// // Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // State.cpp: Implements the State class, encapsulating raw GL state. #include "libANGLE/State.h" #include "libANGLE/Context.h" #include "libANGLE/Caps.h" #include "libANGLE/Framebuffer.h" #include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h" #include "libANGLE/Query.h" #include "libANGLE/VertexArray.h" #include "libANGLE/formatutils.h" namespace gl { State::State() { mMaxDrawBuffers = 0; mMaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = 0; } State::~State() { reset(); } void State::initialize(const Caps& caps, GLuint clientVersion) { mMaxDrawBuffers = caps.maxDrawBuffers; mMaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = caps.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits; setColorClearValue(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); mDepthClearValue = 1.0f; mStencilClearValue = 0; mRasterizer.rasterizerDiscard = false; mRasterizer.cullFace = false; mRasterizer.cullMode = GL_BACK; mRasterizer.frontFace = GL_CCW; mRasterizer.polygonOffsetFill = false; mRasterizer.polygonOffsetFactor = 0.0f; mRasterizer.polygonOffsetUnits = 0.0f; mRasterizer.pointDrawMode = false; mRasterizer.multiSample = false; mScissorTest = false; mScissor.x = 0; mScissor.y = 0; mScissor.width = 0; mScissor.height = 0; mBlend.blend = false; mBlend.sourceBlendRGB = GL_ONE; mBlend.sourceBlendAlpha = GL_ONE; mBlend.destBlendRGB = GL_ZERO; mBlend.destBlendAlpha = GL_ZERO; mBlend.blendEquationRGB = GL_FUNC_ADD; mBlend.blendEquationAlpha = GL_FUNC_ADD; mBlend.sampleAlphaToCoverage = false; mBlend.dither = true; mBlendColor.red = 0; mBlendColor.green = 0; mBlendColor.blue = 0; mBlendColor.alpha = 0; mDepthStencil.depthTest = false; mDepthStencil.depthFunc = GL_LESS; mDepthStencil.depthMask = true; mDepthStencil.stencilTest = false; mDepthStencil.stencilFunc = GL_ALWAYS; mDepthStencil.stencilMask = static_cast(-1); mDepthStencil.stencilWritemask = static_cast(-1); mDepthStencil.stencilBackFunc = GL_ALWAYS; mDepthStencil.stencilBackMask = static_cast(-1); mDepthStencil.stencilBackWritemask = static_cast(-1); mDepthStencil.stencilFail = GL_KEEP; mDepthStencil.stencilPassDepthFail = GL_KEEP; mDepthStencil.stencilPassDepthPass = GL_KEEP; mDepthStencil.stencilBackFail = GL_KEEP; mDepthStencil.stencilBackPassDepthFail = GL_KEEP; mDepthStencil.stencilBackPassDepthPass = GL_KEEP; mStencilRef = 0; mStencilBackRef = 0; mSampleCoverage = false; mSampleCoverageValue = 1.0f; mSampleCoverageInvert = false; mGenerateMipmapHint = GL_DONT_CARE; mFragmentShaderDerivativeHint = GL_DONT_CARE; mLineWidth = 1.0f; mViewport.x = 0; mViewport.y = 0; mViewport.width = 0; mViewport.height = 0; mNearZ = 0.0f; mFarZ = 1.0f; mBlend.colorMaskRed = true; mBlend.colorMaskGreen = true; mBlend.colorMaskBlue = true; mBlend.colorMaskAlpha = true; mActiveSampler = 0; const GLfloat defaultFloatValues[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; mVertexAttribCurrentValues.resize(caps.maxVertexAttributes); for (size_t attribIndex = 0; attribIndex < mVertexAttribCurrentValues.size(); ++attribIndex) { mVertexAttribCurrentValues[attribIndex].setFloatValues(defaultFloatValues); } mUniformBuffers.resize(caps.maxCombinedUniformBlocks); mTransformFeedbackBuffers.resize(caps.maxTransformFeedbackSeparateAttributes); mSamplerTextures[GL_TEXTURE_2D].resize(caps.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits); mSamplerTextures[GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP].resize(caps.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits); if (clientVersion >= 3) { // TODO: These could also be enabled via extension mSamplerTextures[GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY].resize(caps.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits); mSamplerTextures[GL_TEXTURE_3D].resize(caps.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits); } mSamplers.resize(caps.maxCombinedTextureImageUnits); mActiveQueries[GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED].set(NULL); mActiveQueries[GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE].set(NULL); mActiveQueries[GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN].set(NULL); mProgram = NULL; mReadFramebuffer = NULL; mDrawFramebuffer = NULL; mPrimitiveRestart = false; } void State::reset() { for (TextureBindingMap::iterator bindingVec = mSamplerTextures.begin(); bindingVec != mSamplerTextures.end(); bindingVec++) { TextureBindingVector &textureVector = bindingVec->second; for (size_t textureIdx = 0; textureIdx < textureVector.size(); textureIdx++) { textureVector[textureIdx].set(NULL); } } for (size_t samplerIdx = 0; samplerIdx < mSamplers.size(); samplerIdx++) { mSamplers[samplerIdx].set(NULL); } mArrayBuffer.set(NULL); mRenderbuffer.set(NULL); if (mProgram) { mProgram->release(); } mProgram = NULL; mTransformFeedback.set(NULL); for (State::ActiveQueryMap::iterator i = mActiveQueries.begin(); i != mActiveQueries.end(); i++) { i->second.set(NULL); } mGenericUniformBuffer.set(NULL); mGenericTransformFeedbackBuffer.set(NULL); for (BufferVector::iterator bufItr = mUniformBuffers.begin(); bufItr != mUniformBuffers.end(); ++bufItr) { bufItr->set(NULL); } for (BufferVector::iterator bufItr = mTransformFeedbackBuffers.begin(); bufItr != mTransformFeedbackBuffers.end(); ++bufItr) { bufItr->set(NULL); } mCopyReadBuffer.set(NULL); mCopyWriteBuffer.set(NULL); mPack.pixelBuffer.set(NULL); mUnpack.pixelBuffer.set(NULL); mProgram = NULL; } const RasterizerState &State::getRasterizerState() const { return mRasterizer; } const BlendState &State::getBlendState() const { return mBlend; } const DepthStencilState &State::getDepthStencilState() const { return mDepthStencil; } void State::setColorClearValue(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) { mColorClearValue.red = red; mColorClearValue.green = green; mColorClearValue.blue = blue; mColorClearValue.alpha = alpha; } void State::setDepthClearValue(float depth) { mDepthClearValue = depth; } void State::setStencilClearValue(int stencil) { mStencilClearValue = stencil; } void State::setColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha) { mBlend.colorMaskRed = red; mBlend.colorMaskGreen = green; mBlend.colorMaskBlue = blue; mBlend.colorMaskAlpha = alpha; } void State::setDepthMask(bool mask) { mDepthStencil.depthMask = mask; } bool State::isRasterizerDiscardEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.rasterizerDiscard; } void State::setRasterizerDiscard(bool enabled) { mRasterizer.rasterizerDiscard = enabled; } bool State::isCullFaceEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.cullFace; } void State::setCullFace(bool enabled) { mRasterizer.cullFace = enabled; } void State::setCullMode(GLenum mode) { mRasterizer.cullMode = mode; } void State::setFrontFace(GLenum front) { mRasterizer.frontFace = front; } bool State::isDepthTestEnabled() const { return mDepthStencil.depthTest; } void State::setDepthTest(bool enabled) { mDepthStencil.depthTest = enabled; } void State::setDepthFunc(GLenum depthFunc) { mDepthStencil.depthFunc = depthFunc; } void State::setDepthRange(float zNear, float zFar) { mNearZ = zNear; mFarZ = zFar; } void State::getDepthRange(float *zNear, float *zFar) const { *zNear = mNearZ; *zFar = mFarZ; } bool State::isBlendEnabled() const { return mBlend.blend; } void State::setBlend(bool enabled) { mBlend.blend = enabled; } void State::setBlendFactors(GLenum sourceRGB, GLenum destRGB, GLenum sourceAlpha, GLenum destAlpha) { mBlend.sourceBlendRGB = sourceRGB; mBlend.destBlendRGB = destRGB; mBlend.sourceBlendAlpha = sourceAlpha; mBlend.destBlendAlpha = destAlpha; } void State::setBlendColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) { mBlendColor.red = red; mBlendColor.green = green; mBlendColor.blue = blue; mBlendColor.alpha = alpha; } void State::setBlendEquation(GLenum rgbEquation, GLenum alphaEquation) { mBlend.blendEquationRGB = rgbEquation; mBlend.blendEquationAlpha = alphaEquation; } const ColorF &State::getBlendColor() const { return mBlendColor; } bool State::isStencilTestEnabled() const { return mDepthStencil.stencilTest; } void State::setStencilTest(bool enabled) { mDepthStencil.stencilTest = enabled; } void State::setStencilParams(GLenum stencilFunc, GLint stencilRef, GLuint stencilMask) { mDepthStencil.stencilFunc = stencilFunc; mStencilRef = (stencilRef > 0) ? stencilRef : 0; mDepthStencil.stencilMask = stencilMask; } void State::setStencilBackParams(GLenum stencilBackFunc, GLint stencilBackRef, GLuint stencilBackMask) { mDepthStencil.stencilBackFunc = stencilBackFunc; mStencilBackRef = (stencilBackRef > 0) ? stencilBackRef : 0; mDepthStencil.stencilBackMask = stencilBackMask; } void State::setStencilWritemask(GLuint stencilWritemask) { mDepthStencil.stencilWritemask = stencilWritemask; } void State::setStencilBackWritemask(GLuint stencilBackWritemask) { mDepthStencil.stencilBackWritemask = stencilBackWritemask; } void State::setStencilOperations(GLenum stencilFail, GLenum stencilPassDepthFail, GLenum stencilPassDepthPass) { mDepthStencil.stencilFail = stencilFail; mDepthStencil.stencilPassDepthFail = stencilPassDepthFail; mDepthStencil.stencilPassDepthPass = stencilPassDepthPass; } void State::setStencilBackOperations(GLenum stencilBackFail, GLenum stencilBackPassDepthFail, GLenum stencilBackPassDepthPass) { mDepthStencil.stencilBackFail = stencilBackFail; mDepthStencil.stencilBackPassDepthFail = stencilBackPassDepthFail; mDepthStencil.stencilBackPassDepthPass = stencilBackPassDepthPass; } GLint State::getStencilRef() const { return mStencilRef; } GLint State::getStencilBackRef() const { return mStencilBackRef; } bool State::isPolygonOffsetFillEnabled() const { return mRasterizer.polygonOffsetFill; } void State::setPolygonOffsetFill(bool enabled) { mRasterizer.polygonOffsetFill = enabled; } void State::setPolygonOffsetParams(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) { // An application can pass NaN values here, so handle this gracefully mRasterizer.polygonOffsetFactor = factor != factor ? 0.0f : factor; mRasterizer.polygonOffsetUnits = units != units ? 0.0f : units; } bool State::isSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled() const { return mBlend.sampleAlphaToCoverage; } void State::setSampleAlphaToCoverage(bool enabled) { mBlend.sampleAlphaToCoverage = enabled; } bool State::isSampleCoverageEnabled() const { return mSampleCoverage; } void State::setSampleCoverage(bool enabled) { mSampleCoverage = enabled; } void State::setSampleCoverageParams(GLclampf value, bool invert) { mSampleCoverageValue = value; mSampleCoverageInvert = invert; } void State::getSampleCoverageParams(GLclampf *value, bool *invert) const { ASSERT(value != NULL && invert != NULL); *value = mSampleCoverageValue; *invert = mSampleCoverageInvert; } bool State::isScissorTestEnabled() const { return mScissorTest; } void State::setScissorTest(bool enabled) { mScissorTest = enabled; } void State::setScissorParams(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { mScissor.x = x; mScissor.y = y; mScissor.width = width; mScissor.height = height; } const Rectangle &State::getScissor() const { return mScissor; } bool State::isDitherEnabled() const { return mBlend.dither; } void State::setDither(bool enabled) { mBlend.dither = enabled; } bool State::isPrimitiveRestartEnabled() const { return mPrimitiveRestart; } void State::setPrimitiveRestart(bool enabled) { mPrimitiveRestart = enabled; } void State::setEnableFeature(GLenum feature, bool enabled) { switch (feature) { case GL_CULL_FACE: setCullFace(enabled); break; case GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: setPolygonOffsetFill(enabled); break; case GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE: setSampleAlphaToCoverage(enabled); break; case GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE: setSampleCoverage(enabled); break; case GL_SCISSOR_TEST: setScissorTest(enabled); break; case GL_STENCIL_TEST: setStencilTest(enabled); break; case GL_DEPTH_TEST: setDepthTest(enabled); break; case GL_BLEND: setBlend(enabled); break; case GL_DITHER: setDither(enabled); break; case GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX: setPrimitiveRestart(enabled); break; case GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD: setRasterizerDiscard(enabled); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } bool State::getEnableFeature(GLenum feature) { switch (feature) { case GL_CULL_FACE: return isCullFaceEnabled(); case GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: return isPolygonOffsetFillEnabled(); case GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE: return isSampleAlphaToCoverageEnabled(); case GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE: return isSampleCoverageEnabled(); case GL_SCISSOR_TEST: return isScissorTestEnabled(); case GL_STENCIL_TEST: return isStencilTestEnabled(); case GL_DEPTH_TEST: return isDepthTestEnabled(); case GL_BLEND: return isBlendEnabled(); case GL_DITHER: return isDitherEnabled(); case GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_FIXED_INDEX: return isPrimitiveRestartEnabled(); case GL_RASTERIZER_DISCARD: return isRasterizerDiscardEnabled(); default: UNREACHABLE(); return false; } } void State::setLineWidth(GLfloat width) { mLineWidth = width; } void State::setGenerateMipmapHint(GLenum hint) { mGenerateMipmapHint = hint; } void State::setFragmentShaderDerivativeHint(GLenum hint) { mFragmentShaderDerivativeHint = hint; // TODO: Propagate the hint to shader translator so we can write // ddx, ddx_coarse, or ddx_fine depending on the hint. // Ignore for now. It is valid for implementations to ignore hint. } void State::setViewportParams(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { mViewport.x = x; mViewport.y = y; mViewport.width = width; mViewport.height = height; } const Rectangle &State::getViewport() const { return mViewport; } void State::setActiveSampler(unsigned int active) { mActiveSampler = active; } unsigned int State::getActiveSampler() const { return mActiveSampler; } void State::setSamplerTexture(GLenum type, Texture *texture) { mSamplerTextures[type][mActiveSampler].set(texture); } Texture *State::getSamplerTexture(unsigned int sampler, GLenum type) const { const auto it = mSamplerTextures.find(type); ASSERT(it != mSamplerTextures.end()); return it->second[sampler].get(); } GLuint State::getSamplerTextureId(unsigned int sampler, GLenum type) const { const auto it = mSamplerTextures.find(type); ASSERT(it != mSamplerTextures.end()); return it->second[sampler].id(); } void State::detachTexture(const TextureMap &zeroTextures, GLuint texture) { // Textures have a detach method on State rather than a simple // removeBinding, because the zero/null texture objects are managed // separately, and don't have to go through the Context's maps or // the ResourceManager. // [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 3.8 page 84: // If a texture object is deleted, it is as if all texture units which are bound to that texture object are // rebound to texture object zero for (TextureBindingMap::iterator bindingVec = mSamplerTextures.begin(); bindingVec != mSamplerTextures.end(); bindingVec++) { GLenum textureType = bindingVec->first; TextureBindingVector &textureVector = bindingVec->second; for (size_t textureIdx = 0; textureIdx < textureVector.size(); textureIdx++) { BindingPointer &binding = textureVector[textureIdx]; if (binding.id() == texture) { auto it = zeroTextures.find(textureType); ASSERT(it != zeroTextures.end()); // Zero textures are the "default" textures instead of NULL binding.set(it->second.get()); } } } // [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 4.4 page 112: // If a texture object is deleted while its image is attached to the currently bound framebuffer, then it is // as if Texture2DAttachment had been called, with a texture of 0, for each attachment point to which this // image was attached in the currently bound framebuffer. if (mReadFramebuffer) { mReadFramebuffer->detachTexture(texture); } if (mDrawFramebuffer) { mDrawFramebuffer->detachTexture(texture); } } void State::initializeZeroTextures(const TextureMap &zeroTextures) { for (auto it = zeroTextures.cbegin(); it != zeroTextures.cend(); ++it) { const auto &zeroTexture = *it; auto &samplerTextureArray = mSamplerTextures[zeroTexture.first]; for (size_t textureUnit = 0; textureUnit < samplerTextureArray.size(); ++textureUnit) { samplerTextureArray[textureUnit].set(zeroTexture.second.get()); } } } void State::setSamplerBinding(GLuint textureUnit, Sampler *sampler) { mSamplers[textureUnit].set(sampler); } GLuint State::getSamplerId(GLuint textureUnit) const { ASSERT(textureUnit < mSamplers.size()); return mSamplers[textureUnit].id(); } Sampler *State::getSampler(GLuint textureUnit) const { return mSamplers[textureUnit].get(); } void State::detachSampler(GLuint sampler) { // [OpenGL ES 3.0.2] section 3.8.2 pages 123-124: // If a sampler object that is currently bound to one or more texture units is // deleted, it is as though BindSampler is called once for each texture unit to // which the sampler is bound, with unit set to the texture unit and sampler set to zero. for (size_t textureUnit = 0; textureUnit < mSamplers.size(); textureUnit++) { BindingPointer &samplerBinding = mSamplers[textureUnit]; if (samplerBinding.id() == sampler) { samplerBinding.set(NULL); } } } void State::setRenderbufferBinding(Renderbuffer *renderbuffer) { mRenderbuffer.set(renderbuffer); } GLuint State::getRenderbufferId() const { return mRenderbuffer.id(); } Renderbuffer *State::getCurrentRenderbuffer() { return mRenderbuffer.get(); } void State::detachRenderbuffer(GLuint renderbuffer) { // [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 4.4 page 109: // If a renderbuffer that is currently bound to RENDERBUFFER is deleted, it is as though BindRenderbuffer // had been executed with the target RENDERBUFFER and name of zero. if (mRenderbuffer.id() == renderbuffer) { mRenderbuffer.set(NULL); } // [OpenGL ES 2.0.24] section 4.4 page 111: // If a renderbuffer object is deleted while its image is attached to the currently bound framebuffer, // then it is as if FramebufferRenderbuffer had been called, with a renderbuffer of 0, for each attachment // point to which this image was attached in the currently bound framebuffer. Framebuffer *readFramebuffer = mReadFramebuffer; Framebuffer *drawFramebuffer = mDrawFramebuffer; if (readFramebuffer) { readFramebuffer->detachRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); } if (drawFramebuffer && drawFramebuffer != readFramebuffer) { drawFramebuffer->detachRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); } } void State::setReadFramebufferBinding(Framebuffer *framebuffer) { mReadFramebuffer = framebuffer; } void State::setDrawFramebufferBinding(Framebuffer *framebuffer) { mDrawFramebuffer = framebuffer; } Framebuffer *State::getTargetFramebuffer(GLenum target) const { switch (target) { case GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_ANGLE: return mReadFramebuffer; case GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_ANGLE: case GL_FRAMEBUFFER: return mDrawFramebuffer; default: UNREACHABLE(); return NULL; } } Framebuffer *State::getReadFramebuffer() { return mReadFramebuffer; } Framebuffer *State::getDrawFramebuffer() { return mDrawFramebuffer; } const Framebuffer *State::getReadFramebuffer() const { return mReadFramebuffer; } const Framebuffer *State::getDrawFramebuffer() const { return mDrawFramebuffer; } bool State::removeReadFramebufferBinding(GLuint framebuffer) { if (mReadFramebuffer->id() == framebuffer) { mReadFramebuffer = NULL; return true; } return false; } bool State::removeDrawFramebufferBinding(GLuint framebuffer) { if (mDrawFramebuffer->id() == framebuffer) { mDrawFramebuffer = NULL; return true; } return false; } void State::setVertexArrayBinding(VertexArray *vertexArray) { mVertexArray = vertexArray; } GLuint State::getVertexArrayId() const { ASSERT(mVertexArray != NULL); return mVertexArray->id(); } VertexArray *State::getVertexArray() const { ASSERT(mVertexArray != NULL); return mVertexArray; } bool State::removeVertexArrayBinding(GLuint vertexArray) { if (mVertexArray->id() == vertexArray) { mVertexArray = NULL; return true; } return false; } void State::setProgram(Program *newProgram) { if (mProgram != newProgram) { if (mProgram) { mProgram->release(); } mProgram = newProgram; if (mProgram) { newProgram->addRef(); } } } Program *State::getProgram() const { return mProgram; } void State::setTransformFeedbackBinding(TransformFeedback *transformFeedback) { mTransformFeedback.set(transformFeedback); } TransformFeedback *State::getCurrentTransformFeedback() const { return mTransformFeedback.get(); } bool State::isTransformFeedbackActiveUnpaused() const { gl::TransformFeedback *curTransformFeedback = getCurrentTransformFeedback(); return curTransformFeedback && curTransformFeedback->isStarted() && !curTransformFeedback->isPaused(); } void State::detachTransformFeedback(GLuint transformFeedback) { if (mTransformFeedback.id() == transformFeedback) { mTransformFeedback.set(NULL); } } bool State::isQueryActive() const { for (State::ActiveQueryMap::const_iterator i = mActiveQueries.begin(); i != mActiveQueries.end(); i++) { if (i->second.get() != NULL) { return true; } } return false; } void State::setActiveQuery(GLenum target, Query *query) { mActiveQueries[target].set(query); } GLuint State::getActiveQueryId(GLenum target) const { const Query *query = getActiveQuery(target); return (query ? query->id() : 0u); } Query *State::getActiveQuery(GLenum target) const { const auto it = mActiveQueries.find(target); // All query types should already exist in the activeQueries map ASSERT(it != mActiveQueries.end()); return it->second.get(); } void State::setArrayBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer) { mArrayBuffer.set(buffer); } GLuint State::getArrayBufferId() const { return mArrayBuffer.id(); } bool State::removeArrayBufferBinding(GLuint buffer) { if (mArrayBuffer.id() == buffer) { mArrayBuffer.set(NULL); return true; } return false; } void State::setGenericUniformBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer) { mGenericUniformBuffer.set(buffer); } void State::setIndexedUniformBufferBinding(GLuint index, Buffer *buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) { mUniformBuffers[index].set(buffer, offset, size); } GLuint State::getIndexedUniformBufferId(GLuint index) const { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mUniformBuffers.size()); return mUniformBuffers[index].id(); } Buffer *State::getIndexedUniformBuffer(GLuint index) const { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mUniformBuffers.size()); return mUniformBuffers[index].get(); } GLintptr State::getIndexedUniformBufferOffset(GLuint index) const { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mUniformBuffers.size()); return mUniformBuffers[index].getOffset(); } GLsizeiptr State::getIndexedUniformBufferSize(GLuint index) const { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mUniformBuffers.size()); return mUniformBuffers[index].getSize(); } void State::setGenericTransformFeedbackBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer) { mGenericTransformFeedbackBuffer.set(buffer); } void State::setIndexedTransformFeedbackBufferBinding(GLuint index, Buffer *buffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size) { mTransformFeedbackBuffers[index].set(buffer, offset, size); } GLuint State::getIndexedTransformFeedbackBufferId(GLuint index) const { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mTransformFeedbackBuffers.size()); return mTransformFeedbackBuffers[index].id(); } Buffer *State::getIndexedTransformFeedbackBuffer(GLuint index) const { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mTransformFeedbackBuffers.size()); return mTransformFeedbackBuffers[index].get(); } GLuint State::getIndexedTransformFeedbackBufferOffset(GLuint index) const { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mTransformFeedbackBuffers.size()); return mTransformFeedbackBuffers[index].getOffset(); } size_t State::getTransformFeedbackBufferIndexRange() const { return mTransformFeedbackBuffers.size(); } void State::setCopyReadBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer) { mCopyReadBuffer.set(buffer); } void State::setCopyWriteBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer) { mCopyWriteBuffer.set(buffer); } void State::setPixelPackBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer) { mPack.pixelBuffer.set(buffer); } void State::setPixelUnpackBufferBinding(Buffer *buffer) { mUnpack.pixelBuffer.set(buffer); } Buffer *State::getTargetBuffer(GLenum target) const { switch (target) { case GL_ARRAY_BUFFER: return mArrayBuffer.get(); case GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER: return mCopyReadBuffer.get(); case GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER: return mCopyWriteBuffer.get(); case GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: return getVertexArray()->getElementArrayBuffer(); case GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER: return mPack.pixelBuffer.get(); case GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER: return mUnpack.pixelBuffer.get(); case GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER: return mGenericTransformFeedbackBuffer.get(); case GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER: return mGenericUniformBuffer.get(); default: UNREACHABLE(); return NULL; } } void State::setEnableVertexAttribArray(unsigned int attribNum, bool enabled) { getVertexArray()->enableAttribute(attribNum, enabled); } void State::setVertexAttribf(GLuint index, const GLfloat values[4]) { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mVertexAttribCurrentValues.size()); mVertexAttribCurrentValues[index].setFloatValues(values); } void State::setVertexAttribu(GLuint index, const GLuint values[4]) { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mVertexAttribCurrentValues.size()); mVertexAttribCurrentValues[index].setUnsignedIntValues(values); } void State::setVertexAttribi(GLuint index, const GLint values[4]) { ASSERT(static_cast(index) < mVertexAttribCurrentValues.size()); mVertexAttribCurrentValues[index].setIntValues(values); } void State::setVertexAttribState(unsigned int attribNum, Buffer *boundBuffer, GLint size, GLenum type, bool normalized, bool pureInteger, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer) { getVertexArray()->setAttributeState(attribNum, boundBuffer, size, type, normalized, pureInteger, stride, pointer); } const VertexAttribCurrentValueData &State::getVertexAttribCurrentValue(unsigned int attribNum) const { ASSERT(static_cast(attribNum) < mVertexAttribCurrentValues.size()); return mVertexAttribCurrentValues[attribNum]; } const void *State::getVertexAttribPointer(unsigned int attribNum) const { return getVertexArray()->getVertexAttribute(attribNum).pointer; } void State::setPackAlignment(GLint alignment) { mPack.alignment = alignment; } GLint State::getPackAlignment() const { return mPack.alignment; } void State::setPackReverseRowOrder(bool reverseRowOrder) { mPack.reverseRowOrder = reverseRowOrder; } bool State::getPackReverseRowOrder() const { return mPack.reverseRowOrder; } const PixelPackState &State::getPackState() const { return mPack; } PixelPackState &State::getPackState() { return mPack; } void State::setUnpackAlignment(GLint alignment) { mUnpack.alignment = alignment; } GLint State::getUnpackAlignment() const { return mUnpack.alignment; } void State::setUnpackRowLength(GLint rowLength) { mUnpack.rowLength = rowLength; } GLint State::getUnpackRowLength() const { return mUnpack.rowLength; } const PixelUnpackState &State::getUnpackState() const { return mUnpack; } PixelUnpackState &State::getUnpackState() { return mUnpack; } void State::getBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params) { switch (pname) { case GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT: *params = mSampleCoverageInvert; break; case GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK: *params = mDepthStencil.depthMask; break; case GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK: params[0] = mBlend.colorMaskRed; params[1] = mBlend.colorMaskGreen; params[2] = mBlend.colorMaskBlue; params[3] = mBlend.colorMaskAlpha; break; case GL_CULL_FACE: *params = mRasterizer.cullFace; break; case GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: *params = mRasterizer.polygonOffsetFill; break; case GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE: *params = mBlend.sampleAlphaToCoverage; break; case GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE: *params = mSampleCoverage; break; case GL_SCISSOR_TEST: *params = mScissorTest; break; case GL_STENCIL_TEST: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilTest; break; case GL_DEPTH_TEST: *params = mDepthStencil.depthTest; break; case GL_BLEND: *params = mBlend.blend; break; case GL_DITHER: *params = mBlend.dither; break; case GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ACTIVE: *params = getCurrentTransformFeedback()->isStarted(); break; case GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PAUSED: *params = getCurrentTransformFeedback()->isPaused(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } void State::getFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) { // Please note: DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE is included in our internal getFloatv implementation // because it is stored as a float, despite the fact that the GL ES 2.0 spec names // GetIntegerv as its native query function. As it would require conversion in any // case, this should make no difference to the calling application. switch (pname) { case GL_LINE_WIDTH: *params = mLineWidth; break; case GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE: *params = mSampleCoverageValue; break; case GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE: *params = mDepthClearValue; break; case GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR: *params = mRasterizer.polygonOffsetFactor; break; case GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS: *params = mRasterizer.polygonOffsetUnits; break; case GL_DEPTH_RANGE: params[0] = mNearZ; params[1] = mFarZ; break; case GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE: params[0] = mColorClearValue.red; params[1] = mColorClearValue.green; params[2] = mColorClearValue.blue; params[3] = mColorClearValue.alpha; break; case GL_BLEND_COLOR: params[0] = mBlendColor.red; params[1] = mBlendColor.green; params[2] = mBlendColor.blue; params[3] = mBlendColor.alpha; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } void State::getIntegerv(const gl::Data &data, GLenum pname, GLint *params) { if (pname >= GL_DRAW_BUFFER0_EXT && pname <= GL_DRAW_BUFFER15_EXT) { unsigned int colorAttachment = (pname - GL_DRAW_BUFFER0_EXT); ASSERT(colorAttachment < mMaxDrawBuffers); Framebuffer *framebuffer = mDrawFramebuffer; *params = framebuffer->getDrawBufferState(colorAttachment); return; } // Please note: DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE is not included in our internal getIntegerv implementation // because it is stored as a float, despite the fact that the GL ES 2.0 spec names // GetIntegerv as its native query function. As it would require conversion in any // case, this should make no difference to the calling application. You may find it in // State::getFloatv. switch (pname) { case GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: *params = mArrayBuffer.id(); break; case GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: *params = getVertexArray()->getElementArrayBufferId(); break; //case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: // now equivalent to GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_ANGLE case GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_ANGLE: *params = mDrawFramebuffer->id(); break; case GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING_ANGLE: *params = mReadFramebuffer->id(); break; case GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING: *params = mRenderbuffer.id(); break; case GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING: *params = mVertexArray->id(); break; case GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM: *params = mProgram ? mProgram->id() : 0; break; case GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT: *params = mPack.alignment; break; case GL_PACK_REVERSE_ROW_ORDER_ANGLE: *params = mPack.reverseRowOrder; break; case GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: *params = mUnpack.alignment; break; case GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH: *params = mUnpack.rowLength; break; case GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT: *params = mGenerateMipmapHint; break; case GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT_OES: *params = mFragmentShaderDerivativeHint; break; case GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE: *params = (mActiveSampler + GL_TEXTURE0); break; case GL_STENCIL_FUNC: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilFunc; break; case GL_STENCIL_REF: *params = mStencilRef; break; case GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK: *params = clampToInt(mDepthStencil.stencilMask); break; case GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilBackFunc; break; case GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF: *params = mStencilBackRef; break; case GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK: *params = clampToInt(mDepthStencil.stencilBackMask); break; case GL_STENCIL_FAIL: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilFail; break; case GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilPassDepthFail; break; case GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilPassDepthPass; break; case GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilBackFail; break; case GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilBackPassDepthFail; break; case GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: *params = mDepthStencil.stencilBackPassDepthPass; break; case GL_DEPTH_FUNC: *params = mDepthStencil.depthFunc; break; case GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB: *params = mBlend.sourceBlendRGB; break; case GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA: *params = mBlend.sourceBlendAlpha; break; case GL_BLEND_DST_RGB: *params = mBlend.destBlendRGB; break; case GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA: *params = mBlend.destBlendAlpha; break; case GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB: *params = mBlend.blendEquationRGB; break; case GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA: *params = mBlend.blendEquationAlpha; break; case GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK: *params = clampToInt(mDepthStencil.stencilWritemask); break; case GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK: *params = clampToInt(mDepthStencil.stencilBackWritemask); break; case GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE: *params = mStencilClearValue; break; case GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE: *params = mReadFramebuffer->getImplementationColorReadType(); break; case GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: *params = mReadFramebuffer->getImplementationColorReadFormat(); break; case GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS: case GL_SAMPLES: { gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer = mDrawFramebuffer; if (framebuffer->checkStatus(data) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) { switch (pname) { case GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS: if (framebuffer->getSamples(data) != 0) { *params = 1; } else { *params = 0; } break; case GL_SAMPLES: *params = framebuffer->getSamples(data); break; } } else { *params = 0; } } break; case GL_VIEWPORT: params[0] = mViewport.x; params[1] = mViewport.y; params[2] = mViewport.width; params[3] = mViewport.height; break; case GL_SCISSOR_BOX: params[0] = mScissor.x; params[1] = mScissor.y; params[2] = mScissor.width; params[3] = mScissor.height; break; case GL_CULL_FACE_MODE: *params = mRasterizer.cullMode; break; case GL_FRONT_FACE: *params = mRasterizer.frontFace; break; case GL_RED_BITS: case GL_GREEN_BITS: case GL_BLUE_BITS: case GL_ALPHA_BITS: { gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer = getDrawFramebuffer(); gl::FramebufferAttachment *colorbuffer = framebuffer->getFirstColorbuffer(); if (colorbuffer) { switch (pname) { case GL_RED_BITS: *params = colorbuffer->getRedSize(); break; case GL_GREEN_BITS: *params = colorbuffer->getGreenSize(); break; case GL_BLUE_BITS: *params = colorbuffer->getBlueSize(); break; case GL_ALPHA_BITS: *params = colorbuffer->getAlphaSize(); break; } } else { *params = 0; } } break; case GL_DEPTH_BITS: { gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer = getDrawFramebuffer(); gl::FramebufferAttachment *depthbuffer = framebuffer->getDepthbuffer(); if (depthbuffer) { *params = depthbuffer->getDepthSize(); } else { *params = 0; } } break; case GL_STENCIL_BITS: { gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer = getDrawFramebuffer(); gl::FramebufferAttachment *stencilbuffer = framebuffer->getStencilbuffer(); if (stencilbuffer) { *params = stencilbuffer->getStencilSize(); } else { *params = 0; } } break; case GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D: ASSERT(mActiveSampler < mMaxCombinedTextureImageUnits); *params = getSamplerTextureId(mActiveSampler, GL_TEXTURE_2D) ; break; case GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP: ASSERT(mActiveSampler < mMaxCombinedTextureImageUnits); *params = getSamplerTextureId(mActiveSampler, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP); break; case GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D: ASSERT(mActiveSampler < mMaxCombinedTextureImageUnits); *params = getSamplerTextureId(mActiveSampler, GL_TEXTURE_3D); break; case GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY: ASSERT(mActiveSampler < mMaxCombinedTextureImageUnits); *params = getSamplerTextureId(mActiveSampler, GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY); break; case GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING: *params = mGenericUniformBuffer.id(); break; case GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING: *params = mGenericTransformFeedbackBuffer.id(); break; case GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER_BINDING: *params = mCopyReadBuffer.id(); break; case GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER_BINDING: *params = mCopyWriteBuffer.id(); break; case GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING: *params = mPack.pixelBuffer.id(); break; case GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING: *params = mUnpack.pixelBuffer.id(); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } } bool State::getIndexedIntegerv(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint *data) { switch (target) { case GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING: if (static_cast(index) < mTransformFeedbackBuffers.size()) { *data = mTransformFeedbackBuffers[index].id(); } break; case GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING: if (static_cast(index) < mUniformBuffers.size()) { *data = mUniformBuffers[index].id(); } break; default: return false; } return true; } bool State::getIndexedInteger64v(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLint64 *data) { switch (target) { case GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START: if (static_cast(index) < mTransformFeedbackBuffers.size()) { *data = mTransformFeedbackBuffers[index].getOffset(); } break; case GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE: if (static_cast(index) < mTransformFeedbackBuffers.size()) { *data = mTransformFeedbackBuffers[index].getSize(); } break; case GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_START: if (static_cast(index) < mUniformBuffers.size()) { *data = mUniformBuffers[index].getOffset(); } break; case GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE: if (static_cast(index) < mUniformBuffers.size()) { *data = mUniformBuffers[index].getSize(); } break; default: return false; } return true; } bool State::hasMappedBuffer(GLenum target) const { if (target == GL_ARRAY_BUFFER) { const VertexArray *vao = getVertexArray(); for (size_t attribIndex = 0; attribIndex < mVertexAttribCurrentValues.size(); attribIndex++) { const gl::VertexAttribute &vertexAttrib = vao->getVertexAttribute(attribIndex); gl::Buffer *boundBuffer = vertexAttrib.buffer.get(); if (vertexAttrib.enabled && boundBuffer && boundBuffer->isMapped()) { return true; } } return false; } else { Buffer *buffer = getTargetBuffer(target); return (buffer && buffer->isMapped()); } } }