// // Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Data.cpp: Container class for all GL relevant state, caps and objects #include "libANGLE/Data.h" #include "libANGLE/ResourceManager.h" namespace gl { Data::Data(uintptr_t contextIn, GLint clientVersionIn, const State &stateIn, const Caps &capsIn, const TextureCapsMap &textureCapsIn, const Extensions &extensionsIn, const ResourceManager *resourceManagerIn, const Limitations &limitationsIn) : context(contextIn), clientVersion(clientVersionIn), state(&stateIn), caps(&capsIn), textureCaps(&textureCapsIn), extensions(&extensionsIn), resourceManager(resourceManagerIn), limitations(&limitationsIn) {} Data::~Data() { } ValidationContext::ValidationContext(GLint clientVersion, const State &state, const Caps &caps, const TextureCapsMap &textureCaps, const Extensions &extensions, const ResourceManager *resourceManager, const Limitations &limitations, bool skipValidation) : mData(reinterpret_cast(this), clientVersion, state, caps, textureCaps, extensions, resourceManager, limitations), mSkipValidation(skipValidation) { } } // namespace gl