# special case begin cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14.0) project(QtBaseExamples LANGUAGES CXX C ASM) # Check whether this project is built as part of a Qt build if (CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME STREQUAL "QtBaseExamples") set(QT_STANDALONE_EXAMPLES_BUILD TRUE) endif() if (NOT QT_STANDALONE_EXAMPLES_BUILD) # It is part of a Qt build => Use the CMake config files from the binary dir list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") # Also make sure the CMake config files do not recreate the already-existing targets set(QT_NO_CREATE_TARGETS TRUE) endif() find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS DBus Network Test Concurrent Sql Widgets Xml Gui) # special case end # Generated from examples.pro. add_subdirectory(corelib) add_subdirectory(embedded) add_subdirectory(qpa) if(TARGET Qt::DBus) add_subdirectory(dbus) endif() if(TARGET Qt::Network) add_subdirectory(network) endif() if(TARGET Qt::Test) add_subdirectory(qtestlib) endif() if(TARGET Qt::Concurrent) add_subdirectory(qtconcurrent) endif() if(TARGET Qt::Sql) add_subdirectory(sql) endif() if(TARGET Qt::Widgets) add_subdirectory(widgets) endif() if(TARGET Qt::Xml) add_subdirectory(xml) endif() if(TARGET Qt::Gui) add_subdirectory(gui) if(QT_FEATURE_opengl) # add_subdirectory(opengl) # special case: removed endif() if(QT_FEATURE_vulkan) # add_subdirectory(vulkan) # special case: removed endif() endif() # special case begin if (NOT QT_STANDALONE_EXAMPLES_BUILD) # We use AUTOMOC/UIC/RCC in the examples. Make sure to not fail on a fresh Qt build, that e.g. the moc binary does not exist yet. # This function gets all targets below this directory function(get_all_targets _result _dir) get_property(_subdirs DIRECTORY "${_dir}" PROPERTY SUBDIRECTORIES) foreach(_subdir IN LISTS _subdirs) get_all_targets(${_result} "${_subdir}") endforeach() get_property(_sub_targets DIRECTORY "${_dir}" PROPERTY BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS) set(${_result} ${${_result}} ${_sub_targets} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() get_all_targets(targets "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") foreach(target ${targets}) qt_autogen_tools(${target} ENABLE_AUTOGEN_TOOLS "moc" "uic" "rcc") endforeach() endif() # special case end