# # Tested with TestCocoon 1.6.14 # load(resolve_target) # Retrieve the target basename TARGET_BASENAME = $$basename(QMAKE_RESOLVED_TARGET) # Configure testcocoon for a full instrumentation - excluding the moc, ui and qrc files from the instrumentation # --cs-output defines the name to give to the execution report (.csexe). TESTCOCOON_COVERAGE_OPTIONS = \ --cs-qt4 \ --cs-exclude-file-regex=\'(^|[/\\\\])(qrc|moc)_.*\\.cpp\$\$\' \ --cs-exclude-file-regex=\'.*\\.moc\$\$\' \ --cs-exclude-file-regex=\'.*\\.g\$\$\' \ --cs-exclude-file-regex=\'.*\\.h\$\$\' \ --cs-output=\'$$TARGET_BASENAME\' # name of the csexe file (execution report) # The .csmes file should be placed alongside the .so or binary. # Unfortunately, testcocoon has no option to specify the output directory, # so we must move it into place if a custom destdir was used. # We don't move applications' csmes because some qt applications (tools, examples) # are using DESTDIR in some cases but always alongside target.path, so the binary # is built directly in target.path and there is no need to move the csmes. !isEmpty(DESTDIR):contains(TEMPLATE, lib) { !isEmpty(QMAKE_POST_LINK):QMAKE_POST_LINK = $$escape_expand(\\n\\t)$$QMAKE_POST_LINK QMAKE_POST_LINK = -$(MOVE) $${TARGET_BASENAME}.csmes $$native_path($${QMAKE_RESOLVED_TARGET}.csmes)$$QMAKE_POST_LINK } QMAKE_CLEAN += *.csexe *.csmes # The compiler/linker is replaced by the coveragescanner which is named after the name of the # compiler/linker preceded by cs (ie gcc is replaced by csgcc). # Testcocoon options defined in TESTCOCOON_COVERAGE_OPTIONS are added as argument to the coveragescanner (ie csgcc). # In practice they are added as compiler/linker flags. *-g++* { QMAKE_CXX ~= s/(\\S*g\\+\\+)/cs\\1/ QMAKE_CC ~= s/(\\S*gcc)/cs\\1/ QMAKE_LINK ~= s/(\\S*g\\+\\+|\\S*gcc)/cs\\1/ QMAKE_AR ~= s/(\\S*ar)/cs\\1/ QMAKE_AR += $$TESTCOCOON_COVERAGE_OPTIONS } else { error("Non-gcc qmake specs not supported by TestCocoon integration yet") } QMAKE_CFLAGS += $$TESTCOCOON_COVERAGE_OPTIONS QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += $$TESTCOCOON_COVERAGE_OPTIONS QMAKE_LFLAGS += $$TESTCOCOON_COVERAGE_OPTIONS unix { QMAKE_LFLAGS += --cs-libgen=-fPIC } unset(TARGET_BASENAME) unset(TESTCOCOON_COVERAGE_OPTIONS)