Name: Chromium base:: helper Classes Short Name: base::numerics, base::MRUCachem, base::SHA1 Version: URL: SOURCE CODE: Copy the Chromium folder manually into this folder and run git cl format. Date: 24/05/2017 Revision: 28b5bbb227d331c01e6ff9b2f8729732135aadc7 (Chromium) Security Critical: no License: Chromium License File: LICENSE in Chromium/src Description: base::numerics is a library for doing some simple safe math and conversions. base::MRUCache is a few collections of most-recently-used caching structures. base::SHA1 is a secure hashing algorithm. To update the checkout, simply overwrite the folder with Chromium's latest, apply the appropriate namespace, and make sure the paths are correct (anglebase/ instead of base/), and update the header guards and macros. Modifications: - the file scope is now anglebase/ from base/ to prevent include conflicts. - anglebase/logging.h defines (D)CHECK to be ASSERT to be compatible with ANGLE. - the headers use namespace angle::base instead of base:: to avoid ODR violations when ANGLE code is mixed with Chromium code. - header guards and macros are changed from BASE to ANGLEBASE to prevent conflicts.