load(qt_build_config) TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += plugin if(win32|mac):!macx-xcode { contains(QT_CONFIG, debug_and_release):CONFIG += debug_and_release contains(QT_CONFIG, build_all):CONFIG += build_all } contains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports):CONFIG += hide_symbols contains(QT_CONFIG, separate_debug_info):CONFIG += separate_debug_info contains(QT_CONFIG, separate_debug_info_nocopy):CONFIG += separate_debug_info_nocopy contains(QT_CONFIG, c++11):CONFIG += c++11 isEmpty(CXX_MODULE) { CXX_MODULE = $$TARGET TARGET = declarative_$${TARGET} } isEmpty(TARGETPATH): TARGETPATH = $$eval(QT.$${CXX_MODULE}.name) DESTDIR = $$eval(QT.$${CXX_MODULE}.imports)/$$TARGETPATH QMLTYPEFILE = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/plugins.qmltypes exists($$QMLTYPEFILE): QML_FILES += $$QMLTYPEFILE # Install rules target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS]/$$TARGETPATH INSTALLS += target # Some final setup TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET) load(qt_targets) # plugins.qmltypes is used by Qt Creator for syntax highlighting and the QML code model. It needs # to be regenerated whenever the QML elements exported by the plugin change. This cannot be done # automatically at compile time because qmlplugindump does not support some QML features and it may # not be possible when cross-compiling. # # To regenerate run 'make qmltypes' which will update the plugins.qmltypes file in the source # directory. Then review and commit the changes made to plugins.qmltypes. # !cross_compile { build_pass|!debug_and_release { isEmpty(IMPORT_VERSION): IMPORT_VERSION = $$eval(QT.$${CXX_MODULE}.MAJOR_VERSION).$$eval(QT.$${CXX_MODULE}.MINOR_VERSION) load(resolve_target) qtPrepareTool(QMLPLUGINDUMP, qmlplugindump) qmltypes.target = qmltypes qmltypes.commands = $$QMLPLUGINDUMP $$replace(TARGETPATH, /, .) $$IMPORT_VERSION $$QMAKE_RESOLVED_TARGET > $$QMLTYPEFILE qmltypes.depends = $$QMAKE_RESOLVED_TARGET } else { qmltypes.CONFIG += recursive } QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += qmltypes } load(qml_module)