CONFIG -= qt debug_and_release load(configure_base) QT_CONFIGURE_REPORT = QT_CONFIGURE_NOTES = QT_CONFIGURE_WARNINGS = QT_CONFIGURE_ERRORS = defineTest(qtConfAddReport) { QT_CONFIGURE_REPORT += "$$join(1, $$escape_expand(\\n))" export(QT_CONFIGURE_REPORT) } defineTest(qtConfAddNote) { QT_CONFIGURE_NOTES += "Note: $$join(1, $$escape_expand(\\n))" export(QT_CONFIGURE_NOTES) } defineTest(qtConfAddWarning) { QT_CONFIGURE_WARNINGS += "WARNING: $$join(1, $$escape_expand(\\n))" export(QT_CONFIGURE_WARNINGS) } defineTest(qtConfAddError) { QT_CONFIGURE_ERRORS += "ERROR: $$join(1, $$escape_expand(\\n))" export(QT_CONFIGURE_ERRORS) equals(2, log) { CONFIG += mention_config_log export(CONFIG) } } defineTest(qtConfCommandlineSetInput) { arg = $${1} val = $${2} !isEmpty(config.commandline.options.$${arg}.name): \ arg = $$eval(config.commandline.options.$${arg}.name) config.input.$$arg = $$val export(config.input.$$arg) } defineReplace(qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg) { c = $$take_first(QMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS) export(QMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS) return($$c) } defineReplace(qtConfPeekNextCommandlineArg) { return($$first(QMAKE_EXTRA_ARGS)) } defineTest(qtConfCommandline_boolean) { opt = $${1} val = $${2} isEmpty(val): val = yes !equals(val, yes):!equals(val, no) { qtConfAddError("Invalid value given for boolean command line option '$$opt'.") return() } qtConfCommandlineSetInput($$opt, $$val) } defineTest(qtConfCommandline_void) { opt = $${1} val = $${2} !isEmpty(val) { qtConfAddError("Command line option '$$opt' expects no argument ('$$val' given).") return() } val = $$eval(config.commandline.options.$${opt}.value) isEmpty(val): val = yes qtConfCommandlineSetInput($$opt, $$val) } defineTest(qtConfCommandline_enum) { opt = $${1} val = $${2} isEmpty(val): val = yes # validate and map value mapped = $$eval(config.commandline.options.$${opt}.values.$${val}) isEmpty(mapped) { # just a list of allowed values for (i, config.commandline.options.$${opt}.values._KEYS_) { equals(config.commandline.options.$${opt}.values.$${i}, $$val) { mapped = $$val break() } } } isEmpty(mapped) { qtConfAddError("Invalid value '$$val' supplied to command line option '$$opt'.") return() } qtConfCommandlineSetInput($$opt, $$mapped) } defineTest(qtConfValidateValue) { opt = $${1} val = $${2} validValues = $$eval(config.commandline.options.$${opt}.values._KEYS_) isEmpty(validValues): \ return(true) for (i, validValues) { equals(config.commandline.options.$${opt}.values.$${i}, $$val): \ return(true) } qtConfAddError("Invalid value '$$val' supplied to command line option '$$opt'.") return(false) } defineTest(qtConfCommandline_string) { opt = $${1} val = $${2} isEmpty(val): val = $$qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg() contains(val, "^-.*")|isEmpty(val) { qtConfAddError("No value supplied to command line option '$$opt'.") return() } !qtConfValidateValue($$opt, $$val): \ return() qtConfCommandlineSetInput($$opt, $$val) } defineTest(qtConfCommandline_optionalString) { opt = $${1} val = $${2} isEmpty(val) { v = $$qtConfPeekNextCommandlineArg() contains(v, "^-.*")|isEmpty(v): \ val = "yes" else: \ val = $$qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg() } !qtConfValidateValue($$opt, $$val): \ return() qtConfCommandlineSetInput($$opt, $$val) } defineTest(qtConfCommandline_addString) { opt = $${1} val = $${2} isEmpty(val): val = $$qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg() contains(val, "^-.*")|isEmpty(val) { qtConfAddError("No value supplied to command line option '$$opt'.") return() } !qtConfValidateValue($$opt, $$val): \ return() !isEmpty(config.commandline.options.$${opt}.name): \ opt = $$eval(config.commandline.options.$${opt}.name) config.input.$$opt += $$val export(config.input.$$opt) } defineTest(qtConfParseCommandLine) { for (ever) { c = $$qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg() isEmpty(c): break() # handle options to turn on verbose logging contains(c, "^-v")|contains(c, "^--?verbose") { QMAKE_CONFIG_VERBOSE = true export(QMAKE_CONFIG_VERBOSE) next() } contains(c, "^-no-v")|contains(c, "^--?no-verbose") { QMAKE_CONFIG_VERBOSE = false export(QMAKE_CONFIG_VERBOSE) next() } # parse out opt and val contains(c, "^--?enable-(.*)") { opt = $$replace(c, "^--?enable-(.*)", "\\1") val = yes } else: contains(c, "^--?(disable|no)-(.*)") { opt = $$replace(c, "^--?(disable|no)-(.*)", "\\2") val = no } else: contains(c, "^--?qt-(.*)") { opt = $$replace(c, "^--?qt-(.*)", "\\1") val = qt } else: contains(c, "^--?system-(.*)") { opt = $$replace(c, "^--?system-(.*)", "\\1") val = system } else: contains(c, "^--?([^-].*)=(.*)") { opt = $$replace(c, "^--?([^-].*)=(.*)", "\\1") val = $$replace(c, "^--?([^-].*)=(.*)", "\\2") } else: contains(c, "^--?([^-].*)") { opt = $$replace(c, "^--?([^-].*)", "\\1") val = } else { qtConfAddError("Invalid command line parameter '$$c'.") return() } type = $$eval(config.commandline.options.$${opt}) isEmpty(type): \ type = $$eval(config.commandline.options.$${opt}.type) isEmpty(type) { # no match in the regular options, try matching the prefixes for (p, config.commandline.prefix._KEYS_) { e = "^-$${p}(.*)" contains(c, $$e) { opt = $$eval(config.commandline.prefix.$${p}) val = $$replace(c, $$e, "\\1") type = "addString" break() } } } # handle builtin [-no]-feature-xxx isEmpty(type):contains(opt, "feature-(.*)") { # simply skip for now next() } isEmpty(type) { qtConfAddError("Unknown command line option '$$c'.") return() } call = "qtConfCommandline_$${type}" !defined($$call, test): \ error("Command line option '$$c' has unknown type '$$type'.") # now that we have opt and value, process it $${call}($$opt, $$val) } } defineTest(qtConfTest_shell) { test = $$eval($${1}.test) dir = $$replace(test, [^/]*$, "") test = $$replace(test, ([^/]*/)*, "") args = $$eval($${1}.args) # replace any things like $$QMAKE_CXX by their values eval(args = $$args) test_dir = $$QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR/$$dir test_out_dir = $$shadowed($$test_dir) test_cmd_base = "cd $$system_quote($$system_path($$test_out_dir)) &&" mkpath($$test_out_dir)|error("Aborting.") qtRunLoggedCommand("$$test_cmd_base $$test_dir/$${test} $${args}"): \ return(false) return(true) } defineReplace(qtConfToolchainSupportsFlag) { test_out_dir = $$shadowed($$QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR) test_cmd_base = "cd $$system_quote($$system_path($$test_out_dir)) &&" conftest = "int main() { return 0; }" write_file("$$test_out_dir/conftest.cpp", conftest)|error("Aborting.") qtRunLoggedCommand("$$test_cmd_base $$QMAKE_CXX $${1} -o conftest-out conftest.cpp"): \ return(true) return(false) } defineTest(qtConfTest_compilerSupportsFlag) { flag = $$eval($${1}.flag) return($$qtConfToolchainSupportsFlag($$flag)) } defineTest(qtConfTest_linkerSupportsFlag) { flag = $$eval($${1}.flag) use_gold_linker: \ LFLAGS = -fuse-ld=gold return($$qtConfToolchainSupportsFlag($$LFLAGS "-Wl,$$flag")) } defineReplace(qtConfFindInPath) { ensurePathEnv() for (dir, QMAKE_PATH_ENV) { exists("$$dir/$${1}"): \ return("$$dir/$${1}") } return() } defineReplace(qtConfPkgConfigEnv) { env = !isEmpty(PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR): env = "$${SETENV_PFX}PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=$${PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR}$${SETENV_SFX} " !isEmpty(PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR): env = "$$env$${SETENV_PFX}PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=$${PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR}$${SETENV_SFX} " return($$env) } defineReplace(qtConfPkgConfig) { host = $$1 isEmpty(host): host = false $$host { pkg_config = $$qtConfFindInPath("pkg-config") isEmpty(pkg_config): \ return(false) } else { pkg_config = "$$qtConfPkgConfigEnv()$$PKG_CONFIG" } return($$pkg_config) } defineTest(qtConfPkgConfigPackageExists) { isEmpty(1)|isEmpty(2): \ return(false) !qtRunLoggedCommand("$${1} --exists --silence-errors $${2}"): \ return(false) return(true) } defineReplace(qtConfPrepareArgs) { arglist = $$split(1) args = for (a, arglist): \ args += $$system_quote($$a) return($$args) } defineTest(qtConfTest_pkgConfig) { pkg_config = $$qtConfPkgConfig($$eval($${1}.host)) args = $$qtConfPrepareArgs($$eval($${1}.pkg-config-args)) !qtConfPkgConfigPackageExists($$pkg_config, $$args): \ return(false) $${1}.libs = $$system("$$pkg_config --libs $$args") $${1}.cflags = $$system("$$pkg_config --cflags $$args") includes = $$system("$$pkg_config --cflags-only-I $$args") includes ~= s/^-I//g $${1}.includedir = $$includes version = $$system("$$pkg_config --modversion $$args") $${1}.version = $$first(version) export($${1}.libs) export($${1}.cflags) export($${1}.includedir) export($${1}.version) return(true) } defineTest(qtConfTest_getPkgConfigVariable) { pkg_config = $$qtConfPkgConfig($$eval($${1}.host)) args = $$qtConfPrepareArgs($$eval($${1}.pkg-config-args)) !qtConfPkgConfigPackageExists($$pkg_config, $$args): \ return(false) variable = $$eval($${1}.pkg-config-variable) $${1}.value = $$system("$$pkg_config --variable=$$variable $$args") export($${1}.value) return(true) } defineTest(qtConfTest_compile) { test = $$eval($${1}.test) host = $$eval($${1}.host) isEmpty(host): host = false # get package config information qtConfTest_pkgConfig($${1}) test_dir = $$QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR/$$test test_out_dir = $$shadowed($$test_dir) !isEmpty($${1}.pro): \ test_dir = $$test_dir/$$eval($${1}.pro) test_cmd_base = "cd $$system_quote($$system_path($$test_out_dir)) &&" # Disable qmake features which are typically counterproductive for tests qmake_args = "\"CONFIG -= qt debug_and_release app_bundle lib_bundle\"" # allow tests to behave differently depending on the type of library # being built (shared/static). e.g. see config.tests/unix/icu shared: \ qmake_configs = "shared" else: \ qmake_configs = "static" # add console to the CONFIG variable when running the tests, so that they # can work with a regular main() entry point on Windows. qmake_configs += "console" qmake_args += "\"CONFIG += $$qmake_configs\"" !$$host { # On WinRT we need to change the entry point as we cannot create windows # applications winrt: \ qmake_args += " \"QMAKE_LFLAGS += /ENTRY:main\"" # add compiler flags, these are set for the target and should not be applied to host tests !isEmpty(EXTRA_DEFINES): \ qmake_args += "\"DEFINES += $$EXTRA_DEFINES\"" !isEmpty(EXTRA_LIBDIR) \ qmake_args += "\"QMAKE_LIBDIR += $$EXTRA_LIBDIR\"" !isEmpty(EXTRA_FRAMEWORKPATH) \ qmake_args += "\"QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH += $$EXTRA_FRAMEWORKPATH\"" !isEmpty(EXTRA_INCLUDEPATH): \ qmake_args += "\"INCLUDEPATH += $$EXTRA_INCLUDEPATH\"" qmake_args += $$EXTRA_QMAKE_ARGS } libs = $$eval($${1}.libs) !isEmpty(libs): \ qmake_args += "\"LIBS += $$libs\"" includedir = $$eval($${1}.includedir) !isEmpty(includedir): \ qmake_args += "\"INCLUDEPATH *= $$includedir\"" # Clean up after previous run exists($$test_out_dir/Makefile): qtRunLoggedCommand("$$test_cmd_base $$QMAKE_MAKE distclean") mkpath($$test_out_dir)|error("Aborting.") !isEmpty(QMAKE_QTCONF): qtconfarg = -qtconf $$QMAKE_QTCONF # add possible command line args qmake_args += $$qtConfPrepareArgs($$eval($${1}.args)) qtRunLoggedCommand("$$test_cmd_base $$qtConfPkgConfigEnv()$$system_quote($$system_path($$QMAKE_QMAKE)) $$qtconfarg $$qmake_args $$shell_quote($$test_dir)") { qtRunLoggedCommand("$$test_cmd_base $$QMAKE_MAKE"): \ return(true) } return(false) } defineTest(logn) { log("$${1}$$escape_expand(\\n)") } defineTest(qtLogTestResult) { !isEmpty($${1}.log) { field = $$eval($${1}.log) log_msg = $$eval($${1}.$$field) msg = "test $$1 gave result $$log_msg" } else: $${2} { log_msg = yes msg = "test $$1 succeeded" } else { log_msg = no msg = "test $$1 FAILED" } $$QMAKE_CONFIG_VERBOSE: log_msg = $$msg logn("$$log_msg") write_file($$QMAKE_CONFIG_LOG, msg, append) } defineTest(qtConfIsBoolean) { equals(1, "true")|equals(1, "false"): \ return(true) return(false) } defineTest(qtRunSingleTest) { tpfx = config.tests.$${1} defined($${tpfx}.result, var): \ return() type = $$eval($${tpfx}.type) call = "qtConfTest_$$type" !defined($$call, test): \ error("Configure test $${1} refers to nonexistent type $$type") description = $$eval($${tpfx}.description) !isEmpty(description) { msg = "checking for $${description}... " log($$msg) $$QMAKE_CONFIG_VERBOSE: log("$$escape_expand(\\n)") write_file($$QMAKE_CONFIG_LOG, msg, append) } msg = "executing config test $${1}" write_file($$QMAKE_CONFIG_LOG, msg, append) result = false $${call}($${tpfx}): result = true !isEmpty(description): qtLogTestResult($${tpfx}, $$result) $${tpfx}.result = $$result export($${tpfx}.result) } defineReplace(qtConfEvaluate) { isEmpty(1): return(true) 1 ~= s/$$escape_expand(\\n) */ /g expr = $${1} expr ~= s/&&/ && /g expr ~= s/\|\|/ || /g expr ~= s/!/ ! /g expr ~= s/\\(/ ( /g expr ~= s/\\)/ ) /g expr ~= s/ *== */==/g expr ~= s/ *! = */!=/g expr_list = $$eval($$list($$expr)) return($$qtConfEvaluateSubExpression($${1}, $$expr_list, 0)) } defineReplace(qtConfEvaluateSingleExpression) { e = $${2} equals(e, true) { result = true } else: equals(e, false) { result = false } else: contains(e, "^[0-9]+$") { # numbers result = $$e } else: contains(e, "^'.*'$") { # quoted literals result = $$replace(e, "^'(.*)'$", "\\1") } else: contains(e, "^tests\..*") { !qt_conf_tests_allowed: \ error("Expression '$${1}' refers to a test, which is not allowed at this stage of configuring.") test = $$section(e, ".", 1, 1) var = $$section(e, ".", 2, -1) isEmpty(var): \ var = result !contains(config.tests._KEYS_, $$test): \ error("Unknown test object $${test} in expression '$${1}'.") qtRunSingleTest($$test) result = $$eval(config.tests.$${test}.$${var}) } else: contains(e, "^features\..*") { feature = $$section(e, ".", 1, 1) var = $$section(e, ".", 2, -1) isEmpty(var): \ var = available !contains(config.features._KEYS_, $$feature): \ error("Unknown feature object $${feature} in expression '$${1}'.") !qtConfCheckFeature($$feature): \ error("Expression '$$1' is accessing non-emitted feature $${feature}.") result = $$eval(config.features.$${feature}.$${var}) } else: contains(e, "^config\..*") { var = $$replace(e, "^config\.", "") result = false contains(CONFIG, $$var): result = true } else: contains(e, "^arch\..*") { var = $$replace(e, "^arch\.", "") result = false contains(QT_ARCH, $$var): result = true } else: contains(e, "^input\..*") { result = $$eval(config.$$e) } else: contains(e, "^var\..*") { var = $$replace(e, "^var\.", "") result = $$eval($$var) } else: contains(e, "^call\..*") { call = $$replace(e, "^call\.", "qtConfFunc_") !defined($$call, replace): \ error("Call $$call referenced in expression '$${1}' does not exist") eval(result = \$\$"$$call"()) } else { error("Unrecognized token $$e in expression '$${1}'") } return($$result) } defineReplace(qtConfEvaluateSubExpression) { expr_list = $${2} result = true negate = false runSubExpression = false nesting_level = 0 for (n, $${3}..$$num_add($$size(expr_list), -1)) { e = $$member(expr_list, $$n) $$runSubExpression { runSubExpression = false result = $$qtConfEvaluateSubExpression($${1}, $$expr_list, $$n) } else: isEqual(e, "(") { isEqual(nesting_level, 0): runSubExpression = true nesting_level = $$num_add($$nesting_level, 1) next() } else: isEqual(e, ")") { nesting_level = $$num_add($$nesting_level, -1) lessThan(nesting_level, 0): break() next() } else: greaterThan(nesting_level, 0) { next() } else: isEqual(e, "!") { negate = true next() } else: isEqual(e, "&&") { !qtConfIsBoolean($$result): \ error("Left hand side of && is non-boolean value '$$result' in expression '$${1}'") !$$result: return(false) } else: isEqual(e, "||") { !qtConfIsBoolean($$result): \ error("Left hand side of || is non-boolean value '$$result' in expression '$${1}'") $$result: return(true) } else { contains(e, ".*==.*") { lhs = $$qtConfEvaluateSingleExpression($${1}, $$replace(e, "==.*", "")) rhs = $$qtConfEvaluateSingleExpression($${1}, $$replace(e, ".*==", "")) result = false equals(lhs, $$rhs): result = true } else: contains(e, ".*!=.*") { lhs = $$qtConfEvaluateSingleExpression($${1}, $$replace(e, "!=.*", "")) rhs = $$qtConfEvaluateSingleExpression($${1}, $$replace(e, ".*!=", "")) result = false !equals(lhs, $$rhs): result = true } else { result = $$qtConfEvaluateSingleExpression($${1}, $$e) } } $$negate { !qtConfIsBoolean($$result): \ error("Attempting to negate a non-boolean value '$$result' in expression '$${1}'") $$result: \ result = false else: \ result = true negate = false } } return($$result) } defineReplace(qtIsFeatureEnabled) { enable = $$eval(config.features.$${1}.enable) !isEmpty(enable) { $$qtConfEvaluate($$enable): \ return(true) } else { equals(config.input.$${1}, "yes"): \ return(true) } return(false) } defineReplace(qtIsFeatureDisabled) { disable = $$eval(config.features.$${1}.disable) !isEmpty(disable) { $$qtConfEvaluate($$disable): \ return(true) } else { equals(config.input.$${1}, "no"): \ return(true) } return(false) } defineReplace(qtConfCheckSingleCondition) { result = $$qtConfEvaluate($$2) !qtConfIsBoolean($$result): \ error("Evaluation of condition '$$2' yielded non-boolean value '$$result' in feature '$${1}'.") !$$result { $${3} { qtConfAddError("Feature '$${1}' was enabled, but the pre-condition '$$2' failed.", log) $$result = true } } return($$result) } defineTest(qtConfCheckFeature) { fpfx = config.features.$${1} available = $$eval($${fpfx}.available) !isEmpty(available): return(true) # skip features that will not get emitted anyway emitIf = $$qtConfEvaluate($$eval($${fpfx}.emitIf)) enabled = $$qtIsFeatureEnabled($$1) disabled = $$qtIsFeatureDisabled($$1) !$$emitIf { $$enabled|$$disabled: \ qtConfAddWarning("Feature $${1} is insignificant in this configuration, ignoring related command line option(s).") return(false) } $$disabled { result = false } else: !$$enabled:!$$qtConfEvaluate($$eval($${fpfx}.autoDetect)) { # feature not auto-detected and not explicitly enabled result = false } else { condition = $$eval($${fpfx}.condition) !isEmpty(condition) { result = $$qtConfCheckSingleCondition($$1, $$condition, $$enabled) } else { result = true # check whether we have an array of conditions for (i, $${fpfx}.condition._KEYS_) { condition = $$eval($${fpfx}.condition.$$i) result = $$qtConfCheckSingleCondition($$1, $$condition, $$enabled) !$$result: break() } } } $${fpfx}.available = $$result export($${fpfx}.available) for (i, config.features.$${feature}.output._KEYS_): \ qtConfProcessOneOutput($$feature, $$i) return(true) } defineTest(qtConfProcessFeatures) { priorities = 0 for (feature, config.features._KEYS_): \ priorities += $$eval(config.features.$${feature}.priority) priorities = $$unique(priorities) for (p, priorities): \ opriorities += $$format_number($$num_add($$p, 10000), width=5 zeropad) opriorities = $$sorted(opriorities) priorities = for (op, opriorities): \ priorities += $$num_add($$op, -10000) for (priority, priorities) { for (feature, config.features._KEYS_) { p = $$eval(config.features.$${feature}.priority) isEmpty(p): p = 0 equals(p, $$priority): \ qtConfCheckFeature($$feature) } } } # # reporting # QT_CONF_REPORT_PADDING = "........................................" defineTest(qtConfReportPadded) { pad = $$num_add($$str_size($$QT_CONF_REPORT_PADDING), -$$str_size($${1})) lessThan(pad, 0): pad = 0 str = "$$1 $$str_member($$QT_CONF_REPORT_PADDING, 0, $$pad)" qtConfAddReport("$$str $${2}") } defineReplace(qtConfCollectFeatures) { l = for (feature, $$list($${1})) { $$eval(config.features.$${feature}.available): \ l += $$eval(config.features.$${feature}.description) } isEmpty(l): return("") return($$join(l, ' ')) } defineTest(qtConfReport_featureList) { qtConfReportPadded($${1}, $$qtConfCollectFeatures($${2})) } defineReplace(qtConfFindFirstAvailableFeature) { for (feature, $$list($${1})) { isEmpty(config.features.$${feature}._KEYS_): \ error("Asking for a report on undefined feature $${2}.") $$eval(config.features.$${feature}.available): \ return($$eval(config.features.$${feature}.description)) } return("") } defineTest(qtConfReport_firstAvailableFeature) { qtConfReportPadded($${1}, $$qtConfFindFirstAvailableFeature($${2})) } defineTest(qtConfReport_feature) { !contains(config.features._KEYS_, $$2): \ error("Asking for a report on undefined feature $${2}.") # hide report for not emitted features isEmpty(config.features.$${2}.available): \ return() $$eval(config.features.$${2}.available) { result = "yes" !isEmpty(3): result = "$${3}" } else { result = "no" !isEmpty(4): result = "$${4}" } text = $$eval(config.features.$${2}.description) qtConfReportPadded($${1}$$text, $$result) } defineTest(qtConfReport_note) { qtConfAddNote($${1}) } defineTest(qtConfReport_warning) { qtConfAddWarning($${1}) } defineTest(qtConfReport_error) { qtConfAddError($${1}, log) } defineTest(qtConfCreateReportRecurse) { equals(2, false) { indent = "" recurse = false } else { indent = $${2} recurse = true } keys = $$eval($${1}._KEYS_) for (n, keys) { entry = $${1}.$$n subKeys = $$eval($${entry}._KEYS_) contains(subKeys, condition) { condition = $$eval($${entry}.condition) r = $$qtConfEvaluate($$condition) !qtConfIsBoolean($$r): \ error("Evaluation of condition '$$condition' in report entry $${entry} yielded non-boolean value '$$r'.") !$$r: next() } contains(subKeys, "section") { !$$recurse: \ error("Report type 'section' is not allowed in '$$1'.") section = $$eval($${entry}.section) qtConfAddReport("$$indent$$section:") qtConfCreateReportRecurse("$${entry}.entries", "$$indent ") } else: !isEmpty($${entry}) { feature = $$eval($${entry}) qtConfReport_feature($$indent, $$feature) } else { text = $$eval($${entry}.message) isEmpty($${entry}.type): \ error("Report entry $${entry} doesn't define a type.") r = "qtConfReport_$$eval($${entry}.type)" !defined($$r, test): \ error("Undefined report type $$eval($${entry}.type) used in report entry $${entry}.") args = $$eval($${entry}.args) $${r}($$indent$${text}, $$args) } } } defineTest(qtConfProcessEarlyChecks) { qtConfCreateReportRecurse(config.earlyReport, false) qtConfCheckErrors() } defineTest(qtConfCreateReport) { qtConfAddReport(" ") qtConfCreateReportRecurse(, false) } defineTest(qtConfCreateSummary) { qtConfCreateReportRecurse(config.summary, "") } defineTest(qtConfPrintReport) { for (n, QT_CONFIGURE_REPORT): \ logn($$n) logn(" ") for (n, QT_CONFIGURE_NOTES) { logn($$n) logn(" ") } for (w, QT_CONFIGURE_WARNINGS) { logn($$w) logn(" ") } !isEmpty(QT_CONFIGURE_ERRORS) { for (e, QT_CONFIGURE_ERRORS) { logn($$e) logn(" ") } mention_config_log:!$$QMAKE_CONFIG_VERBOSE { logn("Check config.log for details.") logn(" ") } !equals(config.input.continue, yes): \ error("Aborting.") } } defineTest(qtConfCheckErrors) { !isEmpty(QT_CONFIGURE_ERRORS):!equals(config.input.continue, yes): \ qtConfPrintReport() } # # output generation # defineReplace(qtConfOutputSelectProFile) { !isEmpty($${1}.public) { $$eval($${1}.public): \ return(publicPro) } return(privatePro) } # qtConfOutputVar(modifier, output, name, value) defineTest(qtConfOutputVar) { modifier = $$1 output = $$2 name = $$3 value = $$val_escape(4) !isEmpty(config.output.$${output}.assign.$${name}): \ error("Trying to overwrite assigned variable '$$name' in '$$output' using modifier '$$modifier'.") equals(modifier, assign) { !isEmpty(config.output.$${output}.append.$${name})|!isEmpty(config.output.$${output}.remove.$${name}): \ error("Trying to assign variable '$$name' in '$$output', which has already appended or removed parts.") config.output.$${output}.$${modifier}.$${name} = $$value } else: equals(modifier, append) { contains(config.output.$${output}.remove.$${name}, $$value): \ error("Trying to append removed '$$value' to variable '$$name' in '$$output'.") config.output.$${output}.$${modifier}.$${name} += $$value } else: equals(modifier, remove) { contains(config.output.$${output}.append.$${name}, $$value): \ error("Trying to remove appended '$$value' to variable '$$name' in '$$output'.") config.output.$${output}.$${modifier}.$${name} += $$value } else { error("Invalid modifier '$$modifier' passed to qtConfOutputVar.") } config.output.$${output}.$${modifier}._KEYS_ *= $${name} export(config.output.$${output}.$${modifier}.$${name}) export(config.output.$${output}.$${modifier}._KEYS_) } defineTest(qtConfOutputVarHelper) { negative = $$eval($${2}.negative) isEmpty(negative): negative = false !$${3}:!$$negative: return() $${3}:$$negative: return() output = $$qtConfOutputSelectProFile($${2}) name = $$eval($${2}.name) isEmpty(name): \ error("Output type 'var$$title($$1)' used in feature '$$eval($${2}.feature)' without a 'name' entry.") value = $$qtConfEvaluate($$eval($${2}.value)) qtConfOutputVar($$1, $$output, $$name, $$value) } defineTest(qtConfOutput_varAssign) { qtConfOutputVarHelper(assign, $$1, $$2) } defineTest(qtConfOutput_varAppend) { qtConfOutputVarHelper(append, $$1, $$2) } defineTest(qtConfOutput_varRemove) { qtConfOutputVarHelper(remove, $$1, $$2) } defineTest(qtConfOutputConfigVar) { pro = $$3 var = $$4 negative = $$eval($${1}.negative) isEmpty(negative): negative = false val = $$eval($${1}.name) isEmpty(val) { val = $$eval($${1}.feature) $$negative: val = no-$$val } $${2} { !$$negative: qtConfOutputVar(append, $$pro, $$var, $$val) } else { $$negative: qtConfOutputVar(append, $$pro, $$var, $$val) } } defineTest(qtConfOutput_publicQtConfig) { qtConfOutputConfigVar($$1, $$2, "publicPro", "QT_CONFIG") } defineTest(qtConfOutput_publicConfig) { qtConfOutputConfigVar($$1, $$2, "publicPro", "CONFIG") } defineTest(qtConfOutput_privateConfig) { qtConfOutputConfigVar($$1, $$2, "privatePro", "CONFIG") } defineTest(qtConfOutputSetDefine) { config.output.$${1}.$${2} = $${3} config.output.$${1}._KEYS_ *= $${2} export(config.output.$${1}.$${2}) export(config.output.$${1}._KEYS_) } defineTest(qtConfOutput_define) { output = publicHeader define = $$eval($${1}.name) value = $$qtConfEvaluate($$eval($${1}.value)) isEmpty(define): \ error("Output type 'define' used in feature '$$eval($${1}.feature)' without a 'name' entry.") negative = $$eval($${1}.negative) isEmpty(negative): negative = false $${2} { !$$negative: qtConfOutputSetDefine($$output, $$define, $$value) } else { $$negative: qtConfOutputSetDefine($$output, $$define, $$value) } } defineTest(qtConfOutput_feature) { name = "$$eval($${1}.name)" isEmpty(name): \ name = $$eval($${1}.feature) $${2} { qtConfOutputVar(append, "publicPro", "QT_CONFIG", $$name) } else { f = $$upper($$replace(name, -, _)) qtConfOutputSetDefine("publicHeader", "QT_NO_$$f") } } # currently this is somewhat inconsistent, as the feature is output to the public pro file, # whereas the define is being added to the private pro file. # This should get cleaned up to add to the private pro and header instead. defineTest(qtConfOutput_privateFeature) { name = "$$eval($${1}.name)" isEmpty(name): \ name = $$eval($${1}.feature) $${2} { qtConfOutputVar(append, "publicPro", "QT_CONFIG", $$name) } else { f = $$upper($$replace(name, -, _)) qtConfOutputVar(append, "privatePro", "DEFINES", "QT_NO_$$f") } } defineTest(qtConfOutput_library) { !$${2}: return() output = privatePro name = "$$eval($${1}.name)" isEmpty(name): \ name = $$eval($${1}.feature) NAME = $$upper($$replace(name, [-.], _)) lookup = "config.tests.$$eval($${1}.test)" isEmpty(lookup): \ error("Output type 'library' used in feature '$$eval($${1}.feature)' without a 'test' entry.") libs = $$eval($${lookup}.libs) cflags = $$eval($${lookup}.cflags) includes = $$eval($${lookup}.includedir) version = $$split($${lookup}.version, '.') !isEmpty(libs): qtConfOutputVar(assign, $$output, QMAKE_LIBS_$$NAME, $$libs) !isEmpty(cflags): qtConfOutputVar(assign, $$output, QMAKE_CFLAGS_$$NAME, $$cflags) !isEmpty(includes): qtConfOutputVar(assign, $$output, QMAKE_INCDIR_$$NAME, $$includes) !isEmpty(version) { qtConfOutputVar(assign, $$output, QMAKE_$${NAME}_VERSION_MAJOR, $$first(version)) qtConfOutputVar(assign, $$output, QMAKE_$${NAME}_VERSION_MINOR, $$member(version, 1)) qtConfOutputVar(assign, $$output, QMAKE_$${NAME}_VERSION_PATCH, $$member(version, 2)) } export(config.output.$${output}) } defineTest(qtConfProcessOneOutput) { feature = $${1} fpfx = config.features.$${feature} opfx = $${fpfx}.output.$${2} condition = $$eval($${opfx}.condition) !isEmpty(condition):!$$qtConfEvaluate($$condition): \ return() call = $$eval($${opfx}.type) isEmpty(call) { # output is just a string, not an object call = $$eval($$opfx) } !defined("qtConfOutput_$$call", test): \ error("Undefined type '$$call' in output '$$2' of feature '$$feature'.") isEmpty($${opfx}.feature): \ $${opfx}.feature = $$feature condition = $$eval($${opfx}.condition) !isEmpty(condition) { !$$qtConfEvaluate($$condition): \ return(false) } qtConfOutput_$${call}($$opfx, $$eval($${fpfx}.available)) } defineTest(qtConfProcessOutput) { # write it to the output files for (type, config.files._KEYS_) { file = $$OUT_PWD/$$eval(config.files.$${type}) contains(type, ".*Pro") { for (k, config.output.$${type}.assign._KEYS_): \ config.output.$$type += "$$k = $$eval(config.output.$${type}.assign.$$k)" for (k, config.output.$${type}.remove._KEYS_): \ config.output.$$type += "$$k -= $$eval(config.output.$${type}.remove.$$k)" for (k, config.output.$${type}.append._KEYS_): \ config.output.$$type += "$$k += $$eval(config.output.$${type}.append.$$k)" } else { for (define, config.output.$${type}._KEYS_) { value = $$eval(config.output.$${type}.$${define}) config.output.$$type += "$${LITERAL_HASH}ifndef $$define" config.output.$$type += "$${LITERAL_HASH}define $$define $$value" config.output.$$type += "$${LITERAL_HASH}endif" } } defined(qtConfOutputPostProcess_$${type}, test): \ qtConfOutputPostProcess_$${type}() write_file($$file, config.output.$${type})|error("Aborting.") } } # # tie it all together # defineTest(qtConfigure) { # load configuration data configure_data = $$cat($${1}, blob) !parseJson(configure_data, config): \ error("Invalid or non-existent file $${1}.") qtConfParseCommandLine() # do early checks, mainly to validate the command line qtConfProcessEarlyChecks() CONFIG += qt_conf_tests_allowed logn(" ") logn("Running configuration tests...") # process all features qtConfProcessFeatures() # generate files and reports qtConfProcessOutput() qtConfCreateReport() qtConfCreateSummary() logn("Done running configuration tests.") logn(" ") } qtConfigure($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/configure.json) logn("Configure summary:") logn(" ") qtConfPrintReport()