# This Dockerfile is used to provision the shared scripts (e.g. startup.sh) and configurations. It # relies on the arguments passed by docker-compose file to build additional images for each service. # To lean more how it works, please check the topic "Use multi-stage builds". # https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/ ARG provisioningImage FROM $provisioningImage as testserver_tier2 # Add and merge the testdata into service folder ARG serviceDir ARG shareDir=$serviceDir COPY $serviceDir $shareDir service/ # create the shared script of testserver RUN echo "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" \ "set -ex\n" \ "for RUN_CMD; do \$RUN_CMD; done\n" \ "service dbus restart\n" \ "service avahi-daemon restart\n" \ "sleep infinity\n" > startup.sh RUN chmod +x startup.sh # rewrite the default configurations of avahi-daemon ARG test_domain RUN sed -i -e "s,#domain-name=local,domain-name=${test_domain:-test-net.qt.local}," \ -e "s,#publish-aaaa-on-ipv4=yes,publish-aaaa-on-ipv4=no," \ /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf