrowing. This matches the resolution of a defect report in C++ itself. - QStorageInfo: * Improved discovery of device nodes on Linux if the /dev entry was renamed after the filesystem was mounted and udev is in use. **************************************************************************** * QtGui * **************************************************************************** - QTextMarkdownImporter: * Text in Markdown format is assumed to be UTF-8. * The "title" in a Markdown hyperlink is now used as the tooltip, not the anchor name. * Fixed vulnerability oss-fuzz-20450 (invalid input resulted in an attempt to insert items into a list that no longer exists). **************************************************************************** * QtWidgets * **************************************************************************** - QLineEdit: * the inputMask property has allowed any Letter or Number category character for the respective mask characters, not just ASCII. The documentation has been updated accordingly. **************************************************************************** * qmake * **************************************************************************** - To remove the NDEBUG define that is added by default in MSVC mkspecs, write DEFINES_RELEASE -= NDEBUG in your .pro file. - Install/uninstall rules are now generated for target.targets on Windows. This mirrors the behavior on Unix. **************************************************************************** * Third-Party Code * **************************************************************************** - md4c was updated to 0.4.3. This fixes vulnerability oss-fuzz-20580. - QtSQL, sqlite: * Updated to v3.31.1 * [QTBUG-82533] Fixed CVE-2020-9327 **************************************************************************** * CMake * **************************************************************************** - Windows: * Fixed linking with Qt static build **************************************************************************** * MSVC * **************************************************************************** - Fixed a compatibility issue found when linking code compiled with version 16.6 to a Qt compiled with 16.5. **************************************************************************** * MinGW * **************************************************************************** - Fixed build regressions. - The -debug-and-release configuration has been fixed. In this configuration, Qt libraries again have a 'd' suffix. - In the -debug configuration, libraries do not have a 'd' suffix, similar to Unix platforms.