// // Copyright (c) 2002-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include "compiler/translator/OutputHLSL.h" #include #include #include #include "common/angleutils.h" #include "common/utilities.h" #include "compiler/translator/BuiltInFunctionEmulator.h" #include "compiler/translator/BuiltInFunctionEmulatorHLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/DetectDiscontinuity.h" #include "compiler/translator/FlagStd140Structs.h" #include "compiler/translator/InfoSink.h" #include "compiler/translator/NodeSearch.h" #include "compiler/translator/RemoveSwitchFallThrough.h" #include "compiler/translator/RewriteElseBlocks.h" #include "compiler/translator/SearchSymbol.h" #include "compiler/translator/StructureHLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorHLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/UnfoldShortCircuit.h" #include "compiler/translator/UniformHLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/UtilsHLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/blocklayout.h" #include "compiler/translator/compilerdebug.h" #include "compiler/translator/util.h" namespace sh { TString OutputHLSL::TextureFunction::name() const { TString name = "gl_texture"; if (IsSampler2D(sampler)) { name += "2D"; } else if (IsSampler3D(sampler)) { name += "3D"; } else if (IsSamplerCube(sampler)) { name += "Cube"; } else UNREACHABLE(); if (proj) { name += "Proj"; } if (offset) { name += "Offset"; } switch(method) { case IMPLICIT: break; case BIAS: break; // Extra parameter makes the signature unique case LOD: name += "Lod"; break; case LOD0: name += "Lod0"; break; case LOD0BIAS: name += "Lod0"; break; // Extra parameter makes the signature unique case SIZE: name += "Size"; break; case FETCH: name += "Fetch"; break; case GRAD: name += "Grad"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return name + "("; } bool OutputHLSL::TextureFunction::operator<(const TextureFunction &rhs) const { if (sampler < rhs.sampler) return true; if (sampler > rhs.sampler) return false; if (coords < rhs.coords) return true; if (coords > rhs.coords) return false; if (!proj && rhs.proj) return true; if (proj && !rhs.proj) return false; if (!offset && rhs.offset) return true; if (offset && !rhs.offset) return false; if (method < rhs.method) return true; if (method > rhs.method) return false; return false; } OutputHLSL::OutputHLSL(sh::GLenum shaderType, int shaderVersion, const TExtensionBehavior &extensionBehavior, const char *sourcePath, ShShaderOutput outputType, int numRenderTargets, const std::vector &uniforms, int compileOptions) : TIntermTraverser(true, true, true), mShaderType(shaderType), mShaderVersion(shaderVersion), mExtensionBehavior(extensionBehavior), mSourcePath(sourcePath), mOutputType(outputType), mNumRenderTargets(numRenderTargets), mCompileOptions(compileOptions) { mUnfoldShortCircuit = new UnfoldShortCircuit(this); mInsideFunction = false; mUsesFragColor = false; mUsesFragData = false; mUsesDepthRange = false; mUsesFragCoord = false; mUsesPointCoord = false; mUsesFrontFacing = false; mUsesPointSize = false; mUsesInstanceID = false; mUsesFragDepth = false; mUsesXor = false; mUsesDiscardRewriting = false; mUsesNestedBreak = false; mRequiresIEEEStrictCompiling = false; mUniqueIndex = 0; mContainsLoopDiscontinuity = false; mContainsAnyLoop = false; mOutputLod0Function = false; mInsideDiscontinuousLoop = false; mNestedLoopDepth = 0; mExcessiveLoopIndex = NULL; mStructureHLSL = new StructureHLSL; mUniformHLSL = new UniformHLSL(mStructureHLSL, outputType, uniforms); if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL9_OUTPUT) { // Fragment shaders need dx_DepthRange, dx_ViewCoords and dx_DepthFront. // Vertex shaders need a slightly different set: dx_DepthRange, dx_ViewCoords and dx_ViewAdjust. // In both cases total 3 uniform registers need to be reserved. mUniformHLSL->reserveUniformRegisters(3); } // Reserve registers for the default uniform block and driver constants mUniformHLSL->reserveInterfaceBlockRegisters(2); } OutputHLSL::~OutputHLSL() { SafeDelete(mUnfoldShortCircuit); SafeDelete(mStructureHLSL); SafeDelete(mUniformHLSL); for (auto it = mStructEqualityFunctions.begin(); it != mStructEqualityFunctions.end(); ++it) { SafeDelete(*it); } for (auto it = mArrayEqualityFunctions.begin(); it != mArrayEqualityFunctions.end(); ++it) { SafeDelete(*it); } } void OutputHLSL::output(TIntermNode *treeRoot, TInfoSinkBase &objSink) { mContainsLoopDiscontinuity = mShaderType == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER && containsLoopDiscontinuity(treeRoot); mContainsAnyLoop = containsAnyLoop(treeRoot); const std::vector &flaggedStructs = FlagStd140ValueStructs(treeRoot); makeFlaggedStructMaps(flaggedStructs); // Work around D3D9 bug that would manifest in vertex shaders with selection blocks which // use a vertex attribute as a condition, and some related computation in the else block. if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL9_OUTPUT && mShaderType == GL_VERTEX_SHADER) { RewriteElseBlocks(treeRoot); } BuiltInFunctionEmulator builtInFunctionEmulator; InitBuiltInFunctionEmulatorForHLSL(&builtInFunctionEmulator); builtInFunctionEmulator.MarkBuiltInFunctionsForEmulation(treeRoot); // Output the body and footer first to determine what has to go in the header mInfoSinkStack.push(&mBody); treeRoot->traverse(this); mInfoSinkStack.pop(); mInfoSinkStack.push(&mFooter); if (!mDeferredGlobalInitializers.empty()) { writeDeferredGlobalInitializers(mFooter); } mInfoSinkStack.pop(); mInfoSinkStack.push(&mHeader); header(&builtInFunctionEmulator); mInfoSinkStack.pop(); objSink << mHeader.c_str(); objSink << mBody.c_str(); objSink << mFooter.c_str(); builtInFunctionEmulator.Cleanup(); } void OutputHLSL::makeFlaggedStructMaps(const std::vector &flaggedStructs) { for (unsigned int structIndex = 0; structIndex < flaggedStructs.size(); structIndex++) { TIntermTyped *flaggedNode = flaggedStructs[structIndex]; TInfoSinkBase structInfoSink; mInfoSinkStack.push(&structInfoSink); // This will mark the necessary block elements as referenced flaggedNode->traverse(this); TString structName(structInfoSink.c_str()); mInfoSinkStack.pop(); mFlaggedStructOriginalNames[flaggedNode] = structName; for (size_t pos = structName.find('.'); pos != std::string::npos; pos = structName.find('.')) { structName.erase(pos, 1); } mFlaggedStructMappedNames[flaggedNode] = "map" + structName; } } const std::map &OutputHLSL::getInterfaceBlockRegisterMap() const { return mUniformHLSL->getInterfaceBlockRegisterMap(); } const std::map &OutputHLSL::getUniformRegisterMap() const { return mUniformHLSL->getUniformRegisterMap(); } int OutputHLSL::vectorSize(const TType &type) const { int elementSize = type.isMatrix() ? type.getCols() : 1; int arraySize = type.isArray() ? type.getArraySize() : 1; return elementSize * arraySize; } TString OutputHLSL::structInitializerString(int indent, const TStructure &structure, const TString &rhsStructName) { TString init; TString preIndentString; TString fullIndentString; for (int spaces = 0; spaces < (indent * 4); spaces++) { preIndentString += ' '; } for (int spaces = 0; spaces < ((indent+1) * 4); spaces++) { fullIndentString += ' '; } init += preIndentString + "{\n"; const TFieldList &fields = structure.fields(); for (unsigned int fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < fields.size(); fieldIndex++) { const TField &field = *fields[fieldIndex]; const TString &fieldName = rhsStructName + "." + Decorate(field.name()); const TType &fieldType = *field.type(); if (fieldType.getStruct()) { init += structInitializerString(indent + 1, *fieldType.getStruct(), fieldName); } else { init += fullIndentString + fieldName + ",\n"; } } init += preIndentString + "}" + (indent == 0 ? ";" : ",") + "\n"; return init; } void OutputHLSL::header(const BuiltInFunctionEmulator *builtInFunctionEmulator) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); TString varyings; TString attributes; TString flaggedStructs; for (std::map::const_iterator flaggedStructIt = mFlaggedStructMappedNames.begin(); flaggedStructIt != mFlaggedStructMappedNames.end(); flaggedStructIt++) { TIntermTyped *structNode = flaggedStructIt->first; const TString &mappedName = flaggedStructIt->second; const TStructure &structure = *structNode->getType().getStruct(); const TString &originalName = mFlaggedStructOriginalNames[structNode]; flaggedStructs += "static " + Decorate(structure.name()) + " " + mappedName + " =\n"; flaggedStructs += structInitializerString(0, structure, originalName); flaggedStructs += "\n"; } for (ReferencedSymbols::const_iterator varying = mReferencedVaryings.begin(); varying != mReferencedVaryings.end(); varying++) { const TType &type = varying->second->getType(); const TString &name = varying->second->getSymbol(); // Program linking depends on this exact format varyings += "static " + InterpolationString(type.getQualifier()) + " " + TypeString(type) + " " + Decorate(name) + ArrayString(type) + " = " + initializer(type) + ";\n"; } for (ReferencedSymbols::const_iterator attribute = mReferencedAttributes.begin(); attribute != mReferencedAttributes.end(); attribute++) { const TType &type = attribute->second->getType(); const TString &name = attribute->second->getSymbol(); attributes += "static " + TypeString(type) + " " + Decorate(name) + ArrayString(type) + " = " + initializer(type) + ";\n"; } out << mStructureHLSL->structsHeader(); out << mUniformHLSL->uniformsHeader(mOutputType, mReferencedUniforms); out << mUniformHLSL->interfaceBlocksHeader(mReferencedInterfaceBlocks); if (!mEqualityFunctions.empty()) { out << "\n// Equality functions\n\n"; for (auto it = mEqualityFunctions.cbegin(); it != mEqualityFunctions.cend(); ++it) { out << (*it)->functionDefinition << "\n"; } } if (!mArrayAssignmentFunctions.empty()) { out << "\n// Assignment functions\n\n"; for (auto it = mArrayAssignmentFunctions.cbegin(); it != mArrayAssignmentFunctions.cend(); ++it) { out << it->functionDefinition << "\n"; } } if (mUsesDiscardRewriting) { out << "#define ANGLE_USES_DISCARD_REWRITING\n"; } if (mUsesNestedBreak) { out << "#define ANGLE_USES_NESTED_BREAK\n"; } if (mRequiresIEEEStrictCompiling) { out << "#define ANGLE_REQUIRES_IEEE_STRICT_COMPILING\n"; } out << "#ifdef ANGLE_ENABLE_LOOP_FLATTEN\n" "#define LOOP [loop]\n" "#define FLATTEN [flatten]\n" "#else\n" "#define LOOP\n" "#define FLATTEN\n" "#endif\n"; if (mShaderType == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) { TExtensionBehavior::const_iterator iter = mExtensionBehavior.find("GL_EXT_draw_buffers"); const bool usingMRTExtension = (iter != mExtensionBehavior.end() && (iter->second == EBhEnable || iter->second == EBhRequire)); out << "// Varyings\n"; out << varyings; out << "\n"; if (mShaderVersion >= 300) { for (ReferencedSymbols::const_iterator outputVariableIt = mReferencedOutputVariables.begin(); outputVariableIt != mReferencedOutputVariables.end(); outputVariableIt++) { const TString &variableName = outputVariableIt->first; const TType &variableType = outputVariableIt->second->getType(); out << "static " + TypeString(variableType) + " out_" + variableName + ArrayString(variableType) + " = " + initializer(variableType) + ";\n"; } } else { const unsigned int numColorValues = usingMRTExtension ? mNumRenderTargets : 1; out << "static float4 gl_Color[" << numColorValues << "] =\n" "{\n"; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numColorValues; i++) { out << " float4(0, 0, 0, 0)"; if (i + 1 != numColorValues) { out << ","; } out << "\n"; } out << "};\n"; } if (mUsesFragDepth) { out << "static float gl_Depth = 0.0;\n"; } if (mUsesFragCoord) { out << "static float4 gl_FragCoord = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"; } if (mUsesPointCoord) { out << "static float2 gl_PointCoord = float2(0.5, 0.5);\n"; } if (mUsesFrontFacing) { out << "static bool gl_FrontFacing = false;\n"; } out << "\n"; if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << "struct gl_DepthRangeParameters\n" "{\n" " float near;\n" " float far;\n" " float diff;\n" "};\n" "\n"; } if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT) { out << "cbuffer DriverConstants : register(b1)\n" "{\n"; if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << " float3 dx_DepthRange : packoffset(c0);\n"; } if (mUsesFragCoord) { out << " float4 dx_ViewCoords : packoffset(c1);\n"; } if (mUsesFragCoord || mUsesFrontFacing) { out << " float3 dx_DepthFront : packoffset(c2);\n"; } out << "};\n"; } else { if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << "uniform float3 dx_DepthRange : register(c0);"; } if (mUsesFragCoord) { out << "uniform float4 dx_ViewCoords : register(c1);\n"; } if (mUsesFragCoord || mUsesFrontFacing) { out << "uniform float3 dx_DepthFront : register(c2);\n"; } } out << "\n"; if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << "static gl_DepthRangeParameters gl_DepthRange = {dx_DepthRange.x, dx_DepthRange.y, dx_DepthRange.z};\n" "\n"; } if (!flaggedStructs.empty()) { out << "// Std140 Structures accessed by value\n"; out << "\n"; out << flaggedStructs; out << "\n"; } if (usingMRTExtension && mNumRenderTargets > 1) { out << "#define GL_USES_MRT\n"; } if (mUsesFragColor) { out << "#define GL_USES_FRAG_COLOR\n"; } if (mUsesFragData) { out << "#define GL_USES_FRAG_DATA\n"; } } else // Vertex shader { out << "// Attributes\n"; out << attributes; out << "\n" "static float4 gl_Position = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);\n"; if (mUsesPointSize) { out << "static float gl_PointSize = float(1);\n"; } if (mUsesInstanceID) { out << "static int gl_InstanceID;"; } out << "\n" "// Varyings\n"; out << varyings; out << "\n"; if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << "struct gl_DepthRangeParameters\n" "{\n" " float near;\n" " float far;\n" " float diff;\n" "};\n" "\n"; } if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT) { out << "cbuffer DriverConstants : register(b1)\n" "{\n"; if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << " float3 dx_DepthRange : packoffset(c0);\n"; } // dx_ViewAdjust and dx_ViewCoords will only be used in Feature Level 9 shaders. // However, we declare it for all shaders (including Feature Level 10+). // The bytecode is the same whether we declare it or not, since D3DCompiler removes it if it's unused. out << " float4 dx_ViewAdjust : packoffset(c1);\n"; out << " float2 dx_ViewCoords : packoffset(c2);\n"; out << "};\n" "\n"; } else { if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << "uniform float3 dx_DepthRange : register(c0);\n"; } out << "uniform float4 dx_ViewAdjust : register(c1);\n"; out << "uniform float2 dx_ViewCoords : register(c2);\n" "\n"; } if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << "static gl_DepthRangeParameters gl_DepthRange = {dx_DepthRange.x, dx_DepthRange.y, dx_DepthRange.z};\n" "\n"; } if (!flaggedStructs.empty()) { out << "// Std140 Structures accessed by value\n"; out << "\n"; out << flaggedStructs; out << "\n"; } } for (TextureFunctionSet::const_iterator textureFunction = mUsesTexture.begin(); textureFunction != mUsesTexture.end(); textureFunction++) { // Return type if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::SIZE) { switch(textureFunction->sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: out << "int2 "; break; case EbtSampler3D: out << "int3 "; break; case EbtSamplerCube: out << "int2 "; break; case EbtSampler2DArray: out << "int3 "; break; case EbtISampler2D: out << "int2 "; break; case EbtISampler3D: out << "int3 "; break; case EbtISamplerCube: out << "int2 "; break; case EbtISampler2DArray: out << "int3 "; break; case EbtUSampler2D: out << "int2 "; break; case EbtUSampler3D: out << "int3 "; break; case EbtUSamplerCube: out << "int2 "; break; case EbtUSampler2DArray: out << "int3 "; break; case EbtSampler2DShadow: out << "int2 "; break; case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: out << "int2 "; break; case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: out << "int3 "; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else // Sampling function { switch(textureFunction->sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: out << "float4 "; break; case EbtSampler3D: out << "float4 "; break; case EbtSamplerCube: out << "float4 "; break; case EbtSampler2DArray: out << "float4 "; break; case EbtISampler2D: out << "int4 "; break; case EbtISampler3D: out << "int4 "; break; case EbtISamplerCube: out << "int4 "; break; case EbtISampler2DArray: out << "int4 "; break; case EbtUSampler2D: out << "uint4 "; break; case EbtUSampler3D: out << "uint4 "; break; case EbtUSamplerCube: out << "uint4 "; break; case EbtUSampler2DArray: out << "uint4 "; break; case EbtSampler2DShadow: out << "float "; break; case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: out << "float "; break; case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: out << "float "; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } // Function name out << textureFunction->name(); // Argument list int hlslCoords = 4; if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL9_OUTPUT) { switch(textureFunction->sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: out << "sampler2D s"; hlslCoords = 2; break; case EbtSamplerCube: out << "samplerCUBE s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } switch(textureFunction->method) { case TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: break; case TextureFunction::BIAS: hlslCoords = 4; break; case TextureFunction::LOD: hlslCoords = 4; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0: hlslCoords = 4; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: hlslCoords = 4; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT) { switch(textureFunction->sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: out << "Texture2D x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 2; break; case EbtSampler3D: out << "Texture3D x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtSamplerCube: out << "TextureCube x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtSampler2DArray: out << "Texture2DArray x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtISampler2D: out << "Texture2D x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 2; break; case EbtISampler3D: out << "Texture3D x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtISamplerCube: out << "Texture2DArray x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtISampler2DArray: out << "Texture2DArray x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtUSampler2D: out << "Texture2D x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 2; break; case EbtUSampler3D: out << "Texture3D x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtUSamplerCube: out << "Texture2DArray x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtUSampler2DArray: out << "Texture2DArray x, SamplerState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtSampler2DShadow: out << "Texture2D x, SamplerComparisonState s"; hlslCoords = 2; break; case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: out << "TextureCube x, SamplerComparisonState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: out << "Texture2DArray x, SamplerComparisonState s"; hlslCoords = 3; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else UNREACHABLE(); if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::FETCH) // Integer coordinates { switch(textureFunction->coords) { case 2: out << ", int2 t"; break; case 3: out << ", int3 t"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else // Floating-point coordinates (except textureSize) { switch(textureFunction->coords) { case 1: out << ", int lod"; break; // textureSize() case 2: out << ", float2 t"; break; case 3: out << ", float3 t"; break; case 4: out << ", float4 t"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::GRAD) { switch(textureFunction->sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: case EbtISampler2D: case EbtUSampler2D: case EbtSampler2DArray: case EbtISampler2DArray: case EbtUSampler2DArray: case EbtSampler2DShadow: case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: out << ", float2 ddx, float2 ddy"; break; case EbtSampler3D: case EbtISampler3D: case EbtUSampler3D: case EbtSamplerCube: case EbtISamplerCube: case EbtUSamplerCube: case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: out << ", float3 ddx, float3 ddy"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } switch(textureFunction->method) { case TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: break; case TextureFunction::BIAS: break; // Comes after the offset parameter case TextureFunction::LOD: out << ", float lod"; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0: break; case TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: break; // Comes after the offset parameter case TextureFunction::SIZE: break; case TextureFunction::FETCH: out << ", int mip"; break; case TextureFunction::GRAD: break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } if (textureFunction->offset) { switch(textureFunction->sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtSampler3D: out << ", int3 offset"; break; case EbtSampler2DArray: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtISampler2D: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtISampler3D: out << ", int3 offset"; break; case EbtISampler2DArray: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtUSampler2D: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtUSampler3D: out << ", int3 offset"; break; case EbtUSampler2DArray: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtSampler2DShadow: out << ", int2 offset"; break; case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: out << ", int2 offset"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::BIAS || textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS) { out << ", float bias"; } out << ")\n" "{\n"; if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::SIZE) { if (IsSampler2D(textureFunction->sampler) || IsSamplerCube(textureFunction->sampler)) { if (IsSamplerArray(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << " uint width; uint height; uint layers; uint numberOfLevels;\n" " x.GetDimensions(lod, width, height, layers, numberOfLevels);\n"; } else { out << " uint width; uint height; uint numberOfLevels;\n" " x.GetDimensions(lod, width, height, numberOfLevels);\n"; } } else if (IsSampler3D(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << " uint width; uint height; uint depth; uint numberOfLevels;\n" " x.GetDimensions(lod, width, height, depth, numberOfLevels);\n"; } else UNREACHABLE(); switch(textureFunction->sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: out << " return int2(width, height);"; break; case EbtSampler3D: out << " return int3(width, height, depth);"; break; case EbtSamplerCube: out << " return int2(width, height);"; break; case EbtSampler2DArray: out << " return int3(width, height, layers);"; break; case EbtISampler2D: out << " return int2(width, height);"; break; case EbtISampler3D: out << " return int3(width, height, depth);"; break; case EbtISamplerCube: out << " return int2(width, height);"; break; case EbtISampler2DArray: out << " return int3(width, height, layers);"; break; case EbtUSampler2D: out << " return int2(width, height);"; break; case EbtUSampler3D: out << " return int3(width, height, depth);"; break; case EbtUSamplerCube: out << " return int2(width, height);"; break; case EbtUSampler2DArray: out << " return int3(width, height, layers);"; break; case EbtSampler2DShadow: out << " return int2(width, height);"; break; case EbtSamplerCubeShadow: out << " return int2(width, height);"; break; case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: out << " return int3(width, height, layers);"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction->sampler) && IsSamplerCube(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << " float width; float height; float layers; float levels;\n"; out << " uint mip = 0;\n"; out << " x.GetDimensions(mip, width, height, layers, levels);\n"; out << " bool xMajor = abs(t.x) > abs(t.y) && abs(t.x) > abs(t.z);\n"; out << " bool yMajor = abs(t.y) > abs(t.z) && abs(t.y) > abs(t.x);\n"; out << " bool zMajor = abs(t.z) > abs(t.x) && abs(t.z) > abs(t.y);\n"; out << " bool negative = (xMajor && t.x < 0.0f) || (yMajor && t.y < 0.0f) || (zMajor && t.z < 0.0f);\n"; // FACE_POSITIVE_X = 000b // FACE_NEGATIVE_X = 001b // FACE_POSITIVE_Y = 010b // FACE_NEGATIVE_Y = 011b // FACE_POSITIVE_Z = 100b // FACE_NEGATIVE_Z = 101b out << " int face = (int)negative + (int)yMajor * 2 + (int)zMajor * 4;\n"; out << " float u = xMajor ? -t.z : (yMajor && t.y < 0.0f ? -t.x : t.x);\n"; out << " float v = yMajor ? t.z : (negative ? t.y : -t.y);\n"; out << " float m = xMajor ? t.x : (yMajor ? t.y : t.z);\n"; out << " t.x = (u * 0.5f / m) + 0.5f;\n"; out << " t.y = (v * 0.5f / m) + 0.5f;\n"; } else if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction->sampler) && textureFunction->method != TextureFunction::FETCH) { if (IsSampler2D(textureFunction->sampler)) { if (IsSamplerArray(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << " float width; float height; float layers; float levels;\n"; if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::LOD0) { out << " uint mip = 0;\n"; } else if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS) { out << " uint mip = bias;\n"; } else { if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::IMPLICIT || textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " x.GetDimensions(0, width, height, layers, levels);\n" " float2 tSized = float2(t.x * width, t.y * height);\n" " float dx = length(ddx(tSized));\n" " float dy = length(ddy(tSized));\n" " float lod = log2(max(dx, dy));\n"; if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " lod += bias;\n"; } } else if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::GRAD) { out << " x.GetDimensions(0, width, height, layers, levels);\n" " float lod = log2(max(length(ddx), length(ddy)));\n"; } out << " uint mip = uint(min(max(round(lod), 0), levels - 1));\n"; } out << " x.GetDimensions(mip, width, height, layers, levels);\n"; } else { out << " float width; float height; float levels;\n"; if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::LOD0) { out << " uint mip = 0;\n"; } else if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS) { out << " uint mip = bias;\n"; } else { if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::IMPLICIT || textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " x.GetDimensions(0, width, height, levels);\n" " float2 tSized = float2(t.x * width, t.y * height);\n" " float dx = length(ddx(tSized));\n" " float dy = length(ddy(tSized));\n" " float lod = log2(max(dx, dy));\n"; if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " lod += bias;\n"; } } else if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::LOD) { out << " x.GetDimensions(0, width, height, levels);\n"; } else if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::GRAD) { out << " x.GetDimensions(0, width, height, levels);\n" " float lod = log2(max(length(ddx), length(ddy)));\n"; } out << " uint mip = uint(min(max(round(lod), 0), levels - 1));\n"; } out << " x.GetDimensions(mip, width, height, levels);\n"; } } else if (IsSampler3D(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << " float width; float height; float depth; float levels;\n"; if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::LOD0) { out << " uint mip = 0;\n"; } else if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS) { out << " uint mip = bias;\n"; } else { if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::IMPLICIT || textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " x.GetDimensions(0, width, height, depth, levels);\n" " float3 tSized = float3(t.x * width, t.y * height, t.z * depth);\n" " float dx = length(ddx(tSized));\n" " float dy = length(ddy(tSized));\n" " float lod = log2(max(dx, dy));\n"; if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::BIAS) { out << " lod += bias;\n"; } } else if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::GRAD) { out << " x.GetDimensions(0, width, height, depth, levels);\n" " float lod = log2(max(length(ddx), length(ddy)));\n"; } out << " uint mip = uint(min(max(round(lod), 0), levels - 1));\n"; } out << " x.GetDimensions(mip, width, height, depth, levels);\n"; } else UNREACHABLE(); } out << " return "; // HLSL intrinsic if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL9_OUTPUT) { switch(textureFunction->sampler) { case EbtSampler2D: out << "tex2D"; break; case EbtSamplerCube: out << "texCUBE"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } switch(textureFunction->method) { case TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: out << "(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::BIAS: out << "bias(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD: out << "lod(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0: out << "lod(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << "lod(s, "; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT) { if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::GRAD) { if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << "x.Load("; } else if (IsShadowSampler(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << "x.SampleCmpLevelZero(s, "; } else { out << "x.SampleGrad(s, "; } } else if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction->sampler) || textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::FETCH) { out << "x.Load("; } else if (IsShadowSampler(textureFunction->sampler)) { switch(textureFunction->method) { case TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: out << "x.SampleCmp(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::BIAS: out << "x.SampleCmp(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD: out << "x.SampleCmp(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0: out << "x.SampleCmpLevelZero(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << "x.SampleCmpLevelZero(s, "; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else { switch(textureFunction->method) { case TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: out << "x.Sample(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::BIAS: out << "x.SampleBias(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD: out << "x.SampleLevel(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0: out << "x.SampleLevel(s, "; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << "x.SampleLevel(s, "; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } } else UNREACHABLE(); // Integer sampling requires integer addresses TString addressx = ""; TString addressy = ""; TString addressz = ""; TString close = ""; if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction->sampler) || textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::FETCH) { switch(hlslCoords) { case 2: out << "int3("; break; case 3: out << "int4("; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } // Convert from normalized floating-point to integer if (textureFunction->method != TextureFunction::FETCH) { addressx = "int(floor(width * frac(("; addressy = "int(floor(height * frac(("; if (IsSamplerArray(textureFunction->sampler)) { addressz = "int(max(0, min(layers - 1, floor(0.5 + "; } else if (IsSamplerCube(textureFunction->sampler)) { addressz = "(((("; } else { addressz = "int(floor(depth * frac(("; } close = "))))"; } } else { switch(hlslCoords) { case 2: out << "float2("; break; case 3: out << "float3("; break; case 4: out << "float4("; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } TString proj = ""; // Only used for projected textures if (textureFunction->proj) { switch(textureFunction->coords) { case 3: proj = " / t.z"; break; case 4: proj = " / t.w"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } out << addressx + ("t.x" + proj) + close + ", " + addressy + ("t.y" + proj) + close; if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL9_OUTPUT) { if (hlslCoords >= 3) { if (textureFunction->coords < 3) { out << ", 0"; } else { out << ", t.z" + proj; } } if (hlslCoords == 4) { switch(textureFunction->method) { case TextureFunction::BIAS: out << ", bias"; break; case TextureFunction::LOD: out << ", lod"; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0: out << ", 0"; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << ", bias"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } out << "));\n"; } else if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT) { if (hlslCoords >= 3) { if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction->sampler) && IsSamplerCube(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << ", face"; } else { out << ", " + addressz + ("t.z" + proj) + close; } } if (textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::GRAD) { if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction->sampler)) { out << ", mip)"; } else if (IsShadowSampler(textureFunction->sampler)) { // Compare value if (textureFunction->proj) { // According to ESSL 3.00.4 sec 8.8 p95 on textureProj: // The resulting third component of P' in the shadow forms is used as Dref out << "), t.z" << proj; } else { switch(textureFunction->coords) { case 3: out << "), t.z"; break; case 4: out << "), t.w"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } } else { out << "), ddx, ddy"; } } else if (IsIntegerSampler(textureFunction->sampler) || textureFunction->method == TextureFunction::FETCH) { out << ", mip)"; } else if (IsShadowSampler(textureFunction->sampler)) { // Compare value if (textureFunction->proj) { // According to ESSL 3.00.4 sec 8.8 p95 on textureProj: // The resulting third component of P' in the shadow forms is used as Dref out << "), t.z" << proj; } else { switch(textureFunction->coords) { case 3: out << "), t.z"; break; case 4: out << "), t.w"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } } else { switch(textureFunction->method) { case TextureFunction::IMPLICIT: out << ")"; break; case TextureFunction::BIAS: out << "), bias"; break; case TextureFunction::LOD: out << "), lod"; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0: out << "), 0"; break; case TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS: out << "), bias"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } if (textureFunction->offset) { out << ", offset"; } out << ");"; } else UNREACHABLE(); } out << "\n" "}\n" "\n"; } if (mUsesFragCoord) { out << "#define GL_USES_FRAG_COORD\n"; } if (mUsesPointCoord) { out << "#define GL_USES_POINT_COORD\n"; } if (mUsesFrontFacing) { out << "#define GL_USES_FRONT_FACING\n"; } if (mUsesPointSize) { out << "#define GL_USES_POINT_SIZE\n"; } if (mUsesFragDepth) { out << "#define GL_USES_FRAG_DEPTH\n"; } if (mUsesDepthRange) { out << "#define GL_USES_DEPTH_RANGE\n"; } if (mUsesXor) { out << "bool xor(bool p, bool q)\n" "{\n" " return (p || q) && !(p && q);\n" "}\n" "\n"; } builtInFunctionEmulator->OutputEmulatedFunctions(out); } void OutputHLSL::visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); // Handle accessing std140 structs by value if (mFlaggedStructMappedNames.count(node) > 0) { out << mFlaggedStructMappedNames[node]; return; } TString name = node->getSymbol(); if (name == "gl_DepthRange") { mUsesDepthRange = true; out << name; } else { TQualifier qualifier = node->getQualifier(); if (qualifier == EvqUniform) { const TType& nodeType = node->getType(); const TInterfaceBlock* interfaceBlock = nodeType.getInterfaceBlock(); if (interfaceBlock) { mReferencedInterfaceBlocks[interfaceBlock->name()] = node; } else { mReferencedUniforms[name] = node; } out << DecorateUniform(name, nodeType); } else if (qualifier == EvqAttribute || qualifier == EvqVertexIn) { mReferencedAttributes[name] = node; out << Decorate(name); } else if (IsVarying(qualifier)) { mReferencedVaryings[name] = node; out << Decorate(name); } else if (qualifier == EvqFragmentOut) { mReferencedOutputVariables[name] = node; out << "out_" << name; } else if (qualifier == EvqFragColor) { out << "gl_Color[0]"; mUsesFragColor = true; } else if (qualifier == EvqFragData) { out << "gl_Color"; mUsesFragData = true; } else if (qualifier == EvqFragCoord) { mUsesFragCoord = true; out << name; } else if (qualifier == EvqPointCoord) { mUsesPointCoord = true; out << name; } else if (qualifier == EvqFrontFacing) { mUsesFrontFacing = true; out << name; } else if (qualifier == EvqPointSize) { mUsesPointSize = true; out << name; } else if (qualifier == EvqInstanceID) { mUsesInstanceID = true; out << name; } else if (name == "gl_FragDepthEXT") { mUsesFragDepth = true; out << "gl_Depth"; } else if (qualifier == EvqInternal) { out << name; } else { out << Decorate(name); } } } void OutputHLSL::visitRaw(TIntermRaw *node) { getInfoSink() << node->getRawText(); } void OutputHLSL::outputEqual(Visit visit, const TType &type, TOperator op, TInfoSinkBase &out) { if (type.isScalar() && !type.isArray()) { if (op == EOpEqual) { outputTriplet(visit, "(", " == ", ")", out); } else { outputTriplet(visit, "(", " != ", ")", out); } } else { if (visit == PreVisit && op == EOpNotEqual) { out << "!"; } if (type.isArray()) { const TString &functionName = addArrayEqualityFunction(type); outputTriplet(visit, (functionName + "(").c_str(), ", ", ")", out); } else if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) { const TStructure &structure = *type.getStruct(); const TString &functionName = addStructEqualityFunction(structure); outputTriplet(visit, (functionName + "(").c_str(), ", ", ")", out); } else { ASSERT(type.isMatrix() || type.isVector()); outputTriplet(visit, "all(", " == ", ")", out); } } } bool OutputHLSL::visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); // Handle accessing std140 structs by value if (mFlaggedStructMappedNames.count(node) > 0) { out << mFlaggedStructMappedNames[node]; return false; } switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpAssign: if (node->getLeft()->isArray()) { const TString &functionName = addArrayAssignmentFunction(node->getType()); outputTriplet(visit, (functionName + "(").c_str(), ", ", ")"); } else { outputTriplet(visit, "(", " = ", ")"); } break; case EOpInitialize: if (visit == PreVisit) { // GLSL allows to write things like "float x = x;" where a new variable x is defined // and the value of an existing variable x is assigned. HLSL uses C semantics (the // new variable is created before the assignment is evaluated), so we need to convert // this to "float t = x, x = t;". TIntermSymbol *symbolNode = node->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); ASSERT(symbolNode); TIntermTyped *expression = node->getRight(); // TODO (jmadill): do a 'deep' scan to know if an expression is statically const if (symbolNode->getQualifier() == EvqGlobal && expression->getQualifier() != EvqConst) { // For variables which are not constant, defer their real initialization until // after we initialize other globals: uniforms, attributes and varyings. mDeferredGlobalInitializers.push_back(std::make_pair(symbolNode, expression)); const TString &initString = initializer(node->getType()); node->setRight(new TIntermRaw(node->getType(), initString)); } else if (writeSameSymbolInitializer(out, symbolNode, expression)) { // Skip initializing the rest of the expression return false; } } else if (visit == InVisit) { out << " = "; } break; case EOpAddAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " += ", ")"); break; case EOpSubAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " -= ", ")"); break; case EOpMulAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " *= ", ")"); break; case EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " *= ", ")"); break; case EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " *= ", ")"); break; case EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign: if (visit == PreVisit) { out << "("; } else if (visit == InVisit) { out << " = mul("; node->getLeft()->traverse(this); out << ", transpose("; } else { out << ")))"; } break; case EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign: if (visit == PreVisit) { out << "("; } else if (visit == InVisit) { out << " = transpose(mul(transpose("; node->getLeft()->traverse(this); out << "), transpose("; } else { out << "))))"; } break; case EOpDivAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " /= ", ")"); break; case EOpIModAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " %= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftLeftAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " <<= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftRightAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " >>= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseAndAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " &= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseXorAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " ^= ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseOrAssign: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " |= ", ")"); break; case EOpIndexDirect: { const TType& leftType = node->getLeft()->getType(); if (leftType.isInterfaceBlock()) { if (visit == PreVisit) { TInterfaceBlock* interfaceBlock = leftType.getInterfaceBlock(); const int arrayIndex = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion()->getIConst(0); mReferencedInterfaceBlocks[interfaceBlock->instanceName()] = node->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); out << mUniformHLSL->interfaceBlockInstanceString(*interfaceBlock, arrayIndex); return false; } } else { outputTriplet(visit, "", "[", "]"); } } break; case EOpIndexIndirect: // We do not currently support indirect references to interface blocks ASSERT(node->getLeft()->getBasicType() != EbtInterfaceBlock); outputTriplet(visit, "", "[", "]"); break; case EOpIndexDirectStruct: if (visit == InVisit) { const TStructure* structure = node->getLeft()->getType().getStruct(); const TIntermConstantUnion* index = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); const TField* field = structure->fields()[index->getIConst(0)]; out << "." + DecorateField(field->name(), *structure); return false; } break; case EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock: if (visit == InVisit) { const TInterfaceBlock* interfaceBlock = node->getLeft()->getType().getInterfaceBlock(); const TIntermConstantUnion* index = node->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); const TField* field = interfaceBlock->fields()[index->getIConst(0)]; out << "." + Decorate(field->name()); return false; } break; case EOpVectorSwizzle: if (visit == InVisit) { out << "."; TIntermAggregate *swizzle = node->getRight()->getAsAggregate(); if (swizzle) { TIntermSequence *sequence = swizzle->getSequence(); for (TIntermSequence::iterator sit = sequence->begin(); sit != sequence->end(); sit++) { TIntermConstantUnion *element = (*sit)->getAsConstantUnion(); if (element) { int i = element->getIConst(0); switch (i) { case 0: out << "x"; break; case 1: out << "y"; break; case 2: out << "z"; break; case 3: out << "w"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else UNREACHABLE(); } } else UNREACHABLE(); return false; // Fully processed } break; case EOpAdd: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " + ", ")"); break; case EOpSub: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " - ", ")"); break; case EOpMul: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " * ", ")"); break; case EOpDiv: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " / ", ")"); break; case EOpIMod: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " % ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftLeft: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " << ", ")"); break; case EOpBitShiftRight: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " >> ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseAnd: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " & ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseXor: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " ^ ", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseOr: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " | ", ")"); break; case EOpEqual: case EOpNotEqual: outputEqual(visit, node->getLeft()->getType(), node->getOp(), out); break; case EOpLessThan: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " < ", ")"); break; case EOpGreaterThan: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " > ", ")"); break; case EOpLessThanEqual: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " <= ", ")"); break; case EOpGreaterThanEqual: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " >= ", ")"); break; case EOpVectorTimesScalar: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " * ", ")"); break; case EOpMatrixTimesScalar: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " * ", ")"); break; case EOpVectorTimesMatrix: outputTriplet(visit, "mul(", ", transpose(", "))"); break; case EOpMatrixTimesVector: outputTriplet(visit, "mul(transpose(", "), ", ")"); break; case EOpMatrixTimesMatrix: outputTriplet(visit, "transpose(mul(transpose(", "), transpose(", ")))"); break; case EOpLogicalOr: if (node->getRight()->hasSideEffects()) { out << "s" << mUnfoldShortCircuit->getNextTemporaryIndex(); return false; } else { outputTriplet(visit, "(", " || ", ")"); return true; } case EOpLogicalXor: mUsesXor = true; outputTriplet(visit, "xor(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpLogicalAnd: if (node->getRight()->hasSideEffects()) { out << "s" << mUnfoldShortCircuit->getNextTemporaryIndex(); return false; } else { outputTriplet(visit, "(", " && ", ")"); return true; } default: UNREACHABLE(); } return true; } bool OutputHLSL::visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary *node) { switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpNegative: outputTriplet(visit, "(-", "", ")"); break; case EOpPositive: outputTriplet(visit, "(+", "", ")"); break; case EOpVectorLogicalNot: outputTriplet(visit, "(!", "", ")"); break; case EOpLogicalNot: outputTriplet(visit, "(!", "", ")"); break; case EOpBitwiseNot: outputTriplet(visit, "(~", "", ")"); break; case EOpPostIncrement: outputTriplet(visit, "(", "", "++)"); break; case EOpPostDecrement: outputTriplet(visit, "(", "", "--)"); break; case EOpPreIncrement: outputTriplet(visit, "(++", "", ")"); break; case EOpPreDecrement: outputTriplet(visit, "(--", "", ")"); break; case EOpRadians: outputTriplet(visit, "radians(", "", ")"); break; case EOpDegrees: outputTriplet(visit, "degrees(", "", ")"); break; case EOpSin: outputTriplet(visit, "sin(", "", ")"); break; case EOpCos: outputTriplet(visit, "cos(", "", ")"); break; case EOpTan: outputTriplet(visit, "tan(", "", ")"); break; case EOpAsin: outputTriplet(visit, "asin(", "", ")"); break; case EOpAcos: outputTriplet(visit, "acos(", "", ")"); break; case EOpAtan: outputTriplet(visit, "atan(", "", ")"); break; case EOpSinh: outputTriplet(visit, "sinh(", "", ")"); break; case EOpCosh: outputTriplet(visit, "cosh(", "", ")"); break; case EOpTanh: outputTriplet(visit, "tanh(", "", ")"); break; case EOpAsinh: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "asinh("); break; case EOpAcosh: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "acosh("); break; case EOpAtanh: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "atanh("); break; case EOpExp: outputTriplet(visit, "exp(", "", ")"); break; case EOpLog: outputTriplet(visit, "log(", "", ")"); break; case EOpExp2: outputTriplet(visit, "exp2(", "", ")"); break; case EOpLog2: outputTriplet(visit, "log2(", "", ")"); break; case EOpSqrt: outputTriplet(visit, "sqrt(", "", ")"); break; case EOpInverseSqrt: outputTriplet(visit, "rsqrt(", "", ")"); break; case EOpAbs: outputTriplet(visit, "abs(", "", ")"); break; case EOpSign: outputTriplet(visit, "sign(", "", ")"); break; case EOpFloor: outputTriplet(visit, "floor(", "", ")"); break; case EOpTrunc: outputTriplet(visit, "trunc(", "", ")"); break; case EOpRound: outputTriplet(visit, "round(", "", ")"); break; case EOpRoundEven: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "roundEven("); break; case EOpCeil: outputTriplet(visit, "ceil(", "", ")"); break; case EOpFract: outputTriplet(visit, "frac(", "", ")"); break; case EOpIsNan: outputTriplet(visit, "isnan(", "", ")"); mRequiresIEEEStrictCompiling = true; break; case EOpIsInf: outputTriplet(visit, "isinf(", "", ")"); break; case EOpFloatBitsToInt: outputTriplet(visit, "asint(", "", ")"); break; case EOpFloatBitsToUint: outputTriplet(visit, "asuint(", "", ")"); break; case EOpIntBitsToFloat: outputTriplet(visit, "asfloat(", "", ")"); break; case EOpUintBitsToFloat: outputTriplet(visit, "asfloat(", "", ")"); break; case EOpPackSnorm2x16: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "packSnorm2x16("); break; case EOpPackUnorm2x16: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "packUnorm2x16("); break; case EOpPackHalf2x16: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "packHalf2x16("); break; case EOpUnpackSnorm2x16: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "unpackSnorm2x16("); break; case EOpUnpackUnorm2x16: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "unpackUnorm2x16("); break; case EOpUnpackHalf2x16: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "unpackHalf2x16("); break; case EOpLength: outputTriplet(visit, "length(", "", ")"); break; case EOpNormalize: outputTriplet(visit, "normalize(", "", ")"); break; case EOpDFdx: if(mInsideDiscontinuousLoop || mOutputLod0Function) { outputTriplet(visit, "(", "", ", 0.0)"); } else { outputTriplet(visit, "ddx(", "", ")"); } break; case EOpDFdy: if(mInsideDiscontinuousLoop || mOutputLod0Function) { outputTriplet(visit, "(", "", ", 0.0)"); } else { outputTriplet(visit, "ddy(", "", ")"); } break; case EOpFwidth: if(mInsideDiscontinuousLoop || mOutputLod0Function) { outputTriplet(visit, "(", "", ", 0.0)"); } else { outputTriplet(visit, "fwidth(", "", ")"); } break; case EOpTranspose: outputTriplet(visit, "transpose(", "", ")"); break; case EOpDeterminant: outputTriplet(visit, "determinant(transpose(", "", "))"); break; case EOpInverse: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "inverse("); break; case EOpAny: outputTriplet(visit, "any(", "", ")"); break; case EOpAll: outputTriplet(visit, "all(", "", ")"); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return true; } bool OutputHLSL::visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); switch (node->getOp()) { case EOpSequence: { if (mInsideFunction) { outputLineDirective(node->getLine().first_line); out << "{\n"; } for (TIntermSequence::iterator sit = node->getSequence()->begin(); sit != node->getSequence()->end(); sit++) { outputLineDirective((*sit)->getLine().first_line); traverseStatements(*sit); // Don't output ; after case labels, they're terminated by : // This is needed especially since outputting a ; after a case statement would turn empty // case statements into non-empty case statements, disallowing fall-through from them. if ((*sit)->getAsCaseNode() == nullptr) out << ";\n"; } if (mInsideFunction) { outputLineDirective(node->getLine().last_line); out << "}\n"; } return false; } case EOpDeclaration: if (visit == PreVisit) { TIntermSequence *sequence = node->getSequence(); TIntermTyped *variable = (*sequence)[0]->getAsTyped(); if (variable && (variable->getQualifier() == EvqTemporary || variable->getQualifier() == EvqGlobal)) { TStructure *structure = variable->getType().getStruct(); if (structure) { mStructureHLSL->addConstructor(variable->getType(), StructNameString(*structure), NULL); } if (!variable->getAsSymbolNode() || variable->getAsSymbolNode()->getSymbol() != "") // Variable declaration { for (auto it = sequence->cbegin(); it != sequence->cend(); ++it) { const auto &seqElement = *it; if (isSingleStatement(seqElement)) { mUnfoldShortCircuit->traverse(seqElement); } if (!mInsideFunction) { out << "static "; } out << TypeString(variable->getType()) + " "; TIntermSymbol *symbol = seqElement->getAsSymbolNode(); if (symbol) { symbol->traverse(this); out << ArrayString(symbol->getType()); out << " = " + initializer(symbol->getType()); } else { seqElement->traverse(this); } if (seqElement != sequence->back()) { out << ";\n"; } } } else if (variable->getAsSymbolNode() && variable->getAsSymbolNode()->getSymbol() == "") // Type (struct) declaration { // Already added to constructor map } else UNREACHABLE(); } else if (variable && IsVaryingOut(variable->getQualifier())) { for (TIntermSequence::iterator sit = sequence->begin(); sit != sequence->end(); sit++) { TIntermSymbol *symbol = (*sit)->getAsSymbolNode(); if (symbol) { // Vertex (output) varyings which are declared but not written to should still be declared to allow successful linking mReferencedVaryings[symbol->getSymbol()] = symbol; } else { (*sit)->traverse(this); } } } return false; } else if (visit == InVisit) { out << ", "; } break; case EOpInvariantDeclaration: // Do not do any translation return false; case EOpPrototype: if (visit == PreVisit) { out << TypeString(node->getType()) << " " << Decorate(TFunction::unmangleName(node->getName())) << (mOutputLod0Function ? "Lod0(" : "("); TIntermSequence *arguments = node->getSequence(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arguments->size(); i++) { TIntermSymbol *symbol = (*arguments)[i]->getAsSymbolNode(); if (symbol) { out << argumentString(symbol); if (i < arguments->size() - 1) { out << ", "; } } else UNREACHABLE(); } out << ");\n"; // Also prototype the Lod0 variant if needed if (mContainsLoopDiscontinuity && !mOutputLod0Function) { mOutputLod0Function = true; node->traverse(this); mOutputLod0Function = false; } return false; } break; case EOpComma: outputTriplet(visit, "(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpFunction: { TString name = TFunction::unmangleName(node->getName()); out << TypeString(node->getType()) << " "; if (name == "main") { out << "gl_main("; } else { out << Decorate(name) << (mOutputLod0Function ? "Lod0(" : "("); } TIntermSequence *sequence = node->getSequence(); TIntermSequence *arguments = (*sequence)[0]->getAsAggregate()->getSequence(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < arguments->size(); i++) { TIntermSymbol *symbol = (*arguments)[i]->getAsSymbolNode(); if (symbol) { TStructure *structure = symbol->getType().getStruct(); if (structure) { mStructureHLSL->addConstructor(symbol->getType(), StructNameString(*structure), NULL); } out << argumentString(symbol); if (i < arguments->size() - 1) { out << ", "; } } else UNREACHABLE(); } out << ")\n" "{\n"; if (sequence->size() > 1) { mInsideFunction = true; (*sequence)[1]->traverse(this); mInsideFunction = false; } out << "}\n"; if (mContainsLoopDiscontinuity && !mOutputLod0Function) { if (name != "main") { mOutputLod0Function = true; node->traverse(this); mOutputLod0Function = false; } } return false; } break; case EOpFunctionCall: { TString name = TFunction::unmangleName(node->getName()); bool lod0 = mInsideDiscontinuousLoop || mOutputLod0Function; TIntermSequence *arguments = node->getSequence(); if (node->isUserDefined()) { out << Decorate(name) << (lod0 ? "Lod0(" : "("); } else { TBasicType samplerType = (*arguments)[0]->getAsTyped()->getType().getBasicType(); TextureFunction textureFunction; textureFunction.sampler = samplerType; textureFunction.coords = (*arguments)[1]->getAsTyped()->getNominalSize(); textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; textureFunction.proj = false; textureFunction.offset = false; if (name == "texture2D" || name == "textureCube" || name == "texture") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; } else if (name == "texture2DProj" || name == "textureProj") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; textureFunction.proj = true; } else if (name == "texture2DLod" || name == "textureCubeLod" || name == "textureLod" || name == "texture2DLodEXT" || name == "textureCubeLodEXT") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD; } else if (name == "texture2DProjLod" || name == "textureProjLod" || name == "texture2DProjLodEXT") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD; textureFunction.proj = true; } else if (name == "textureSize") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::SIZE; } else if (name == "textureOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "textureProjOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::IMPLICIT; textureFunction.offset = true; textureFunction.proj = true; } else if (name == "textureLodOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "textureProjLodOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD; textureFunction.proj = true; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "texelFetch") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::FETCH; } else if (name == "texelFetchOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::FETCH; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "textureGrad" || name == "texture2DGradEXT") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::GRAD; } else if (name == "textureGradOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::GRAD; textureFunction.offset = true; } else if (name == "textureProjGrad" || name == "texture2DProjGradEXT" || name == "textureCubeGradEXT") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::GRAD; textureFunction.proj = true; } else if (name == "textureProjGradOffset") { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::GRAD; textureFunction.proj = true; textureFunction.offset = true; } else UNREACHABLE(); if (textureFunction.method == TextureFunction::IMPLICIT) // Could require lod 0 or have a bias argument { unsigned int mandatoryArgumentCount = 2; // All functions have sampler and coordinate arguments if (textureFunction.offset) { mandatoryArgumentCount++; } bool bias = (arguments->size() > mandatoryArgumentCount); // Bias argument is optional if (lod0 || mShaderType == GL_VERTEX_SHADER) { if (bias) { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD0BIAS; } else { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::LOD0; } } else if (bias) { textureFunction.method = TextureFunction::BIAS; } } mUsesTexture.insert(textureFunction); out << textureFunction.name(); } for (TIntermSequence::iterator arg = arguments->begin(); arg != arguments->end(); arg++) { if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT && IsSampler((*arg)->getAsTyped()->getBasicType())) { out << "texture_"; (*arg)->traverse(this); out << ", sampler_"; } (*arg)->traverse(this); if (arg < arguments->end() - 1) { out << ", "; } } out << ")"; return false; } break; case EOpParameters: outputTriplet(visit, "(", ", ", ")\n{\n"); break; case EOpConstructFloat: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "vec1", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructVec2: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "vec2", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructVec3: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "vec3", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructVec4: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "vec4", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructBool: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "bvec1", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructBVec2: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "bvec2", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructBVec3: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "bvec3", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructBVec4: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "bvec4", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructInt: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "ivec1", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructIVec2: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "ivec2", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructIVec3: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "ivec3", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructIVec4: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "ivec4", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructUInt: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "uvec1", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructUVec2: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "uvec2", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructUVec3: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "uvec3", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructUVec4: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "uvec4", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructMat2: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "mat2", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructMat3: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "mat3", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructMat4: outputConstructor(visit, node->getType(), "mat4", node->getSequence()); break; case EOpConstructStruct: { const TString &structName = StructNameString(*node->getType().getStruct()); mStructureHLSL->addConstructor(node->getType(), structName, node->getSequence()); outputTriplet(visit, (structName + "_ctor(").c_str(), ", ", ")"); } break; case EOpLessThan: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " < ", ")"); break; case EOpGreaterThan: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " > ", ")"); break; case EOpLessThanEqual: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " <= ", ")"); break; case EOpGreaterThanEqual: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " >= ", ")"); break; case EOpVectorEqual: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " == ", ")"); break; case EOpVectorNotEqual: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " != ", ")"); break; case EOpMod: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "mod("); break; case EOpModf: outputTriplet(visit, "modf(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpPow: outputTriplet(visit, "pow(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpAtan: ASSERT(node->getSequence()->size() == 2); // atan(x) is a unary operator ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "atan("); break; case EOpMin: outputTriplet(visit, "min(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpMax: outputTriplet(visit, "max(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpClamp: outputTriplet(visit, "clamp(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpMix: outputTriplet(visit, "lerp(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpStep: outputTriplet(visit, "step(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpSmoothStep: outputTriplet(visit, "smoothstep(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpDistance: outputTriplet(visit, "distance(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpDot: outputTriplet(visit, "dot(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpCross: outputTriplet(visit, "cross(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpFaceForward: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "faceforward("); break; case EOpReflect: outputTriplet(visit, "reflect(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpRefract: outputTriplet(visit, "refract(", ", ", ")"); break; case EOpOuterProduct: ASSERT(node->getUseEmulatedFunction()); writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(visit, "outerProduct("); break; case EOpMul: outputTriplet(visit, "(", " * ", ")"); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return true; } bool OutputHLSL::visitSelection(Visit visit, TIntermSelection *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); if (node->usesTernaryOperator()) { out << "s" << mUnfoldShortCircuit->getNextTemporaryIndex(); } else // if/else statement { mUnfoldShortCircuit->traverse(node->getCondition()); // D3D errors when there is a gradient operation in a loop in an unflattened if // however flattening all the ifs in branch heavy shaders made D3D error too. // As a temporary workaround we flatten the ifs only if there is at least a loop // present somewhere in the shader. if (mShaderType == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER && mContainsAnyLoop) { out << "FLATTEN "; } out << "if ("; node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ")\n"; outputLineDirective(node->getLine().first_line); out << "{\n"; bool discard = false; if (node->getTrueBlock()) { traverseStatements(node->getTrueBlock()); // Detect true discard discard = (discard || FindDiscard::search(node->getTrueBlock())); } outputLineDirective(node->getLine().first_line); out << ";\n}\n"; if (node->getFalseBlock()) { out << "else\n"; outputLineDirective(node->getFalseBlock()->getLine().first_line); out << "{\n"; outputLineDirective(node->getFalseBlock()->getLine().first_line); traverseStatements(node->getFalseBlock()); outputLineDirective(node->getFalseBlock()->getLine().first_line); out << ";\n}\n"; // Detect false discard discard = (discard || FindDiscard::search(node->getFalseBlock())); } // ANGLE issue 486: Detect problematic conditional discard if (discard && FindSideEffectRewriting::search(node)) { mUsesDiscardRewriting = true; } } return false; } bool OutputHLSL::visitSwitch(Visit visit, TIntermSwitch *node) { if (node->getStatementList()) { node->setStatementList(RemoveSwitchFallThrough::removeFallThrough(node->getStatementList())); outputTriplet(visit, "switch (", ") ", ""); // The curly braces get written when visiting the statementList aggregate } else { // No statementList, so it won't output curly braces outputTriplet(visit, "switch (", ") {", "}\n"); } return true; } bool OutputHLSL::visitCase(Visit visit, TIntermCase *node) { if (node->hasCondition()) { outputTriplet(visit, "case (", "", "):\n"); return true; } else { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); out << "default:\n"; return false; } } void OutputHLSL::visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node) { writeConstantUnion(node->getType(), node->getUnionArrayPointer()); } bool OutputHLSL::visitLoop(Visit visit, TIntermLoop *node) { mNestedLoopDepth++; bool wasDiscontinuous = mInsideDiscontinuousLoop; if (mContainsLoopDiscontinuity && !mInsideDiscontinuousLoop) { mInsideDiscontinuousLoop = containsLoopDiscontinuity(node); } if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL9_OUTPUT) { if (handleExcessiveLoop(node)) { mInsideDiscontinuousLoop = wasDiscontinuous; mNestedLoopDepth--; return false; } } TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); if (node->getType() == ELoopDoWhile) { out << "{LOOP do\n"; outputLineDirective(node->getLine().first_line); out << "{\n"; } else { out << "{LOOP for("; if (node->getInit()) { node->getInit()->traverse(this); } out << "; "; if (node->getCondition()) { node->getCondition()->traverse(this); } out << "; "; if (node->getExpression()) { node->getExpression()->traverse(this); } out << ")\n"; outputLineDirective(node->getLine().first_line); out << "{\n"; } if (node->getBody()) { traverseStatements(node->getBody()); } outputLineDirective(node->getLine().first_line); out << ";}\n"; if (node->getType() == ELoopDoWhile) { outputLineDirective(node->getCondition()->getLine().first_line); out << "while(\n"; node->getCondition()->traverse(this); out << ");"; } out << "}\n"; mInsideDiscontinuousLoop = wasDiscontinuous; mNestedLoopDepth--; return false; } bool OutputHLSL::visitBranch(Visit visit, TIntermBranch *node) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); switch (node->getFlowOp()) { case EOpKill: outputTriplet(visit, "discard;\n", "", ""); break; case EOpBreak: if (visit == PreVisit) { if (mNestedLoopDepth > 1) { mUsesNestedBreak = true; } if (mExcessiveLoopIndex) { out << "{Break"; mExcessiveLoopIndex->traverse(this); out << " = true; break;}\n"; } else { out << "break;\n"; } } break; case EOpContinue: outputTriplet(visit, "continue;\n", "", ""); break; case EOpReturn: if (visit == PreVisit) { if (node->getExpression()) { out << "return "; } else { out << "return;\n"; } } else if (visit == PostVisit) { if (node->getExpression()) { out << ";\n"; } } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } return true; } void OutputHLSL::traverseStatements(TIntermNode *node) { if (isSingleStatement(node)) { mUnfoldShortCircuit->traverse(node); } node->traverse(this); } bool OutputHLSL::isSingleStatement(TIntermNode *node) { TIntermAggregate *aggregate = node->getAsAggregate(); if (aggregate) { if (aggregate->getOp() == EOpSequence) { return false; } else if (aggregate->getOp() == EOpDeclaration) { // Declaring multiple comma-separated variables must be considered multiple statements // because each individual declaration has side effects which are visible in the next. return false; } else { for (TIntermSequence::iterator sit = aggregate->getSequence()->begin(); sit != aggregate->getSequence()->end(); sit++) { if (!isSingleStatement(*sit)) { return false; } } return true; } } return true; } // Handle loops with more than 254 iterations (unsupported by D3D9) by splitting them // (The D3D documentation says 255 iterations, but the compiler complains at anything more than 254). bool OutputHLSL::handleExcessiveLoop(TIntermLoop *node) { const int MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS = 254; TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); // Parse loops of the form: // for(int index = initial; index [comparator] limit; index += increment) TIntermSymbol *index = NULL; TOperator comparator = EOpNull; int initial = 0; int limit = 0; int increment = 0; // Parse index name and intial value if (node->getInit()) { TIntermAggregate *init = node->getInit()->getAsAggregate(); if (init) { TIntermSequence *sequence = init->getSequence(); TIntermTyped *variable = (*sequence)[0]->getAsTyped(); if (variable && variable->getQualifier() == EvqTemporary) { TIntermBinary *assign = variable->getAsBinaryNode(); if (assign->getOp() == EOpInitialize) { TIntermSymbol *symbol = assign->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); TIntermConstantUnion *constant = assign->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); if (symbol && constant) { if (constant->getBasicType() == EbtInt && constant->isScalar()) { index = symbol; initial = constant->getIConst(0); } } } } } } // Parse comparator and limit value if (index != NULL && node->getCondition()) { TIntermBinary *test = node->getCondition()->getAsBinaryNode(); if (test && test->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode()->getId() == index->getId()) { TIntermConstantUnion *constant = test->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); if (constant) { if (constant->getBasicType() == EbtInt && constant->isScalar()) { comparator = test->getOp(); limit = constant->getIConst(0); } } } } // Parse increment if (index != NULL && comparator != EOpNull && node->getExpression()) { TIntermBinary *binaryTerminal = node->getExpression()->getAsBinaryNode(); TIntermUnary *unaryTerminal = node->getExpression()->getAsUnaryNode(); if (binaryTerminal) { TOperator op = binaryTerminal->getOp(); TIntermConstantUnion *constant = binaryTerminal->getRight()->getAsConstantUnion(); if (constant) { if (constant->getBasicType() == EbtInt && constant->isScalar()) { int value = constant->getIConst(0); switch (op) { case EOpAddAssign: increment = value; break; case EOpSubAssign: increment = -value; break; default: UNIMPLEMENTED(); } } } } else if (unaryTerminal) { TOperator op = unaryTerminal->getOp(); switch (op) { case EOpPostIncrement: increment = 1; break; case EOpPostDecrement: increment = -1; break; case EOpPreIncrement: increment = 1; break; case EOpPreDecrement: increment = -1; break; default: UNIMPLEMENTED(); } } } if (index != NULL && comparator != EOpNull && increment != 0) { if (comparator == EOpLessThanEqual) { comparator = EOpLessThan; limit += 1; } if (comparator == EOpLessThan) { int iterations = (limit - initial) / increment; if (iterations <= MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS) { return false; // Not an excessive loop } TIntermSymbol *restoreIndex = mExcessiveLoopIndex; mExcessiveLoopIndex = index; out << "{int "; index->traverse(this); out << ";\n" "bool Break"; index->traverse(this); out << " = false;\n"; bool firstLoopFragment = true; while (iterations > 0) { int clampedLimit = initial + increment * std::min(MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS, iterations); if (!firstLoopFragment) { out << "if (!Break"; index->traverse(this); out << ") {\n"; } if (iterations <= MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS) // Last loop fragment { mExcessiveLoopIndex = NULL; // Stops setting the Break flag } // for(int index = initial; index < clampedLimit; index += increment) out << "LOOP for("; index->traverse(this); out << " = "; out << initial; out << "; "; index->traverse(this); out << " < "; out << clampedLimit; out << "; "; index->traverse(this); out << " += "; out << increment; out << ")\n"; outputLineDirective(node->getLine().first_line); out << "{\n"; if (node->getBody()) { node->getBody()->traverse(this); } outputLineDirective(node->getLine().first_line); out << ";}\n"; if (!firstLoopFragment) { out << "}\n"; } firstLoopFragment = false; initial += MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS * increment; iterations -= MAX_LOOP_ITERATIONS; } out << "}"; mExcessiveLoopIndex = restoreIndex; return true; } else UNIMPLEMENTED(); } return false; // Not handled as an excessive loop } void OutputHLSL::outputTriplet(Visit visit, const char *preString, const char *inString, const char *postString, TInfoSinkBase &out) { if (visit == PreVisit) { out << preString; } else if (visit == InVisit) { out << inString; } else if (visit == PostVisit) { out << postString; } } void OutputHLSL::outputTriplet(Visit visit, const char *preString, const char *inString, const char *postString) { outputTriplet(visit, preString, inString, postString, getInfoSink()); } void OutputHLSL::outputLineDirective(int line) { if ((mCompileOptions & SH_LINE_DIRECTIVES) && (line > 0)) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); out << "\n"; out << "#line " << line; if (mSourcePath) { out << " \"" << mSourcePath << "\""; } out << "\n"; } } TString OutputHLSL::argumentString(const TIntermSymbol *symbol) { TQualifier qualifier = symbol->getQualifier(); const TType &type = symbol->getType(); TString name = symbol->getSymbol(); if (name.empty()) // HLSL demands named arguments, also for prototypes { name = "x" + str(mUniqueIndex++); } else { name = Decorate(name); } if (mOutputType == SH_HLSL11_OUTPUT && IsSampler(type.getBasicType())) { return QualifierString(qualifier) + " " + TextureString(type) + " texture_" + name + ArrayString(type) + ", " + QualifierString(qualifier) + " " + SamplerString(type) + " sampler_" + name + ArrayString(type); } return QualifierString(qualifier) + " " + TypeString(type) + " " + name + ArrayString(type); } TString OutputHLSL::initializer(const TType &type) { TString string; size_t size = type.getObjectSize(); for (size_t component = 0; component < size; component++) { string += "0"; if (component + 1 < size) { string += ", "; } } return "{" + string + "}"; } void OutputHLSL::outputConstructor(Visit visit, const TType &type, const char *name, const TIntermSequence *parameters) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); if (visit == PreVisit) { mStructureHLSL->addConstructor(type, name, parameters); out << name << "("; } else if (visit == InVisit) { out << ", "; } else if (visit == PostVisit) { out << ")"; } } const ConstantUnion *OutputHLSL::writeConstantUnion(const TType &type, const ConstantUnion *constUnion) { TInfoSinkBase &out = getInfoSink(); const TStructure* structure = type.getStruct(); if (structure) { out << StructNameString(*structure) + "_ctor("; const TFieldList& fields = structure->fields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { const TType *fieldType = fields[i]->type(); constUnion = writeConstantUnion(*fieldType, constUnion); if (i != fields.size() - 1) { out << ", "; } } out << ")"; } else { size_t size = type.getObjectSize(); bool writeType = size > 1; if (writeType) { out << TypeString(type) << "("; } for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++, constUnion++) { switch (constUnion->getType()) { case EbtFloat: out << std::min(FLT_MAX, std::max(-FLT_MAX, constUnion->getFConst())); break; case EbtInt: out << constUnion->getIConst(); break; case EbtUInt: out << constUnion->getUConst(); break; case EbtBool: out << constUnion->getBConst(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } if (i != size - 1) { out << ", "; } } if (writeType) { out << ")"; } } return constUnion; } void OutputHLSL::writeEmulatedFunctionTriplet(Visit visit, const char *preStr) { TString preString = BuiltInFunctionEmulator::GetEmulatedFunctionName(preStr); outputTriplet(visit, preString.c_str(), ", ", ")"); } bool OutputHLSL::writeSameSymbolInitializer(TInfoSinkBase &out, TIntermSymbol *symbolNode, TIntermTyped *expression) { sh::SearchSymbol searchSymbol(symbolNode->getSymbol()); expression->traverse(&searchSymbol); if (searchSymbol.foundMatch()) { // Type already printed out << "t" + str(mUniqueIndex) + " = "; expression->traverse(this); out << ", "; symbolNode->traverse(this); out << " = t" + str(mUniqueIndex); mUniqueIndex++; return true; } return false; } void OutputHLSL::writeDeferredGlobalInitializers(TInfoSinkBase &out) { out << "#define ANGLE_USES_DEFERRED_INIT\n" << "\n" << "void initializeDeferredGlobals()\n" << "{\n"; for (auto it = mDeferredGlobalInitializers.cbegin(); it != mDeferredGlobalInitializers.cend(); ++it) { const auto &deferredGlobal = *it; TIntermSymbol *symbol = deferredGlobal.first; TIntermTyped *expression = deferredGlobal.second; ASSERT(symbol); ASSERT(symbol->getQualifier() == EvqGlobal && expression->getQualifier() != EvqConst); out << " " << Decorate(symbol->getSymbol()) << " = "; if (!writeSameSymbolInitializer(out, symbol, expression)) { ASSERT(mInfoSinkStack.top() == &out); expression->traverse(this); } out << ";\n"; } out << "}\n" << "\n"; } TString OutputHLSL::addStructEqualityFunction(const TStructure &structure) { const TFieldList &fields = structure.fields(); for (auto it = mStructEqualityFunctions.cbegin(); it != mStructEqualityFunctions.cend(); ++it) { auto *eqFunction = *it; if (eqFunction->structure == &structure) { return eqFunction->functionName; } } const TString &structNameString = StructNameString(structure); StructEqualityFunction *function = new StructEqualityFunction(); function->structure = &structure; function->functionName = "angle_eq_" + structNameString; TInfoSinkBase fnOut; fnOut << "bool " << function->functionName << "(" << structNameString << " a, " << structNameString + " b)\n" << "{\n" " return "; for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { const TField *field = fields[i]; const TType *fieldType = field->type(); const TString &fieldNameA = "a." + Decorate(field->name()); const TString &fieldNameB = "b." + Decorate(field->name()); if (i > 0) { fnOut << " && "; } fnOut << "("; outputEqual(PreVisit, *fieldType, EOpEqual, fnOut); fnOut << fieldNameA; outputEqual(InVisit, *fieldType, EOpEqual, fnOut); fnOut << fieldNameB; outputEqual(PostVisit, *fieldType, EOpEqual, fnOut); fnOut << ")"; } fnOut << ";\n" << "}\n"; function->functionDefinition = fnOut.c_str(); mStructEqualityFunctions.push_back(function); mEqualityFunctions.push_back(function); return function->functionName; } TString OutputHLSL::addArrayEqualityFunction(const TType& type) { for (auto it = mArrayEqualityFunctions.cbegin(); it != mArrayEqualityFunctions.cend(); ++it) { const auto &eqFunction = *it; if (eqFunction->type == type) { return eqFunction->functionName; } } const TString &typeName = TypeString(type); ArrayHelperFunction *function = new ArrayHelperFunction(); function->type = type; TInfoSinkBase fnNameOut; fnNameOut << "angle_eq_" << type.getArraySize() << "_" << typeName; function->functionName = fnNameOut.c_str(); TType nonArrayType = type; nonArrayType.clearArrayness(); TInfoSinkBase fnOut; fnOut << "bool " << function->functionName << "(" << typeName << " a[" << type.getArraySize() << "], " << typeName << " b[" << type.getArraySize() << "])\n" << "{\n" " for (int i = 0; i < " << type.getArraySize() << "; ++i)\n" " {\n" " if ("; outputEqual(PreVisit, nonArrayType, EOpNotEqual, fnOut); fnOut << "a[i]"; outputEqual(InVisit, nonArrayType, EOpNotEqual, fnOut); fnOut << "b[i]"; outputEqual(PostVisit, nonArrayType, EOpNotEqual, fnOut); fnOut << ") { return false; }\n" " }\n" " return true;\n" "}\n"; function->functionDefinition = fnOut.c_str(); mArrayEqualityFunctions.push_back(function); mEqualityFunctions.push_back(function); return function->functionName; } TString OutputHLSL::addArrayAssignmentFunction(const TType& type) { for (auto it = mArrayAssignmentFunctions.cbegin(); it != mArrayAssignmentFunctions.cend(); ++it) { const auto &assignFunction = *it; if (assignFunction.type == type) { return assignFunction.functionName; } } const TString &typeName = TypeString(type); ArrayHelperFunction function; function.type = type; TInfoSinkBase fnNameOut; fnNameOut << "angle_assign_" << type.getArraySize() << "_" << typeName; function.functionName = fnNameOut.c_str(); TInfoSinkBase fnOut; fnOut << "void " << function.functionName << "(out " << typeName << " a[" << type.getArraySize() << "], " << typeName << " b[" << type.getArraySize() << "])\n" << "{\n" " for (int i = 0; i < " << type.getArraySize() << "; ++i)\n" " {\n" " a[i] = b[i];\n" " }\n" "}\n"; function.functionDefinition = fnOut.c_str(); mArrayAssignmentFunctions.push_back(function); return function.functionName; } }