Qt 5.15 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes over the 5.14.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.15 series is binary compatible with the 5.14.x series. Applications compiled for 5.14 will continue to run with 5.15. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Important Behavior Changes * **************************************************************************** - Calling QList::insert() or removeAt() with an out of bounds index is deprecated and will no longer be supported in Qt 6. **************************************************************************** * Potentially Binary-Incompatible Changes * **************************************************************************** - QHash: QHash's iterator category was changed from bidirectional iterator to forward iterator. This may cause trouble if a library uses the iterator category to alter functionality through tag dispatching. This only applies when compiling the library or application with QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x050F00 and the other with a lower value. **************************************************************************** * Deprecation Notice * **************************************************************************** - The binary JSON representation is deprecated. The CBOR format should be used instead. - [QTBUG-80308] QUrl::topLevelDomain() was deprecated in 5.15 and will be removed in 6.0 - QtNetwork: * QNetworkConfigurationManager, QNetworkConfiguration and QNetworkSession are deprecated, to be removed in Qt 6. * QNetworkAccessManager::activeConfiguration, configuration and setConfiguration are deprecated, to be removed in Qt 6. * QNetworkAccessManager::networkAccessible, setNetworkAccessible and the NetworkAccessibility enum are deprecated, to be removed in Qt 6. * QLocalSocket::error() (the signal) is deprecated; superseded by errorOccurred() * QAbstractSocket::error() (the signal) is deprecated; superseded by errorOccurred() * QNetworkReply::error() (the signal) is deprecated; superseded by errorOccurred() * [QTBUG-80369] QSslSocket::sslErrors() (the getter) was deprecated and superseded by sslHandshakeErrors() - [QTBUG-81630][QTBUG-80312] QLinkedList is deprecated and will be moved to Qt5Compat in Qt 6. It is recommended to use std::list instead. See also the various sections below, which include many more deprecations. **************************************************************************** * QtCore * **************************************************************************** - QCalendar::monthsInYear(QCalendar::Unspecified) now returns maximumMonthsInYear(). QCalendar::daysInYear() now makes clear that its handling of unspecified year is undefined. - Containers: * Added operator-> to the key-value iterator for QHash/QMap. - QAbstractItemModel: * [QTBUG-72587] The match() method now supports the new Qt::RegularExpression match flag value. This will allow users to use either a string or a fully configured QRegularExpression when doing searches. In the second case, the case sensitivity flag will be ignored if passed. - QByteArray: * resize() will no longer shrink the capacity. That means resize(0) now reliably preserves capacity(). * Added the new fromBase64Encoding function. * Added new flags to make fromBase64 / fromBase64Encoding strictly validate their input, instead of skipping over invalid characters. - QCborArray: * Fixed an infinite loop when operator[] was called with an index larger than the array's size plus 1. - QCborMap: * [QTBUG-83366] Fixed some issues relating to assigning elements from a map to itself. - QCborValue: * fromCbor() now limits decoding to at most 1024 nested maps, arrays, and tags to prevent stack overflows. This should be sufficient for most uses of CBOR. An API to limit further or to relax the limit will be provided in 5.15. Meanwhile, if decoding more is required, QCborStreamReader can be used (note that each level of map and array allocates memory). - QDate: * QDate::toString(Qt::DateFormat, QCalendar) no longer takes calendar into account for Qt::TextDate. There was no matching support in QDateTime and the locale-independent formats are intended to be standard, rather than customized to the user. - QDateTime: * Added some missing QCalendar variants of QDateTime::toString(). Included docs for QCalendar variants in both QDate and QDateTime. - QFile: * Introduce QFile::moveToTrash to allow applications to move files to the trash. - QFileInfo: * [QTBUG-75869] Add QFileInfo::isJunction so that applications can recognize NTFS file system entries as junctions - QHash: * Reverse iteration over QHash is now deprecated. * insertMulti(), unite() and values(const Key &key) are now deprecated. Please use QMultiHash instead. - QJsonObject: * Fixed a regression from 5.13 that incorrect results when assigning elements from an object to itself. - QLatin1String: * Added compare(). - QLibrary and QPluginLoader: * [QTBUG-39642] Fixed a deadlock that would happen if the plugin or library being loaded has load-time initialization code (C++ global variables) that recursed back into the same QLibrary or QPluginLoader object. - QLocale: * Deprecated toTime() variants taking a calendar. The calendar is ignored in time parsing. * Data used for currency formats in several locales and list patterns in some locales have changed due to now parsing the CLDR data more faithfully. * [QTBUG-79902] Currency formats are now based on CLDR's accounting formats, where they were previously mostly based (more or less by accident) on standard formats. In particular, this now means negative currency formats are specified, where available, where they (mostly) were not previously. - QMap: * [QTBUG-35544] insertMulti(), unite(), values(Key), uniqueKeys(), count(Key) is now deprecated. Please use QMultiMap instead. - QObject: * [QTBUG-76375] A logging category qt.core.qmetaobject.connectslotsbyname was added, which will report on the connections made by QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(). - QProcess: * Overloads of start/execute/startDatached that parse a single command string into program and arguments have been marked as deprecated. A static helper splitCommand has been added to construct a QStringList from a command string. - QRandomGenerator: * The system() random generator will now use the RDSEED instruction on x86 processors whenever available as the first source of random data. It will fall back to RDRAND and then to the system functions, in that order. - QRegularExpression: * The escape(), wildcardToRegularExpression() and anchoredPattern() functions now have overloads taking a QStringView parameter. - QResource: * Added uncompressedSize() and uncompressedData(), which will perform any required decompression on the data, prior to returning (unlike data() and size()). - QSet: * Reverse iteration over QSet is now deprecated. - QStandardPaths: * When used in a low-integrity process on Windows, QStandardPaths::writableLocation returns respective low-integrity paths. - QString: * Added QString::isValidUtf16. - QStringView: * Added QStringView::isValidUtf16. * Added compare() overloads taking QLatin1String, QChar. * Conversion from std::basic_string can now be constexpr (when std::basic_string is). - QTimeZone: * The constructor can now handle general UTC-offset zone names. The reported id() of such a zone shall be in canonical form, so might not match the ID passed to the constructor. - QXmlStream: * QXmlStreamReader does now by default limit the expansion of entities to 4096 characters. Documents where a single entity expands to more characters than the limit are not considered well formed. The limit is there to avoid DoS attacks through recursively expanding entities when loading untrusted content. The limit can be changed through the QXmlStreamReader::setEntityExpansionLimit() method. - moc: * Moc now correctly sets a non-null QMetaObject::superClass for Q_GADGETs that inherit from a template which inherits another Q_GADGET. * [QTBUG-74521][QTBUG-76598] moc can now output a ".d" dep file that can be consumed by other build systems. **************************************************************************** * QtGui * **************************************************************************** - Extended QVulkanWindow to allow user to specify additional queues to be created. - Added API for starting interactive window resize and move operations handled by the system. - QClipboard: * Support lazily-provided copying of data to the clipboard on macOS - QCursor: * [QTBUG-48701] QCursor::bitmap() and QCursor::mask() can now return by-value instead of by-pointer. - QFont: * Deprecated QFont::ForceIntegerMetrics and QFont::OpenGLCompatible, with the intention of removing them in Qt 6.0.0. - QMarkdownWriter: * [QTBUG-80603] Code blocks are no longer word-wrapped; the beginning fence of a code block no longer has a space before the language string; and the ending fence is no longer skipped in some cases where it was. - QPdfWriter: * New API to provide external document XMP metadata and attach files to PDF. - QTabletEvent: * QTabletEvent::device() is deprecated, because the plan is to return an object pointer in Qt 6 rather than an enum. The enum is now provided by deviceType(). * hiResGlobalX() and hiResGlobalY() are deprecated, because globalPosF() has the same resolution. But globalPosF() (and several others) will probably be renamed in Qt 6. The replacements are not in place yet. * [QTBUG-77826] Local coordinates are now correct when the event is delivered to a nested window on X11. - Text: * Fixed a problem where pixel sizes would be truncated before calculating glyph positions. * Fixed an issue with QFont::PreferNoShaping where boxes would appear in place of unprintable characters. * Fixed a problem where certain bold fonts would be synthetically emboldened by Qt when using the Freetype font engine. - Application palettes are now resolved against the platform's theme palette, the same way widget palettes are resolved against their parents, and the application palette. This means the application palette reflected through QGuiApplication::palette() may not be exactly the same palette as set via QGuiApplication::setPalette(). **************************************************************************** * QtWidgets * **************************************************************************** - Added QStyleOptionTabV4 as a subclass of QStyleOptionTab so that the tab's index information can be obtained. - ItemViews: * [QTBUG-76423] The convenience views QList/Table/TreeWidgetItem now treat a default constructed QBrush or QSize as an empty QVariant which allows resetting of the values set to it's default values. - QApplication: * The globalStrut property has been deprecated and will be removed from Qt 6. - QButtonGroup: * Added signals idClicked/Pressed/Released/Toggled that replace the deprecated signal overloads. - QComboBox: * QComboBox got a new property 'placeholderText' * Support checkable items in styles that use a popup for the dropdown. * the SizeAdjustPolicy value AdjustToMinimumContentLength is deprecated, use AdjustToContents or AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow instead. - QGraphicsView: * Fixed a bug where hover events would not be delivered if the item was added while blocked by a modal panel. - QLabel: * [QTBUG-48701] QLabel::pixmap() and QLabel::picture() can now return by-value instead of by-pointer. - QLineEdit: * Inputmask X character now requires non-blank input. - QMenu: * a popup menu hides when a QWidgetAction added to it fires the triggered signal. - QShortcut: * QShortcut ctor has now pointer to member function overloads - QStyle: * You can now set the CSS property 'icon' on a QPushButton to override which icon to draw. - QSystemTrayIcon: * On macOS, clicking on the message will remove the notification. - QTabWidget/QTabBar: * Tabs can now be hidden with setTabVisible - QWidget: * Fonts and palette settings are inherited by children from their parents even if the children have application-wide platform theme overrides. - QWizard: * visitedPages has been deprecated, use visitedIds instead. **************************************************************************** * QtNetwork * **************************************************************************** - A new signal introduced to report when a valid session ticket is received (TLS 1.3) - SSL: * Removed OpenSSL 1.0.x support, now 1.1.x is required * The minimum required version of OpenSSL is now 1.1.1. - QSslCertificate: * [QTBUG-72587] Add overload of fromPath that does not make use of QRegExp and deprecate the QRegExp variant. **************************************************************************** * QtSql * **************************************************************************** - QMYSQL: * Removed support for MySql < 5.0 since 5.0 was released 14 years ago. * The QMYSQL plugin can now be build with the MariaDB C connector libs on Windows. - QSqlDriver: * The one-arg version of QSqlDriver::notifcation() is now deprecated. **************************************************************************** * QTestLib * **************************************************************************** - The formerly named 'xunitxml' test reporter has been renamed to what it actually is: a JUnit test reporter, and is now triggered by passing -o junitxml to the test binary. **************************************************************************** * QtXml * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-76177] SAX classes are now deprecated. Use QXmlStreamReader, QXmlStreamWriter in QtCore instead. **************************************************************************** * Configure * **************************************************************************** - Add switch "-coverage source-based" to enable clang's "source-based" code coverage feature. This can be used for code coverage analysis. - X11: * [QTBUG-67277][QTBUG-30939] The minimal required version of libxcb now is 1.11. * [QTBUG-67277][QTBUG-30939] Removed -qt-xcb, -system-xcb, -xkb, -xcb-xinput switches. **************************************************************************** * cmake * **************************************************************************** - Fixed an issue where some Qt location and declarative plugins whose name did not end with "Plugin" where not imported by the corresponding Qt component package. **************************************************************************** * Third-Party Code * **************************************************************************** - libjpeg-turbo was updated to version 2.0.4 - X11: * [QTBUG-67277][QTBUG-30939] Removed all bundled XCB libs, with the exception of xcb-xinput, which is not available on systems with libxcb 1.11. **************************************************************************** * Platform Specific Changes * **************************************************************************** - Linux: * Enable accessibility on Linux when Orca is started by hand * [QTBUG-78754] Vulkan is now supported by eglfs (eglfs_viv backend) on i.MX8 devices with the Vivante graphics stack. This is done via VK_KHR_display so no windowing system is required. - X11: * [QTBUG-67277][QTBUG-30939] XKB and XInput2 now are mandatory dependencies for XCB plugin. XCB-XKB is a part of libxcb 1.11 releases. XCB-XInput is not part of libxcb 1.11 releases, but Qt builders can use the -bundled-xcb-xinput switch. - Android: * [REVERTED] Qt::MaximizeUsingFullscreenGeometryHint window flag is now supported, and will make the window fullscreen, but keep the system UI on-screen, with a translucent background color. * [QTBUG-82120] Use native file dialog by default for open and save operations. - Windows: * Fixed a bug where some fonts would not be accessible by referencing their typographic name. * Fixed a 2 pixel offset on glyphs when using color fonts or any hinting preference other than the default (full) hinting. - WebAssembly: * Updated emscripten to version 1.39.8