load(exclusive_builds) CONFIG = lex yacc warn_on debug exceptions depend_includepath $$CONFIG !build_pass:exists($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/sync.profile) { !exists($$[QT_HOST_DATA]/.qmake.cache) { !isEmpty(_QMAKE_SUPER_CACHE_) { # When doing a -prefix build of top-level qt5/qt.pro, we need to announce # this repo's module pris' location to the other repos. isEmpty(MODULE_QMAKE_OUTDIR): MODULE_QMAKE_OUTDIR = $$OUT_PWD modpath = $$MODULE_QMAKE_OUTDIR/mkspecs/modules !contains(QMAKEMODULES, $$modpath): \ cache(QMAKEMODULES, add super, modpath) unset(modpath) } } } # Populate the installdir which will be passed to qdoc in the default_post.prf # This allows a project to remove the installdir if need be, to trigger building online docs, # which Qt Creator does. QMAKE_DOCS_INSTALLDIR = $$[QT_INSTALL_DOCS]