// // Copyright (c) 2002-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorGLSL.h" #include "angle_gl.h" #include "compiler/translator/BuiltInFunctionEmulatorGLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/EmulatePrecision.h" #include "compiler/translator/ExtensionGLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/OutputGLSL.h" #include "compiler/translator/VersionGLSL.h" TranslatorGLSL::TranslatorGLSL(sh::GLenum type, ShShaderSpec spec, ShShaderOutput output) : TCompiler(type, spec, output) { } void TranslatorGLSL::initBuiltInFunctionEmulator(BuiltInFunctionEmulator *emu, int compileOptions) { if (compileOptions & SH_EMULATE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS) { InitBuiltInFunctionEmulatorForGLSLWorkarounds(emu, getShaderType()); } int targetGLSLVersion = ShaderOutputTypeToGLSLVersion(getOutputType()); InitBuiltInFunctionEmulatorForGLSLMissingFunctions(emu, getShaderType(), targetGLSLVersion); } void TranslatorGLSL::translate(TIntermNode *root, int compileOptions) { TInfoSinkBase& sink = getInfoSink().obj; // Write GLSL version. writeVersion(root); writePragma(); // Write extension behaviour as needed writeExtensionBehavior(root); bool precisionEmulation = getResources().WEBGL_debug_shader_precision && getPragma().debugShaderPrecision; if (precisionEmulation) { EmulatePrecision emulatePrecision(getSymbolTable(), getShaderVersion()); root->traverse(&emulatePrecision); emulatePrecision.updateTree(); emulatePrecision.writeEmulationHelpers(sink, getOutputType()); } // Write emulated built-in functions if needed. if (!getBuiltInFunctionEmulator().IsOutputEmpty()) { sink << "// BEGIN: Generated code for built-in function emulation\n\n"; sink << "#define webgl_emu_precision\n\n"; getBuiltInFunctionEmulator().OutputEmulatedFunctions(sink); sink << "// END: Generated code for built-in function emulation\n\n"; } // Write array bounds clamping emulation if needed. getArrayBoundsClamper().OutputClampingFunctionDefinition(sink); // Declare gl_FragColor and glFragData as webgl_FragColor and webgl_FragData // if it's core profile shaders and they are used. if (getShaderType() == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) { const bool mayHaveESSL1SecondaryOutputs = IsExtensionEnabled(getExtensionBehavior(), "GL_EXT_blend_func_extended") && getShaderVersion() == 100; const bool declareGLFragmentOutputs = IsGLSL130OrNewer(getOutputType()); bool hasGLFragColor = false; bool hasGLFragData = false; bool hasGLSecondaryFragColor = false; bool hasGLSecondaryFragData = false; for (const auto &outputVar : outputVariables) { if (declareGLFragmentOutputs) { if (outputVar.name == "gl_FragColor") { ASSERT(!hasGLFragColor); hasGLFragColor = true; continue; } else if (outputVar.name == "gl_FragData") { ASSERT(!hasGLFragData); hasGLFragData = true; continue; } } if (mayHaveESSL1SecondaryOutputs) { if (outputVar.name == "gl_SecondaryFragColorEXT") { ASSERT(!hasGLSecondaryFragColor); hasGLSecondaryFragColor = true; continue; } else if (outputVar.name == "gl_SecondaryFragDataEXT") { ASSERT(!hasGLSecondaryFragData); hasGLSecondaryFragData = true; continue; } } } ASSERT(!((hasGLFragColor || hasGLSecondaryFragColor) && (hasGLFragData || hasGLSecondaryFragData))); if (hasGLFragColor) { sink << "out vec4 webgl_FragColor;\n"; } if (hasGLFragData) { sink << "out vec4 webgl_FragData[gl_MaxDrawBuffers];\n"; } if (hasGLSecondaryFragColor) { sink << "out vec4 angle_SecondaryFragColor;\n"; } if (hasGLSecondaryFragData) { sink << "out vec4 angle_SecondaryFragData[" << getResources().MaxDualSourceDrawBuffers << "];\n"; } } // Write translated shader. TOutputGLSL outputGLSL(sink, getArrayIndexClampingStrategy(), getHashFunction(), getNameMap(), getSymbolTable(), getShaderVersion(), getOutputType()); root->traverse(&outputGLSL); } void TranslatorGLSL::writeVersion(TIntermNode *root) { TVersionGLSL versionGLSL(getShaderType(), getPragma(), getOutputType()); root->traverse(&versionGLSL); int version = versionGLSL.getVersion(); // We need to write version directive only if it is greater than 110. // If there is no version directive in the shader, 110 is implied. if (version > 110) { TInfoSinkBase& sink = getInfoSink().obj; sink << "#version " << version << "\n"; } } void TranslatorGLSL::writeExtensionBehavior(TIntermNode *root) { TInfoSinkBase& sink = getInfoSink().obj; const TExtensionBehavior& extBehavior = getExtensionBehavior(); for (const auto &iter : extBehavior) { if (iter.second == EBhUndefined) { continue; } // For GLSL output, we don't need to emit most extensions explicitly, // but some we need to translate. if (iter.first == "GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod") { sink << "#extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : " << getBehaviorString(iter.second) << "\n"; } } // GLSL ES 3 explicit location qualifiers need to use an extension before GLSL 330 if (getShaderVersion() >= 300 && getOutputType() < SH_GLSL_330_CORE_OUTPUT) { sink << "#extension GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location : require\n"; } TExtensionGLSL extensionGLSL(getOutputType()); root->traverse(&extensionGLSL); for (const auto &ext : extensionGLSL.getEnabledExtensions()) { sink << "#extension " << ext << " : enable\n"; } for (const auto &ext : extensionGLSL.getRequiredExtensions()) { sink << "#extension " << ext << " : require\n"; } }