// // Copyright (c) 2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // This class contains prototypes for representing GLES 3 Vertex Array Objects: // // The buffer objects that are to be used by the vertex stage of the GL are collected // together to form a vertex array object. All state related to the definition of data used // by the vertex processor is encapsulated in a vertex array object. // #ifndef LIBANGLE_VERTEXARRAY_H_ #define LIBANGLE_VERTEXARRAY_H_ #include "libANGLE/RefCountObject.h" #include "libANGLE/Constants.h" #include "libANGLE/Debug.h" #include "libANGLE/State.h" #include "libANGLE/VertexAttribute.h" #include namespace rx { class GLImplFactory; class VertexArrayImpl; } // namespace rx namespace gl { class Buffer; class VertexArrayState final : angle::NonCopyable { public: VertexArrayState(size_t maxAttribs, size_t maxBindings); ~VertexArrayState(); const std::string &getLabel() const { return mLabel; } const BindingPointer &getElementArrayBuffer() const { return mElementArrayBuffer; } size_t getMaxAttribs() const { return mVertexAttributes.size(); } size_t getMaxBindings() const { return mVertexBindings.size(); } size_t getMaxEnabledAttribute() const { return mMaxEnabledAttribute; } const std::vector &getVertexAttributes() const { return mVertexAttributes; } const VertexAttribute &getVertexAttribute(size_t attribIndex) const { return mVertexAttributes[attribIndex]; } const std::vector &getVertexBindings() const { return mVertexBindings; } const VertexBinding &getVertexBinding(size_t bindingIndex) const { return mVertexBindings[bindingIndex]; } const VertexBinding &getBindingFromAttribIndex(size_t attribIndex) const { return mVertexBindings[mVertexAttributes[attribIndex].bindingIndex]; } size_t getBindingIndexFromAttribIndex(size_t attribIndex) const { return mVertexAttributes[attribIndex].bindingIndex; } private: friend class VertexArray; std::string mLabel; std::vector mVertexAttributes; BindingPointer mElementArrayBuffer; std::vector mVertexBindings; size_t mMaxEnabledAttribute; }; class VertexArray final : public LabeledObject { public: VertexArray(rx::GLImplFactory *factory, GLuint id, size_t maxAttribs, size_t maxAttribBindings); void onDestroy(const Context *context); GLuint id() const; void setLabel(const std::string &label) override; const std::string &getLabel() const override; const VertexBinding &getVertexBinding(size_t bindingIndex) const; const VertexAttribute &getVertexAttribute(size_t attribIndex) const; const VertexBinding &getBindingFromAttribIndex(size_t attribIndex) const { return mState.getBindingFromAttribIndex(attribIndex); } void detachBuffer(const Context *context, GLuint bufferName); void setVertexAttribDivisor(const Context *context, size_t index, GLuint divisor); void enableAttribute(size_t attribIndex, bool enabledState); void setVertexAttribPointer(const Context *context, size_t attribIndex, Buffer *boundBuffer, GLint size, GLenum type, bool normalized, bool pureInteger, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer); void setVertexAttribFormat(size_t attribIndex, GLint size, GLenum type, bool normalized, bool pureInteger, GLuint relativeOffset); void bindVertexBuffer(const Context *context, size_t bindingIndex, Buffer *boundBuffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizei stride); void setVertexAttribBinding(const Context *context, size_t attribIndex, GLuint bindingIndex); void setVertexBindingDivisor(size_t bindingIndex, GLuint divisor); void setVertexAttribFormatImpl(size_t attribIndex, GLint size, GLenum type, bool normalized, bool pureInteger, GLuint relativeOffset); void bindVertexBufferImpl(const Context *context, size_t bindingIndex, Buffer *boundBuffer, GLintptr offset, GLsizei stride); void setElementArrayBuffer(const Context *context, Buffer *buffer); const BindingPointer &getElementArrayBuffer() const { return mState.getElementArrayBuffer(); } size_t getMaxAttribs() const { return mState.getMaxAttribs(); } size_t getMaxBindings() const { return mState.getMaxBindings(); } const std::vector &getVertexAttributes() const { return mState.getVertexAttributes(); } const std::vector &getVertexBindings() const { return mState.getVertexBindings(); } rx::VertexArrayImpl *getImplementation() const { return mVertexArray; } size_t getMaxEnabledAttribute() const { return mState.getMaxEnabledAttribute(); } enum DirtyBitType { DIRTY_BIT_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, // Reserve bits for enabled flags DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_0_ENABLED, DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_MAX_ENABLED = DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_0_ENABLED + gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, // Reserve bits for attrib pointers DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_0_POINTER = DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_MAX_ENABLED, DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_MAX_POINTER = DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_0_POINTER + gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, // Reserve bits for changes to VertexAttribFormat DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_0_FORMAT = DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_MAX_POINTER, DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_MAX_FORMAT = DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_0_FORMAT + gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, // Reserve bits for changes to VertexAttribBinding DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_0_BINDING = DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_MAX_FORMAT, DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_MAX_BINDING = DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_0_BINDING + gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, // Reserve bits for changes to BindVertexBuffer DIRTY_BIT_BINDING_0_BUFFER = DIRTY_BIT_ATTRIB_MAX_BINDING, DIRTY_BIT_BINDING_MAX_BUFFER = DIRTY_BIT_BINDING_0_BUFFER + gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS, // Reserve bits for binding divisors DIRTY_BIT_BINDING_0_DIVISOR = DIRTY_BIT_BINDING_MAX_BUFFER, DIRTY_BIT_BINDING_MAX_DIVISOR = DIRTY_BIT_BINDING_0_DIVISOR + gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS, DIRTY_BIT_UNKNOWN = DIRTY_BIT_BINDING_MAX_DIVISOR, DIRTY_BIT_MAX = DIRTY_BIT_UNKNOWN, }; using DirtyBits = angle::BitSet; static size_t GetVertexIndexFromDirtyBit(size_t dirtyBit); void syncState(const Context *context); bool hasAnyDirtyBit() const { return mDirtyBits.any(); } private: ~VertexArray() override; GLuint mId; VertexArrayState mState; DirtyBits mDirtyBits; rx::VertexArrayImpl *mVertexArray; }; } // namespace gl #endif // LIBANGLE_VERTEXARRAY_H_