!build_pass { QTDIR = $$[QT_HOST_PREFIX] exists($$QTDIR/.qmake.cache) { mod_component_base = $$QTDIR mod_qmake_base = $$QTDIR } else { mod_component_base = $$MODULE_BASE_OUTDIR mod_qmake_base = $$MODULE_QMAKE_OUTDIR } # Permit modules to enforce being built outside QTDIR. force_independent: mod_component_base = $$MODULE_BASE_OUTDIR # This check will be removed soon. Weird indentation to avoid reindenting the code later. syncprofile = $$cat($$MODULE_PROFILE_DIR/sync.profile, lines) contains(syncprofile, "^%modulepris.*") { MODULE_FWD_PRI = $$mod_qmake_base/mkspecs/modules/$$replace(MODULE_PRI, ^.*/,) } else { MODULE_FWD_PRI = $$mod_qmake_base/mkspecs/modules/qt_$${MODULE}.pri # Create a forwarding module .pri file MODULE_FWD_PRI_CONT = \ "QT_MODULE_BASE = $$MODULE_BASE_DIR" \ "QT_MODULE_BIN_BASE = $$mod_component_base/bin" \ "QT_MODULE_INCLUDE_BASE = $$MODULE_BASE_OUTDIR/include" \ "QT_MODULE_IMPORT_BASE = $$mod_component_base/imports" \ "QT_MODULE_LIB_BASE = $$mod_component_base/lib" \ "QT_MODULE_PLUGIN_BASE = $$mod_component_base/plugins" \ "include($$MODULE_PRI)" write_file($$MODULE_FWD_PRI, MODULE_FWD_PRI_CONT)|error("Aborting.") touch($$MODULE_FWD_PRI, $$MODULE_PRI) } # create forwarding module pris # Then, inject the new module into the current cache state !contains(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, $$MODULE_PRI) { # before the actual include()! added = $$MODULE_PRI $$MODULE_FWD_PRI cache(QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES, add transient, added) unset(added) } include($$MODULE_FWD_PRI) for(var, $$list(VERSION MAJOR_VERSION MINOR_VERSION PATCH_VERSION \ name depends module_config CONFIG DEFINES sources \ includes private_includes bins libs plugins imports \ )):defined(QT.$${MODULE}.$$var, var):cache(QT.$${MODULE}.$$var, transient) cache(QT_CONFIG, transient) } # !build_pass # Schedule the regular .pri file for installation CONFIG += qt_install_module