CONFIG *= thread #handle defines win32 { contains(QT_CONFIG, shared) { # this variable is read by qmake in qmake/generators/win32/msvc_vcproj.cpp # function VcprojGenerator::initDeploymentTool() QMAKE_DLL_PATHS += $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS/get] } } CONFIG(release, debug|release):DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG contains(QT_CONFIG, force_asserts):DEFINES += QT_FORCE_ASSERTS no_keywords:DEFINES += QT_NO_KEYWORDS plugin { #Qt plugins static:DEFINES += QT_STATICPLUGIN DEFINES += QT_PLUGIN } qtestlib { warning("CONFIG+=qtestlib is deprecated. Use QT+=testlib instead.") QT += testlib } qdbus { warning("CONFIG+=qdbus is deprecated. Use QT+=dbus instead.") QT += dbus } help { warning("CONFIG+=help is deprecated. Use QT+=help instead.") QT += help-private # sic! } designer { warning("CONFIG+=designer is deprecated. Use QT+=designer instead.") QT += designer } uitools { warning("CONFIG+=uitools is deprecated. Use QT+=uitools instead.") QT += uitools } qaxcontainer { warning("CONFIG+=qaxcontainer is deprecated. Use QT+=axcontainer instead.") QT += axcontainer } qaxserver { warning("CONFIG+=qaxserver is deprecated. Use QT+=axserver instead.") QT += axserver } # target variable, flag source variable defineTest(qtProcessModuleFlags) { for(flag, $$2) { contains(flag, ^-.*): \ $$1 -= $$replace(flag, ^-, ) else: \ $$1 += $$flag } export($$1) } unset(using_privates) var_sfx = for(ever) { # qmake variables cannot contain dashes, so normalize the names first CLEAN_QT$$var_sfx = $$replace(QT$$var_sfx, -private$, _private) # Topological resolution of modules based on their QT..depends variable FULL_QT$$var_sfx = $$resolve_depends(CLEAN_QT$$var_sfx, "QT.") # Finally actually add the modules unset(BAD_QT) for(QTLIB, FULL_QT$$var_sfx) { MODULE_NAME = $$eval(QT.$${QTLIB}.name) MODULE_INCLUDES = $$eval(QT.$${QTLIB}.includes) MODULE_LIBS = $$eval(QT.$${QTLIB}.libs) MODULE_CONFIG = $$eval(QT.$${QTLIB}.module_config) isEmpty(MODULE_NAME) { BAD_QT += $$QTLIB next() } target_qt:isEqual(TARGET, $$MODULE_NAME) { warning("$$TARGET cannot have a QT$$var_sfx of $$QTLIB") next() } contains(MODULE_CONFIG, internal_module): \ using_privates = true contains(MODULE_CONFIG, ltcg): \ CONFIG += link_ltcg qtProcessModuleFlags(CONFIG, QT.$${QTLIB}.CONFIG) qtProcessModuleFlags(DEFINES, QT.$${QTLIB}.DEFINES) MODULE_INCLUDES -= $$QMAKE_DEFAULT_INCDIRS MODULE_LIBS_ADD = $$MODULE_LIBS MODULE_LIBS_ADD -= $$QMAKE_DEFAULT_LIBDIRS LINKAGE = mac:contains(MODULE_CONFIG, lib_bundle) { FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE = $${MODULE_LIBS}/$${MODULE_NAME}.framework/Headers !qt_no_framework_direct_includes { INCLUDEPATH *= $$FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE } contains(MODULE_CONFIG, internal_module): \ INCLUDEPATH += \ $$FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE/$$eval(QT.$${QTLIB}.VERSION) \ $$FRAMEWORK_INCLUDE/$$eval(QT.$${QTLIB}.VERSION)/$$MODULE_NAME QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH *= $${MODULE_LIBS} !contains(MODULE_CONFIG, no_link): \ LINKAGE += -framework $${MODULE_NAME}$${QT_LIBINFIX} } else { INCLUDEPATH *= $$MODULE_INCLUDES } # Only link to this module if a libs directory is set, else this is just a module # to give access to sources or include files, and not for linking. !isEmpty(MODULE_LIBS):!contains(MODULE_CONFIG, no_link) { # Re-insert the major version in the library name (cf qt5LibraryTarget above) # unless it's a framework build !mac|!contains(MODULE_CONFIG, lib_bundle): \ MODULE_NAME ~= s,^Qt,Qt$$QT_MAJOR_VERSION, isEmpty(LINKAGE) { !isEmpty(MODULE_LIBS_ADD): \ LINKAGE = -L$$MODULE_LIBS_ADD lib = $${MODULE_NAME}$${QT_LIBINFIX}$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() LINKAGE += -l$$lib contains(MODULE_CONFIG, staticlib): \ PRE_TARGETDEPS *= $$MODULE_LIBS/$${QMAKE_PREFIX_STATICLIB}$${lib}.$${QMAKE_EXTENSION_STATICLIB} } LIBS$$var_sfx += $$LINKAGE !isEmpty(QMAKE_LSB) { !isEmpty(MODULE_LIBS_ADD): \ QMAKE_LFLAGS *= --lsb-libpath=$$MODULE_LIBS_ADD QMAKE_LFLAGS *= --lsb-shared-libs=$${MODULE_NAME}$${QT_LIBINFIX} QMAKE_LIBDIR *= /opt/lsb/lib } } } !isEmpty(BAD_QT):error("Unknown module(s) in QT$$var_sfx: $$replace(BAD_QT, _private$, -private)") !isEmpty(var_sfx): break() var_sfx = _PRIVATE } !isEmpty(using_privates):!no_private_qt_headers_warning:if(!debug_and_release|!build_pass) { message("This project is using private headers and will therefore be tied to this specific Qt module build version.") message("Running this project against other versions of the Qt modules may crash at any arbitrary point.") message("This is not a bug, but a result of using Qt internals. You have been warned!") } qt_module_deps = $$CLEAN_QT $$CLEAN_QT_PRIVATE qt_module_deps = $$resolve_depends(qt_module_deps, "QT.") !no_qt_rpath:!static:contains(QT_CONFIG, rpath):!contains(QT_CONFIG, static):\ contains(qt_module_deps, core) { relative_qt_rpath:!isEmpty(QMAKE_REL_RPATH_BASE):contains(INSTALLS, target):\ isEmpty(target.files):isEmpty(target.commands):isEmpty(target.extra) { mac { if(equals(TEMPLATE, app):app_bundle)|\ if(equals(TEMPLATE, lib):plugin:plugin_bundle) { ios: binpath = $$target.path/$${TARGET}.app else: binpath = $$target.path/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/MacOS } else: equals(TEMPLATE, lib):!plugin:lib_bundle { binpath = $$target.path/$${TARGET}.framework/Versions/Current } else { binpath = $$target.path } } else { binpath = $$target.path } # NOT the /dev property, as INSTALLS use host paths QMAKE_RPATHDIR += $$relative_path($$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS], $$binpath) } else { QMAKE_RPATHDIR += $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS/dev] } } !isEmpty(QMAKE_LFLAGS_RPATHLINK):!contains(QT_CONFIG, static) { # -rpath-link is used by the linker to find dependencies of dynamic # libraries which were NOT specified on the command line. # This means that paths of direct dependencies (QT & QT_PRIVATE) # don't need to be listed, unlike their private dependencies' paths. privdep = $$resolve_depends(qt_module_deps, "QT.", ".depends" ".run_depends") privdep -= $$qt_module_deps rpaths = for(dep, privdep): \ rpaths += $$eval(QT.$${dep}.libs) QMAKE_RPATHLINKDIR *= $$unique(rpaths) } # static builds: link qml import plugins into the app. contains(qt_module_deps, qml): \ contains(QT_CONFIG, static):contains(TEMPLATE, .*app):!host_build:!no_import_scan { !isEmpty(QTREPOS) { for (qrep, QTREPOS): \ exists($$qrep/qml): \ QMLPATHS += $$qrep/qml } else { QMLPATHS += $$[QT_INSTALL_QML/get] } # run qmlimportscanner qtPrepareTool(QMLIMPORTSCANNER, qmlimportscanner, , system) for (QMLPATH, QMLPATHS): \ IMPORTPATHS += -importPath $$QMLPATH #message(run $$QMLIMPORTSCANNER $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ $$IMPORTPATHS) JSON = $$system($$QMLIMPORTSCANNER $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ $$IMPORTPATHS) parseJson(JSON, IMPORTS)| error("Failed to parse qmlimportscanner output.") !isEmpty(IMPORTS._KEYS_) { # add import plugins to LIBS line for (key, IMPORTS._KEYS_): { PATH = $$eval(IMPORTS.$${key}.path) PLUGIN = $$eval(IMPORTS.$${key}.plugin) !isEmpty(PATH):!isEmpty(PLUGIN): LIBS *= -L$$PATH -l$${PLUGIN}$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() } # create qml_plugin_import.cpp IMPORT_FILE_CONT = \ "// This file is autogenerated by qmake. It imports static plugin classes for" \ "// static plugins used by QML imports." \ "$${LITERAL_HASH}include " for (key, IMPORTS._KEYS_) { PLUGIN = $$eval(IMPORTS.$${key}.plugin) CLASSNAME = $$eval(IMPORTS.$${key}.classname) !isEmpty(PLUGIN) { !isEmpty(CLASSNAME) { !contains(ADDED_IMPORTS, $$PLUGIN) { ADDED_IMPORTS += $$PLUGIN IMPORT_FILE_CONT += "Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN($$CLASSNAME)" } } else { error("Plugin $$PLUGIN is missing a classname entry, please add one to the qmldir file.") } } } QML_IMPORT_CPP = $$OUT_PWD/$$lower($$basename(TARGET))_qml_plugin_import.cpp write_file($$QML_IMPORT_CPP, IMPORT_FILE_CONT)|error("Aborting.") SOURCES += $$QML_IMPORT_CPP QMAKE_DISTCLEAN += $$QML_IMPORT_CPP # copy qml files. this part is platform spesific. mac { osx { # Note: user can override QMAKE_BUNDLE_QML from pro file to change target bundle path isEmpty(QMAKE_QML_BUNDLE_PATH):QMAKE_QML_BUNDLE_PATH = "Resources/qt_qml" qmlTargetPath = $$OUT_PWD/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/$$QMAKE_QML_BUNDLE_PATH qtconfTargetPath = $$OUT_PWD/$${TARGET}.app/Contents/Resources/qt.conf } else { # iOS: flat bundle layout (no Contents/Resources) isEmpty(QMAKE_QML_BUNDLE_PATH):QMAKE_QML_BUNDLE_PATH = "qt_qml" qmlTargetPath = $CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH/$$QMAKE_QML_BUNDLE_PATH qtconfTargetPath = $CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH/qt.conf } # set import path in qt.conf to point to the bundeled qml: QT_CONF_CONTENTS = \ "[Paths]" \ "Imports = $$QMAKE_QML_BUNDLE_PATH" \ "Qml2Imports = $$QMAKE_QML_BUNDLE_PATH" write_file("$$OUT_PWD/qt.conf", QT_CONF_CONTENTS)|error("Aborting.") # write qt.conf and copy each qml import dir into the bundle. # But strip away archives and other files that are not needed: !isEmpty(QMAKE_POST_LINK): QMAKE_POST_LINK += ";" QMAKE_POST_LINK += \ "cp $$OUT_PWD/qt.conf $$qtconfTargetPath; " \ "test -d $$qmlTargetPath && rm -r $$qmlTargetPath; " \ "mkdir -p $$qmlTargetPath && " \ "for p in $$QMLPATHS; do" \ "rsync -r --exclude='*.a' --exclude='*.prl' --exclude='*.qmltypes' " macx-xcode: QMAKE_POST_LINK += "$p/ $$qmlTargetPath; done" else: QMAKE_POST_LINK += "\$\$p/ $$qmlTargetPath; done" } } } !import_qpa_plugin { warning("CONFIG-=import_qpa_plugin is deprecated. Use QTPLUGIN.platforms=- instead.") QTPLUGIN.platforms = - } else: qpa_minimal_plugin { warning("CONFIG+=qpa_minimal_plugin is deprecated. Use QTPLUGIN.platforms=qminimal instead.") QTPLUGIN.platforms = qminimal } contains(TEMPLATE, .*app) { autoplugs = for (qtmod, qt_module_deps) { for (ptype, QT.$${qtmod}.plugin_types) { isEmpty(QTPLUGIN.$$ptype) { for (plug, QT_PLUGINS) { equals(QT_PLUGIN.$${plug}.TYPE, $$ptype) { for (dep, QT_PLUGIN.$${plug}.EXTENDS) { !contains(qt_module_deps, $$dep) { plug = break() } } autoplugs += $$plug } } } else { plug = $$eval(QTPLUGIN.$$ptype) !equals(plug, -): \ autoplugs += $$plug } } } manualplugs = $$QTPLUGIN manualplugs -= $$autoplugs QTPLUGIN -= $$manualplugs !isEmpty(QTPLUGIN): \ warning("Redundant entries in QTPLUGIN: $$QTPLUGIN") QTPLUGIN = $$manualplugs $$autoplugs } QT_PLUGIN_VERIFY = DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN contains(QT_CONFIG, static) { QT_PLUGIN_VERIFY += QTPLUGIN force_import_plugins|contains(TEMPLATE, .*app) { import_plugins:!isEmpty(QTPLUGIN) { IMPORT_FILE_CONT = \ "// This file is autogenerated by qmake. It imports static plugin classes for" \ "// static plugins specified using QTPLUGIN and QT_PLUGIN_CLASS. variables." \ "$${LITERAL_HASH}include " for(IMPORT_PLUG, $$list($$unique(QTPLUGIN))) { PLUG_CLASS = $$eval(QT_PLUGIN.$${IMPORT_PLUG}.CLASS_NAME) !isEmpty(PLUG_CLASS): \ IMPORT_FILE_CONT += "Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN($$PLUG_CLASS)" else: \ warning("Plugin class name could not be determined for $$IMPORT_PLUG plugin.") } IMPORT_CPP = $$OUT_PWD/$$lower($$basename(TARGET))_plugin_import.cpp write_file($$IMPORT_CPP, IMPORT_FILE_CONT)|error("Aborting.") SOURCES += $$IMPORT_CPP QMAKE_DISTCLEAN += $$IMPORT_CPP } } } for(QT_CURRENT_VERIFY, $$list($$QT_PLUGIN_VERIFY)) { for(QTPLUG, $$list($$lower($$unique($$QT_CURRENT_VERIFY)))) { # Check if the plugin is known to Qt. We can use this to determine # the plugin path. Unknown plugins must rely on the default link path. QT_PLUGINPATH = $$eval(QT_PLUGIN.$${QTPLUG}.TYPE) # Generate the plugin linker line target_qt:isEqual(TARGET, QTPLUG) { warning($$TARGET cannot have a QTPLUGIN of $$QTPLUG) } else { QT_LINKAGE = -l$${QTPLUG}$$qtPlatformTargetSuffix() } # Only link against plugin in static builds isEqual(QT_CURRENT_VERIFY, QTPLUGIN): { !isEmpty(QT_PLUGINPATH) { plugpath = $$eval(QT_PLUGIN.$${QTPLUG}.PATH) isEmpty(plugpath): \ plugpath = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS/get] LIBS *= -L$$plugpath/$$QT_PLUGINPATH } LIBS += $$QT_LINKAGE # if the plugin is linked statically there is no need to deploy it DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN -= $$QT_CURRENT_VERIFY } # The following block is currently broken, because qt_plugin_XXX.prf files # are not generated for dynamic builds. false:isEqual(QT_CURRENT_VERIFY, DEPLOYMENT_PLUGIN):shared:if(wince*|winrt) { QT_ITEM = debug: QT_ITEM = $${QTPLUG}d4.dll else: QT_ITEM = $${QTPLUG}4.dll qt_additional_plugin_$${QTPLUG}.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS/get]/$${QT_PLUGINPATH}/$${QT_ITEM} qt_additional_plugin_$${QTPLUG}.path = $${QT_PLUGINPATH} INSTALLS *= qt_additional_plugin_$${QTPLUG} } } }