#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only script_argument_prefix="-Wobjc_namespace,--" required_arguments="target suffix original_ld" optional_arguments="exclude_list exclude_regex silent" for argument in $required_arguments $optional_arguments; do declare "$argument=" done declare -i silent=0 declare -a linker_arguments for i in "$@"; do case $1 in $script_argument_prefix*) declare "${1#$script_argument_prefix}" ;; -o) if [ -n "$2" ]; then target="$2" fi linker_arguments+=("$1") ;; *) linker_arguments+=("$1") ;; esac shift done get_entry() { local map=$1 key=$2 local i="${map}_map_${2}" printf '%s' "${!i}" } error() { echo "$0: error: $*" >&2 exit 1 } for argument in $required_arguments; do if [ -z "${!argument}" ]; then error "missing argument --${argument}" fi done # Normalize suffix so we can use it as a bash variable suffix=${suffix//[-. ]/_} link_binary() { (PS4=; test $silent -ne 1 && set -x; $original_ld "${linker_arguments[@]}" "$@") 2>&1 || exit 1 } sanitize_address() { local address="$1" address=${address#0x} # Remove hex prefix address=${address: ${#address} < 8 ? 0 : -8} # Limit to 32-bit echo "0x$address" } arch_offset=0 read_binary() { local address=$1 local length=$2 seek=$(($address + $arch_offset)) dd if="$target" bs=1 iseek=$seek count=$length 2>|/dev/null } read_32bit_value() { local address=$1 read_binary $address 4 | xxd -p | dd conv=swab 2>/dev/null | rev } otool_args= otool() { command otool $otool_args "$@" } declare -a extra_classnames_files inspect_binary() { inspect_mode="$1" classnames_section="__objc_classname" classnames=$(otool -v -s __TEXT $classnames_section "$target" | tail -n +3) if [ -z "$classnames" ]; then echo " ℹ️ No Objective-C classes found in binary" return 1 fi while read -a classname; do address=$(sanitize_address ${classname[0]}) name=${classname[1]} declare "address_to_classname_map_$address=$name" declare "classname_to_address_map_$name=$address" done <<< "$classnames" extra_classnames_file="$(mktemp -t ${classnames_section}_additions).S" extra_classnames_files+=("$extra_classnames_file") if [ "$inspect_mode" == "inject_classnames" ]; then echo " ℹ️ Class names have not been namespaced, adding suffix '$suffix'..." printf ".section __TEXT,$classnames_section,cstring_literals,no_dead_strip\n" > $extra_classnames_file elif [ "$inspect_mode" == "patch_classes" ]; then echo " ℹ️ Found namespaced class names, updating class entries..." fi classes=$(otool -o -v "$target" | grep "OBJC_CLASS_RO\|OBJC_METACLASS_RO") if [ -z "$classes" ]; then echo " 💥 Failed to read class entries from binary" exit 1 fi while read -a class; do address="$(sanitize_address ${class[1]})" class_flags="0x$(read_32bit_value $address)" if [ -z "$class_flags" ]; then echo " 💥 Failed to read class flags for class at $address" continue fi is_metaclass=$(($class_flags & 0x1)) name_offset=$(($address + 24)) classname_address="0x$(read_32bit_value $name_offset)" if [ -z "$classname_address" ]; then echo " 💥 Failed to read class name address for class at $address" continue fi classname=$(get_entry address_to_classname $classname_address) if [ -z "$classname" ]; then echo " 💥 Failed to resolve class name for address '$classname_address'" continue fi if [[ $exclude_list =~ $classname || $classname =~ $exclude_regex ]]; then if [ $is_metaclass -eq 1 ]; then class_type="meta class" else class_type="class" fi echo " 🚽 Skipping excluded $class_type '$classname'" continue fi newclassname="${classname}_${suffix}" if [ "$inspect_mode" == "inject_classnames" ]; then if [ $is_metaclass -eq 1 ]; then continue fi echo " 💉 Injecting $classnames_section entry '$newclassname' for '$classname'" printf ".asciz \"$newclassname\"\n" >> $extra_classnames_file elif [ "$inspect_mode" == "patch_classes" ]; then newclassname_address=$(get_entry classname_to_address ${newclassname}) if [ -z "$newclassname_address" ]; then echo " 💥 Failed to resolve class name address for class '$newclassname'" continue fi if [ $is_metaclass -eq 1 ]; then class_type="meta" else class_type="class" fi name_offset=$(($name_offset + $arch_offset)) echo " 🔨 Patching class_ro_t at $address ($class_type) from $classname_address ($classname) to $newclassname_address ($newclassname)" echo ${newclassname_address: -8} | rev | dd conv=swab 2>/dev/null | xxd -p -r -seek $name_offset -l 4 - "$target" fi done <<< "$classes" } echo "🔩 Linking binary using '$original_ld'..." link_binary echo "🔎 Inspecting binary '$target'..." if [ ! -f "$target" ]; then echo " 💥 Target does not exist!" exit 1 fi read -a mach_header <<< "$(otool -h "$target" -v | tail -n 1)" if [ "${mach_header[0]}" != "MH_MAGIC_64" ]; then echo " 💥 Binary is not 64-bit, only 64-bit binaries are supported!" exit 1 fi architectures=$(otool -f -v "$target" | grep architecture) setup_arch() { arch="$1" if [ ! -z "$arch" ]; then otool_args="-arch $arch" offset=$(otool -f -v "$target" | grep -A 6 "architecture $arch" | grep offset) offset="${offset##*( )}" arch_offset="$(echo $offset | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" echo "🤖 Processing architecture '$arch' at offset $arch_offset..." fi } while read -a arch; do setup_arch "${arch[1]}" inspect_binary inject_classnames if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit fi done <<< "$architectures" echo "🔩 Re-linking binary with extra __objc_classname section(s)..." link_binary "${extra_classnames_files[@]}" while read -a arch; do setup_arch "${arch[1]}" inspect_binary patch_classes done <<< "$architectures"