// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \example dialogs/trivialwizard \title Trivial Wizard Example \ingroup examples-dialogs \brief The Trivial Wizard example illustrates how to create a linear three-page registration wizard using three instances of QWizardPage and one instance of QWizard. \image trivialwizard-example-flow.png \section1 Introduction Page \image trivialwizard-example-introduction.png The introduction page is created with the \c createIntroPage() function where a QWizardPage is created and its title is set to "Introduction". A QLabel is used to hold the description of \c page. A QVBoxLayout is used to hold the \c label. This \c page is returned when the \c createIntroPage() function is called. \snippet dialogs/trivialwizard/trivialwizard.cpp 0 \section1 Registration Page \image trivialwizard-example-registration.png The registration page is created with the \c createRegistrationPage() function. QLineEdit objects are used to allow the user to input a name and an e-mail address. A QGridLayout is used to hold the QLabel and QLineEdit objects. \snippet dialogs/trivialwizard/trivialwizard.cpp 2 \section1 Conclusion Page \image trivialwizard-example-conclusion.png The conclusion page is created in the \c createConclusionPage() function. This function's content is similar to \c createIntroPage(). A QLabel is used to inform the user that the registration process has completed successfully. \snippet dialogs/trivialwizard/trivialwizard.cpp 6 \section1 \c main() Function The \c main() function instantiates a QWizard object, \c wizard, and adds all three QWizardPage objects to it. The \c wizard window title is set to "Trivial Wizard" and its \c show() function is invoked to display it. \snippet dialogs/trivialwizard/trivialwizard.cpp 10 \sa QWizard, {Class Wizard Example}, {License Wizard Example} */