// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \example itemviews/dirview \title Dir View Example \ingroup examples-itemviews \brief This example demonstrates the usage of a tree view, and smooth flicking on a touchscreen. The Dir View example shows a tree view of the local file system. It uses the QFileSystemModel class to provide file and directory information. \borderedimage dirview-example.png \quotefromfile itemviews/dirview/main.cpp \skipto QCommandLineParser parser \printuntil parser.positionalArguments The example supports a number of command line options. These options include: \list \li Application description \li -help option \li -version option \li if the optionc {-c} is specified, the application will not use custom directory options \endlist \skipto QFileSystemModel \printuntil tree.setModel Declares \c model as data model for reading the local filesystem. \c model.setRootPath("") sets the current folder as the folder from which \c model will start reading. QTreeView object \c tree visualizes the filesystem in a tree structure. \skipto tree.setAnimated(false) \printuntil tree.setColumnWidth Sets layout options for animation, indentation, sorting, and sizing of the filesystem tree. \skipto QScroller::grabGesture \printuntil QScroller::grabGesture Creates a \l QScroller instance to recognize gestures on touchscreens, so that you can flick the tree view with your finger. */