Qt 5.6.1 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 5.6.0. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/ The Qt version 5.6 series is binary compatible with the 5.5.x series. Applications compiled for 5.5 will continue to run with 5.6. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Important Behavior Changes * **************************************************************************** - Support for DirectFB is disabled by default, due to lack of development in upstream. To enable the platform plugin, pass the -directfb option to configure. - [QTBUG-44964] The new X event compression feature that was added in 5.6.0 no longer applies to motion events from drawing tablets. configure & build system ------------------------ - The configure -D/-I/-L/-l/-R options do not affect the build of Qt's host tools any more when cross-building. While this usually improves the chances of a build succeeding, it may also require adjustments. qmake ----- - [Unix] Paths passed to configure -R are not automatically used by 3rd party projects any more. Use QMAKE_RPATHDIR if your project explicitly depends on external libraries. Note that this is not needed for Qt or its transitive dependencies. - Expansions of ${QMAKE_FILE_IN_BASE} and ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT_BASE} in extra compilers are now automatically quoted. **************************************************************************** * Library * **************************************************************************** QtCore ------ - QObject: * [QTBUG-52542] If the compiler supports variadic templates, functors connected to signals will no longer be copied each time the signal is emitted. - QRect: * Fixed integer overflow in center(). This fixes the result for some corner-cases such as a 1x1 rectangle at (INT_MIN, INT_MIN), for which the previous implementation could return anything (due to invoking undefined behavior), but commonly returned (0, 0). - QStringRef: * Fixed relational operators against (const char*) to return the correct result. QtGui ----- - [QTBUG-50199] QWheelEvent::phase() now returns zero rather than Qt::ScrollUpdate when the wheel event comes from an actual non-emulated mouse wheel, and the QT_ENABLE_MOUSE_WHEEL_TRACKING environment variable is set. - Image: * [QTBUG-50745] Fixed possible crash in QImage::pixel() for mono or indexed images. QtWidgets --------- - Dialogs: * [QTBUG-51148] Fixed font dialog support for fonts with a non-existent family name and/or pixel size. - QHeaderView: * [QTBUG-50171] Fixed a repainting issue when items had been reordered. - QListWidget: * [QTBUG-15741] Fixed a bug that caused the default drop action to be ignored when using icon mode. **************************************************************************** * Platform-specific Changes * **************************************************************************** Android ------- - The navigation bar is now hidden only on Android API level 19 and above. OS X ---- - [QTBUG-50262] QStandardPaths now returns the correct display name for the download folder. - [QTBUG-7000] QMacPrintEngine now really sets the printer resolution. - [QTBUG-48138] QPinchGesture on OS X now behaves like on other platforms: totalScaleFactor is the magnitude of the pinch and scaleFactor is the delta for the current event. Windows ------- - Text: * [QTBUG-18711] Fixed disabling hints for application fonts. For example, when automatic scaling by device pixel ratio is in effect. * [QTBUG-47141] Made it possible to disable antialiasing for text when drawing into images. X11/XCB ------- - [QTBUG-49071] Fixed failure to deliver focusIn events on hide/show. **************************************************************************** * Tools * **************************************************************************** configure & build system ------------------------ - [QTBUG-11545][Windows] Added missing -pch/-no-pch options to configure.exe. - [QTBUG-37952][Apple] configure -separate-debug-info is now supported. - [QTBUG-47313][QTBUG-47639] Fixed builds with "debug" and/or "release" in the build path's name. - [QTBUG-51621][Unix] Fixed transitive dependencies on non-Qt libraries. - [QTBUG-51644][QTBUG-53017] Fixed cross-builds which use a host compiler which is significantly different from the target compiler. - [QTBUG-52578][QNX] Unified some defaults between the Unix and Windows configures. - [Unix] configure -R now supports paths relative to -libdir. - [Android@Windows] Added missing -android-ndk-host option to configure.exe. - [MinGW] Fixed -release -force-debug-info builds actually being neither. - [WinCE] Fixed (Open)SSL detection. - Fixed builds with static libc. qmake ----- - [QTBUG-34182] Fixed UTF-8 BOM breaking dependency calculation. - [QTBUG-38802][WinRT] Capabilities needed by Qt are now automatically added to the manifest. - [QTBUG-50924][WEC7][VS] Fixed deployment of Qt. - [QTBUG-51775][Unix@Windows] Fixed installation of target.targets when cross-building. - [QTBUG-51782] Fixed simultaneous use of the separate_debug_info and no_plugin_name_prefix CONFIG flags. - [QTBUG-52008] qmake-generated Visual Studio projects now automatically invoke windeployqt by default. - [QTBUG-52998] Restored use of -P option when invoking lex. - The expansions ${QMAKE_FILE_IN_EXT}, ${QMAKE_FILE_IN_NAME}, and ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT_PATH} are now understood in extra compilers.