// // Copyright (c) 2002-2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #ifndef COMPILER_TRANSLATOR_PARSECONTEXT_H_ #define COMPILER_TRANSLATOR_PARSECONTEXT_H_ #include "compiler/translator/Compiler.h" #include "compiler/translator/Diagnostics.h" #include "compiler/translator/DirectiveHandler.h" #include "compiler/translator/Intermediate.h" #include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h" #include "compiler/preprocessor/Preprocessor.h" struct TMatrixFields { bool wholeRow; bool wholeCol; int row; int col; }; // // The following are extra variables needed during parsing, grouped together so // they can be passed to the parser without needing a global. // struct TParseContext { TParseContext(TSymbolTable& symt, TExtensionBehavior& ext, TIntermediate& interm, sh::GLenum type, ShShaderSpec spec, int options, bool checksPrecErrors, TInfoSink& is, bool debugShaderPrecisionSupported) : intermediate(interm), symbolTable(symt), shaderType(type), shaderSpec(spec), compileOptions(options), treeRoot(0), mLoopNestingLevel(0), structNestingLevel(0), mSwitchNestingLevel(0), currentFunctionType(NULL), mFunctionReturnsValue(false), checksPrecisionErrors(checksPrecErrors), fragmentPrecisionHigh(false), defaultMatrixPacking(EmpColumnMajor), defaultBlockStorage(EbsShared), diagnostics(is), shaderVersion(100), directiveHandler(ext, diagnostics, shaderVersion, debugShaderPrecisionSupported), preprocessor(&diagnostics, &directiveHandler), scanner(NULL) { } TIntermediate& intermediate; // to hold and build a parse tree TSymbolTable& symbolTable; // symbol table that goes with the language currently being parsed sh::GLenum shaderType; // vertex or fragment language (future: pack or unpack) ShShaderSpec shaderSpec; // The language specification compiler conforms to - GLES2 or WebGL. int shaderVersion; int compileOptions; TIntermNode* treeRoot; // root of parse tree being created int mLoopNestingLevel; // 0 if outside all loops int structNestingLevel; // incremented while parsing a struct declaration int mSwitchNestingLevel; // 0 if outside all switch statements const TType* currentFunctionType; // the return type of the function that's currently being parsed bool mFunctionReturnsValue; // true if a non-void function has a return bool checksPrecisionErrors; // true if an error will be generated when a variable is declared without precision, explicit or implicit. bool fragmentPrecisionHigh; // true if highp precision is supported in the fragment language. TLayoutMatrixPacking defaultMatrixPacking; TLayoutBlockStorage defaultBlockStorage; TString HashErrMsg; TDiagnostics diagnostics; TDirectiveHandler directiveHandler; pp::Preprocessor preprocessor; void* scanner; int getShaderVersion() const { return shaderVersion; } int numErrors() const { return diagnostics.numErrors(); } TInfoSink& infoSink() { return diagnostics.infoSink(); } void error(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char *reason, const char* token, const char* extraInfo=""); void warning(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* reason, const char* token, const char* extraInfo=""); void trace(const char* str); void recover(); // This method is guaranteed to succeed, even if no variable with 'name' exists. const TVariable *getNamedVariable(const TSourceLoc &location, const TString *name, const TSymbol *symbol); bool parseVectorFields(const TString&, int vecSize, TVectorFields&, const TSourceLoc& line); bool parseMatrixFields(const TString&, int matCols, int matRows, TMatrixFields&, const TSourceLoc& line); bool reservedErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TString& identifier); void assignError(const TSourceLoc& line, const char* op, TString left, TString right); void unaryOpError(const TSourceLoc& line, const char* op, TString operand); void binaryOpError(const TSourceLoc& line, const char* op, TString left, TString right); bool precisionErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, TPrecision precision, TBasicType type); bool lValueErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const char* op, TIntermTyped*); bool constErrorCheck(TIntermTyped* node); bool integerErrorCheck(TIntermTyped* node, const char* token); bool globalErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, bool global, const char* token); bool constructorErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, TIntermNode*, TFunction&, TOperator, TType*); bool arraySizeErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, TIntermTyped* expr, int& size); bool arrayQualifierErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, TPublicType type); bool arrayTypeErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, TPublicType type); bool arrayErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TString& identifier, const TPublicType &type, TVariable*& variable); bool voidErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TString&, const TPublicType&); bool boolErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TIntermTyped*); bool boolErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TPublicType&); bool samplerErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TPublicType& pType, const char* reason); bool structQualifierErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TPublicType& pType); bool locationDeclaratorListCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TPublicType &pType); bool parameterSamplerErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, TQualifier qualifier, const TType& type); bool nonInitConstErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TString& identifier, TPublicType& type, bool array); bool nonInitErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TString& identifier, const TPublicType& type, TVariable*& variable); bool paramErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, TQualifier qualifier, TQualifier paramQualifier, TType* type); bool extensionErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TString&); bool singleDeclarationErrorCheck(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc& identifierLocation, const TString &identifier); bool layoutLocationErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& location, const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier); bool functionCallLValueErrorCheck(const TFunction *fnCandidate, TIntermAggregate *); const TPragma& pragma() const { return directiveHandler.pragma(); } const TExtensionBehavior& extensionBehavior() const { return directiveHandler.extensionBehavior(); } bool supportsExtension(const char* extension); bool isExtensionEnabled(const char* extension) const; void handleExtensionDirective(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* extName, const char* behavior); void handlePragmaDirective(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* name, const char* value, bool stdgl); bool containsSampler(TType& type); bool areAllChildConst(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode); const TFunction* findFunction(const TSourceLoc& line, TFunction* pfnCall, int inputShaderVersion, bool *builtIn = 0); bool executeInitializer(const TSourceLoc& line, const TString& identifier, TPublicType& pType, TIntermTyped* initializer, TIntermNode*& intermNode, TVariable* variable = 0); TPublicType addFullySpecifiedType(TQualifier qualifier, const TPublicType& typeSpecifier); TPublicType addFullySpecifiedType(TQualifier qualifier, TLayoutQualifier layoutQualifier, const TPublicType& typeSpecifier); TIntermAggregate* parseSingleDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc& identifierLocation, const TString &identifier); TIntermAggregate* parseSingleArrayDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc& identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc& indexLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression); TIntermAggregate* parseSingleInitDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc& identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc& initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer); TIntermAggregate* parseInvariantDeclaration(const TSourceLoc &invariantLoc, const TSourceLoc &identifierLoc, const TString *identifier, const TSymbol *symbol); TIntermAggregate* parseDeclarator(TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, TSymbol *identifierSymbol, const TSourceLoc& identifierLocation, const TString &identifier); TIntermAggregate* parseArrayDeclarator(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc& identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc& arrayLocation, TIntermNode *declaratorList, TIntermTyped *indexExpression); TIntermAggregate* parseInitDeclarator(TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *declaratorList, const TSourceLoc& identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc& initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer); void parseGlobalLayoutQualifier(const TPublicType &typeQualifier); TFunction *addConstructorFunc(TPublicType publicType); TIntermTyped* addConstructor(TIntermNode*, TType*, TOperator, TFunction*, const TSourceLoc&); TIntermTyped* foldConstConstructor(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode, const TType& type); TIntermTyped* addConstVectorNode(TVectorFields&, TIntermTyped*, const TSourceLoc&); TIntermTyped* addConstMatrixNode(int , TIntermTyped*, const TSourceLoc&); TIntermTyped* addConstArrayNode(int index, TIntermTyped* node, const TSourceLoc& line); TIntermTyped* addConstStruct(const TString &identifier, TIntermTyped *node, const TSourceLoc& line); TIntermTyped* addIndexExpression(TIntermTyped *baseExpression, const TSourceLoc& location, TIntermTyped *indexExpression); TIntermTyped* addFieldSelectionExpression(TIntermTyped *baseExpression, const TSourceLoc& dotLocation, const TString &fieldString, const TSourceLoc& fieldLocation); TFieldList *addStructDeclaratorList(const TPublicType& typeSpecifier, TFieldList *fieldList); TPublicType addStructure(const TSourceLoc& structLine, const TSourceLoc& nameLine, const TString *structName, TFieldList* fieldList); TIntermAggregate* addInterfaceBlock(const TPublicType& typeQualifier, const TSourceLoc& nameLine, const TString& blockName, TFieldList* fieldList, const TString* instanceName, const TSourceLoc& instanceLine, TIntermTyped* arrayIndex, const TSourceLoc& arrayIndexLine); TLayoutQualifier parseLayoutQualifier(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc& qualifierTypeLine); TLayoutQualifier parseLayoutQualifier(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc& qualifierTypeLine, const TString &intValueString, int intValue, const TSourceLoc& intValueLine); TLayoutQualifier joinLayoutQualifiers(TLayoutQualifier leftQualifier, TLayoutQualifier rightQualifier); TPublicType joinInterpolationQualifiers(const TSourceLoc &interpolationLoc, TQualifier interpolationQualifier, const TSourceLoc &storageLoc, TQualifier storageQualifier); // Performs an error check for embedded struct declarations. // Returns true if an error was raised due to the declaration of // this struct. bool enterStructDeclaration(const TSourceLoc& line, const TString& identifier); void exitStructDeclaration(); bool structNestingErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& line, const TField& field); TIntermSwitch *addSwitch(TIntermTyped *init, TIntermAggregate *statementList, const TSourceLoc &loc); TIntermCase *addCase(TIntermTyped *condition, const TSourceLoc &loc); TIntermCase *addDefault(const TSourceLoc &loc); TIntermTyped *addUnaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *child, const TSourceLoc &); TIntermTyped *addUnaryMathLValue(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *child, const TSourceLoc &); TIntermTyped *addBinaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &); TIntermTyped *addBinaryMathBooleanResult(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &); TIntermTyped *addAssign(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc); TIntermBranch *addBranch(TOperator op, const TSourceLoc &loc); TIntermBranch *addBranch(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *returnValue, const TSourceLoc &loc); TIntermTyped *addFunctionCallOrMethod(TFunction *fnCall, TIntermNode *node, const TSourceLoc &loc, bool *fatalError); private: TIntermTyped *addBinaryMathInternal(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc); TIntermTyped *createAssign(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc); // The funcReturnType parameter is expected to be non-null when the operation is a built-in function. // It is expected to be null for other unary operators. TIntermTyped *createUnaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *child, const TSourceLoc &loc, const TType *funcReturnType); // Return true if the checks pass bool binaryOpCommonCheck(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc); }; int PaParseStrings(size_t count, const char* const string[], const int length[], TParseContext* context); #endif // COMPILER_TRANSLATOR_PARSECONTEXT_H_