// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "background_renderer.h" static QPainterPath painterPathForTriangle() { static const QPointF bottomLeft(-1.0, -1.0); static const QPointF top(0.0, 1.0); static const QPointF bottomRight(1.0, -1.0); QPainterPath path(bottomLeft); path.lineTo(top); path.lineTo(bottomRight); path.closeSubpath(); return path; } class OpenGLWindow : public QOpenGLWindow { Q_OBJECT public: OpenGLWindow(); protected: void paintGL() override; void resizeGL(int w, int h) override; void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) override; private: void setAnimating(bool enabled); QMatrix4x4 m_window_normalised_matrix; QMatrix4x4 m_window_painter_matrix; QMatrix4x4 m_projection; QMatrix4x4 m_view; QMatrix4x4 m_model_triangle; QMatrix4x4 m_model_text; FragmentToy m_fragment_toy; QStaticText m_text_layout; bool m_animate; }; // Use NoPartialUpdate. This means that all the rendering goes directly to // the window surface, no additional framebuffer object stands in the // middle. This is fine since we will clear the entire framebuffer on each // paint. Under the hood this means that the behavior is equivalent to the // manual makeCurrent - perform OpenGL calls - swapBuffers loop that is // typical in pure QWindow-based applications. OpenGLWindow::OpenGLWindow() : QOpenGLWindow(QOpenGLWindow::NoPartialUpdate) , m_fragment_toy("./background.frag") , m_text_layout("The triangle and this text is rendered with QPainter") , m_animate(true) { setGeometry(300, 300, 500, 500); m_view.lookAt(QVector3D(3,1,1), QVector3D(0,0,0), QVector3D(0,1,0)); setAnimating(m_animate); } void OpenGLWindow::paintGL() { m_fragment_toy.draw(size()); QPainter p(this); p.setWorldTransform(m_window_normalised_matrix.toTransform()); QMatrix4x4 mvp = m_projection * m_view * m_model_triangle; p.setTransform(mvp.toTransform(), true); p.fillPath(painterPathForTriangle(), QBrush(QGradient(QGradient::NightFade))); QTransform text_transform = (m_window_painter_matrix * m_view * m_model_text).toTransform(); p.setTransform(text_transform, false); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::black)); m_text_layout.prepare(text_transform); qreal x = - (m_text_layout.size().width() / 2); qreal y = 0; p.drawStaticText(x, y, m_text_layout); m_model_triangle.rotate(-1, 0, 1, 0); m_model_text.rotate(1, 0, 1, 0); } void OpenGLWindow::resizeGL(int w, int h) { m_window_normalised_matrix.setToIdentity(); m_window_normalised_matrix.translate(w / 2.0, h / 2.0); m_window_normalised_matrix.scale(w / 2.0, -h / 2.0); m_window_painter_matrix.setToIdentity(); m_window_painter_matrix.translate(w / 2.0, h / 2.0); m_text_layout.setTextWidth(std::max(w * 0.2, 80.0)); m_projection.setToIdentity(); m_projection.perspective(45.f, qreal(w) / qreal(h), 0.1f, 100.f); } void OpenGLWindow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_P) { // pause m_animate = !m_animate; setAnimating(m_animate); } } void OpenGLWindow::setAnimating(bool enabled) { if (enabled) { // Animate continuously, throttled by the blocking swapBuffers() call the // QOpenGLWindow internally executes after each paint. Once that is done // (frameSwapped signal is emitted), we schedule a new update. This // obviously assumes that the swap interval (see // QSurfaceFormat::setSwapInterval()) is non-zero. connect(this, &QOpenGLWindow::frameSwapped, this, QOverload<>::of(&QPaintDeviceWindow::update)); update(); } else { disconnect(this, &QOpenGLWindow::frameSwapped, this, QOverload<>::of(&QPaintDeviceWindow::update)); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); OpenGLWindow window; QSurfaceFormat fmt; fmt.setDepthBufferSize(24); fmt.setStencilBufferSize(8); window.setFormat(fmt); window.show(); return app.exec(); } #include "main.moc"