// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \example layouts/borderlayout \title Border Layout Example \ingroup examples-layout \brief Shows how to arrange child widgets along a border. \e{Border Layout} implements a layout that arranges child widgets to surround the main area. \image borderlayout-example.png The constructor of the Window class creates a QTextBrowser object, to which a BorderLayout named \c layout is added. The declaration of the BorderLayout class is quoted at the end of this document. \quotefromfile layouts/borderlayout/window.cpp \skipto Window::Window() \printuntil BorderLayout Several labeled widgets are added to \c layout with the orientation \c {Center}, \c {North}, \c {West}, \c {East 1}, \c {East 2}, and \c {South}. \skipto layout->addWidget \printuntil setWindowTitle createLabel() in class \c Window sets the text of the labeled widgets and the style. \skipto QLabel *Window::createLabel \printuntil /^\}/ Class BorderLayout contains all the utilitarian functions for formatting the widgets it contains. \quotefromfile layouts/borderlayout/borderlayout.h \skipto class \printuntil /^\}/ For more information, visit the \l{Layout Management} page. \include examples-run.qdocinc */