Qt 5.4 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes over the 5.3.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.4 The Qt version 5.4 series is binary compatible with the 5.3.x series. Applications compiled for 5.3 will continue to run with 5.4. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt-project.org/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Library * **************************************************************************** QtCore ------ - Added QEnableSharedFromThis, a class that allows obtaining a QSharedPointer for an object already managed by a shared pointer. QtSql ----- - qsql ibase: fix memory corruption due to LONG being 4 bytes in firebird. - QSqlDriver::dbmsType(): New method reports DBMS type. Especially useful when using ODBC. **************************************************************************** * Platform Specific Changes * **************************************************************************** OS X ---- - OS X 10.6 is no longer supported. - OS X 10.10 is now supported. - QMacStyle has been updated with better OS 10.10 support. - The Qt binary packages are now configured with C++11 enabled. Windows ------- - [QTBUG-38259] Changed configure defaults so that Qt5Core does not link against ICU libraries anymore. Pass '-icu' to enable it. **************************************************************************** * Tools * **************************************************************************** configure & build system ------------------------ - The -process/-fully-process/-dont-process configure options have been removed due to being unnecessary and counterproductive. - [QTBUG-36955] The -vcproj configure option was removed. Use "qmake -r -tp vc" _after_ building Qt in case you want to use Visual Studio to work on Qt. - [QTBUG-37961] Qt plugins contain version info again. - [QTBUG-39216] Fixed more cases where the Qt build would pick up headers from a pre-existing Qt installation. - [QTBUG-41267] Fixed parallelized (jom) -debug-and-release builds. qmake ----- - [QTBUG-21910][Unix] Added 'make dist' target for SUBDIRS projects. - [QTBUG-32895][iOS] Fixed structure of bundles. They can be signed now. - [QTBUG-26782][VS] Fixed handling of TARGET_EXT. - [QTBUG-30712][VS] Fixed handling of QMAKE_LIBFLAGS. - [QTBUG-30373][VS] Using different RESOURCES in different build variants no longer produces invalid vcxproj files. - [QTBUG-37520][VS] Made it possible to suppress qmake warnings about unknown compiler options. CONFIG+=suppress_vcproj_warnings. - [QTBUG-37363][MSVC2012+] embed_manifest_exe is now properly supported. - [QTBUG-41504][MSVC2012+] Building DLLs targeting Windows XP is now supported. As a side effect, Windows CE makespecs must not add /ENTRY: to QMAKE_LFLAGS_CONSOLE any more. The flag is hard-coded in console.prf now. - [QTBUG-35318][Xcode] Fixed QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA's path resolution. - [QTBUG-39527] Fixed qtCompile() when used with jom -jN. - QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS' commands and depend_command are no longer mangled. Use $$shell_path() and $$shell_quote() to prepare the commands correctly. - Added link-time optimization support for Clang, GCC and ICC. CONFIG+=ltgc.