// // Copyright (c) 2002-2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // CallDAG.h: Implements a call graph DAG of functions to be re-used accross // analyses, allows to efficiently traverse the functions in topological // order. #include "compiler/translator/CallDAG.h" #include "compiler/translator/InfoSink.h" // The CallDAGCreator does all the processing required to create the CallDAG // structure so that the latter contains only the necessary variables. class CallDAG::CallDAGCreator : public TIntermTraverser { public: CallDAGCreator(TInfoSinkBase *info) : TIntermTraverser(true, false, true), mCreationInfo(info), mCurrentFunction(nullptr), mCurrentIndex(0) { } InitResult assignIndices() { int skipped = 0; for (auto &it : mFunctions) { // Skip unimplemented functions if (it.second.node) { InitResult result = assignIndicesInternal(&it.second); if (result != INITDAG_SUCCESS) { *mCreationInfo << "\n"; return result; } } else { skipped++; } } ASSERT(mFunctions.size() == mCurrentIndex + skipped); return INITDAG_SUCCESS; } void fillDataStructures(std::vector *records, std::map *idToIndex) { ASSERT(records->empty()); ASSERT(idToIndex->empty()); records->resize(mCurrentIndex); for (auto &it : mFunctions) { CreatorFunctionData &data = it.second; // Skip unimplemented functions if (!data.node) { continue; } ASSERT(data.index < records->size()); Record &record = (*records)[data.index]; record.name = data.name.data(); record.node = data.node; record.callees.reserve(data.callees.size()); for (auto &callee : data.callees) { record.callees.push_back(static_cast(callee->index)); } (*idToIndex)[data.node->getFunctionId()] = static_cast(data.index); } } private: struct CreatorFunctionData { CreatorFunctionData() : node(nullptr), index(0), indexAssigned(false), visiting(false) { } std::set callees; TIntermAggregate *node; TString name; size_t index; bool indexAssigned; bool visiting; }; // Aggregates the AST node for each function as well as the name of the functions called by it bool visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) override { switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpPrototype: if (visit == PreVisit) { // Function declaration, create an empty record. auto& record = mFunctions[node->getName()]; record.name = node->getName(); } break; case EOpFunction: { // Function definition, create the record if need be and remember the node. if (visit == PreVisit) { auto it = mFunctions.find(node->getName()); if (it == mFunctions.end()) { mCurrentFunction = &mFunctions[node->getName()]; } else { mCurrentFunction = &it->second; } mCurrentFunction->node = node; mCurrentFunction->name = node->getName(); } else if (visit == PostVisit) { mCurrentFunction = nullptr; } break; } case EOpFunctionCall: { // Function call, add the callees if (visit == PreVisit) { // Do not handle calls to builtin functions if (node->isUserDefined()) { auto it = mFunctions.find(node->getName()); ASSERT(it != mFunctions.end()); // We might be in a top-level function call to set a global variable if (mCurrentFunction) { mCurrentFunction->callees.insert(&it->second); } } } break; } default: break; } return true; } // Recursively assigns indices to a sub DAG InitResult assignIndicesInternal(CreatorFunctionData *function) { ASSERT(function); if (!function->node) { *mCreationInfo << "Undefined function '" << function->name << ")' used in the following call chain:"; return INITDAG_UNDEFINED; } if (function->indexAssigned) { return INITDAG_SUCCESS; } if (function->visiting) { if (mCreationInfo) { *mCreationInfo << "Recursive function call in the following call chain:" << function->name; } return INITDAG_RECURSION; } function->visiting = true; for (auto &callee : function->callees) { InitResult result = assignIndicesInternal(callee); if (result != INITDAG_SUCCESS) { // We know that there is an issue with the call chain in the AST, // print the link of the chain we were processing. if (mCreationInfo) { *mCreationInfo << " <- " << function->name << ")"; } return result; } } function->index = mCurrentIndex++; function->indexAssigned = true; function->visiting = false; return INITDAG_SUCCESS; } TInfoSinkBase *mCreationInfo; std::map mFunctions; CreatorFunctionData *mCurrentFunction; size_t mCurrentIndex; }; // CallDAG CallDAG::CallDAG() { } CallDAG::~CallDAG() { } const size_t CallDAG::InvalidIndex = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t CallDAG::findIndex(const TIntermAggregate *function) const { TOperator op = function->getOp(); ASSERT(op == EOpPrototype || op == EOpFunction || op == EOpFunctionCall); UNUSED_ASSERTION_VARIABLE(op); auto it = mFunctionIdToIndex.find(function->getFunctionId()); if (it == mFunctionIdToIndex.end()) { return InvalidIndex; } else { return it->second; } } const CallDAG::Record &CallDAG::getRecordFromIndex(size_t index) const { ASSERT(index != InvalidIndex && index < mRecords.size()); return mRecords[index]; } const CallDAG::Record &CallDAG::getRecord(const TIntermAggregate *function) const { size_t index = findIndex(function); ASSERT(index != InvalidIndex && index < mRecords.size()); return mRecords[index]; } size_t CallDAG::size() const { return mRecords.size(); } void CallDAG::clear() { mRecords.clear(); mFunctionIdToIndex.clear(); } CallDAG::InitResult CallDAG::init(TIntermNode *root, TInfoSinkBase *info) { CallDAGCreator creator(info); // Creates the mapping of functions to callees root->traverse(&creator); // Does the topological sort and detects recursions InitResult result = creator.assignIndices(); if (result != INITDAG_SUCCESS) { return result; } creator.fillDataStructures(&mRecords, &mFunctionIdToIndex); return INITDAG_SUCCESS; }