TEMPLATE = lib android { isEmpty(SDK_ROOT): SDK_ROOT = $$(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) isEmpty(SDK_ROOT): SDK_ROOT = $$DEFAULT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT isEmpty(API_VERSION) { API_VERSION = $$(ANDROID_API_VERSION) isEmpty(API_VERSION): API_VERSION = android-10 } !exists($$SDK_ROOT/platforms/$$API_VERSION/android.jar) { error("The Path $$SDK_ROOT/platforms/$$API_VERSION/android.jar does not exist. Make sure the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT and ANDROID_API_VERSION environment variables are correctly set.") } JAVACLASSPATH += $$SDK_ROOT/platforms/$$API_VERSION/android.jar # FIXME: This is a hack to work around some hardcoded values in the android.prf. The # android.prf should be fixed and this should be removed. CONFIG += android_app } isEmpty(CLASS_DIR): CLASS_DIR = .classes CONFIG -= qt # Without these, qmake adds a name prefix and versioning postfixes (as well as file # links) to the target. This is hardcoded in the qmake code, so for now we use # the plugin configs to get what we want. CONFIG += plugin no_plugin_name_prefix javac.input = JAVASOURCES javac.output = $$CLASS_DIR javac.CONFIG += combine javac.commands = javac -source 6 -target 6 -cp $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$join(JAVACLASSPATH, $$QMAKE_DIRLIST_SEP))) -d $$shell_quote($$CLASS_DIR) ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} # Force rebuild every time, because we don't know the paths of the destination files # as they depend on the code. javac.depends = FORCE QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += javac mkpath($$absolute_path($$CLASS_DIR, $$OUT_PWD)) | error("Aborting.") # Disable all linker flags since we are overriding the regular linker QMAKE_LFLAGS = QMAKE_CFLAGS = QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATH = QMAKE_LFLAGS_PLUGIN = QMAKE_LIBS = QMAKE_LIBS_OPENGL_ES2 = QMAKE_LIBDIR = QMAKE_EXTENSION_SHLIB = jar # Override linker with dex (for Android) or jar (for other java builds) android { QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG = --output= contains(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) { QMAKE_LINK = $$PWD/data/android/dx $$SDK_ROOT --dex } else { QMAKE_LINK = $$SDK_ROOT/platform-tools/dx --dex } } else { QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG = "cf " QMAKE_LINK = jar } # Force link step to always happen, since we are always updating the # .class files PRE_TARGETDEPS += FORCE