load(resolve_config) !equals(TEMPLATE, aux):!host_build:!single_arch:!java:!single_android_abi:android { isEmpty(ANDROID_ABIS): ANDROID_ABIS = $$ALL_ANDROID_ABIS ALL_ABIS = $$join(ANDROID_ABIS, _and_) CONFIG += $$ALL_ABIS build_all addExclusiveBuildsProper($$ALL_ABIS, $$ANDROID_ABIS) unset(ALL_ABIS) CONFIG += multi_android_abi } # single_arch is set qtConfTest_compile and is a marker that a config test is being built, and # thus all Android ABI file name modifications should be avoided (prefix / suffix of # the built binary). # single_android_abi means ANDROID_ABI only has one value # multi_android_abi means ANDROID_ABI has more than one value (Qt configured with 2+ arches) # # Assign $$ALL_ANDROID_ABIS to ANDROID_ABIS only if ANDROID_ABIS was not provided by the user # on the qmake command line and Qt was not configured with 2+ arches. # # Note that in config.tests, ANDROID_ABIS ends up being empty (due to !single_arch check) regardless # of how many ABIs Qt is configured with, which in turns causes the 'architectures' field in # in android-arch-deployment-settings.json be empty. !equals(TEMPLATE, aux):!host_build:!single_arch:!java:!multi_android_abi:android:isEmpty(ANDROID_ABIS) { # Needed for the generated deployment-settings.json not to have an empty list # of architectures. ANDROID_ABIS = $$ALL_ANDROID_ABIS }