// // Copyright 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // FramebufferD3D.cpp: Implements the DefaultAttachmentD3D and FramebufferD3D classes. #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/FramebufferD3D.h" #include "common/bitset_utils.h" #include "libANGLE/Context.h" #include "libANGLE/Framebuffer.h" #include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h" #include "libANGLE/Surface.h" #include "libANGLE/formatutils.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/ContextImpl.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/RenderTargetD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/RenderbufferD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/RendererD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/SurfaceD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/SwapChainD3D.h" #include "libANGLE/renderer/d3d/TextureD3D.h" namespace rx { namespace { ClearParameters GetClearParameters(const gl::State &state, GLbitfield mask) { ClearParameters clearParams; memset(&clearParams, 0, sizeof(ClearParameters)); const auto &blendState = state.getBlendState(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(clearParams.clearColor); i++) { clearParams.clearColor[i] = false; } clearParams.colorF = state.getColorClearValue(); clearParams.colorType = GL_FLOAT; clearParams.colorMaskRed = blendState.colorMaskRed; clearParams.colorMaskGreen = blendState.colorMaskGreen; clearParams.colorMaskBlue = blendState.colorMaskBlue; clearParams.colorMaskAlpha = blendState.colorMaskAlpha; clearParams.clearDepth = false; clearParams.depthValue = state.getDepthClearValue(); clearParams.clearStencil = false; clearParams.stencilValue = state.getStencilClearValue(); clearParams.stencilWriteMask = state.getDepthStencilState().stencilWritemask; clearParams.scissorEnabled = state.isScissorTestEnabled(); clearParams.scissor = state.getScissor(); const gl::Framebuffer *framebufferObject = state.getDrawFramebuffer(); if (mask & GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) { if (framebufferObject->hasEnabledDrawBuffer()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(clearParams.clearColor); i++) { clearParams.clearColor[i] = true; } } } if (mask & GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) { if (state.getDepthStencilState().depthMask && framebufferObject->getDepthbuffer() != nullptr) { clearParams.clearDepth = true; } } if (mask & GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) { if (framebufferObject->getStencilbuffer() != nullptr && framebufferObject->getStencilbuffer()->getStencilSize() > 0) { clearParams.clearStencil = true; } } return clearParams; } } ClearParameters::ClearParameters() = default; ClearParameters::ClearParameters(const ClearParameters &other) = default; FramebufferD3D::FramebufferD3D(const gl::FramebufferState &data, RendererD3D *renderer) : FramebufferImpl(data), mRenderer(renderer) { } FramebufferD3D::~FramebufferD3D() { } gl::Error FramebufferD3D::clear(const gl::Context *context, GLbitfield mask) { ClearParameters clearParams = GetClearParameters(context->getGLState(), mask); return clearImpl(context, clearParams); } gl::Error FramebufferD3D::clearBufferfv(const gl::Context *context, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLfloat *values) { // glClearBufferfv can be called to clear the color buffer or depth buffer ClearParameters clearParams = GetClearParameters(context->getGLState(), 0); if (buffer == GL_COLOR) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(clearParams.clearColor); i++) { clearParams.clearColor[i] = (drawbuffer == static_cast(i)); } clearParams.colorF = gl::ColorF(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]); clearParams.colorType = GL_FLOAT; } if (buffer == GL_DEPTH) { clearParams.clearDepth = true; clearParams.depthValue = values[0]; } return clearImpl(context, clearParams); } gl::Error FramebufferD3D::clearBufferuiv(const gl::Context *context, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLuint *values) { // glClearBufferuiv can only be called to clear a color buffer ClearParameters clearParams = GetClearParameters(context->getGLState(), 0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(clearParams.clearColor); i++) { clearParams.clearColor[i] = (drawbuffer == static_cast(i)); } clearParams.colorUI = gl::ColorUI(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]); clearParams.colorType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT; return clearImpl(context, clearParams); } gl::Error FramebufferD3D::clearBufferiv(const gl::Context *context, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, const GLint *values) { // glClearBufferiv can be called to clear the color buffer or stencil buffer ClearParameters clearParams = GetClearParameters(context->getGLState(), 0); if (buffer == GL_COLOR) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ArraySize(clearParams.clearColor); i++) { clearParams.clearColor[i] = (drawbuffer == static_cast(i)); } clearParams.colorI = gl::ColorI(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]); clearParams.colorType = GL_INT; } if (buffer == GL_STENCIL) { clearParams.clearStencil = true; clearParams.stencilValue = values[0]; } return clearImpl(context, clearParams); } gl::Error FramebufferD3D::clearBufferfi(const gl::Context *context, GLenum buffer, GLint drawbuffer, GLfloat depth, GLint stencil) { // glClearBufferfi can only be called to clear a depth stencil buffer ClearParameters clearParams = GetClearParameters(context->getGLState(), 0); clearParams.clearDepth = true; clearParams.depthValue = depth; clearParams.clearStencil = true; clearParams.stencilValue = stencil; return clearImpl(context, clearParams); } GLenum FramebufferD3D::getImplementationColorReadFormat(const gl::Context *context) const { const gl::FramebufferAttachment *readAttachment = mState.getReadAttachment(); if (readAttachment == nullptr) { return GL_NONE; } RenderTargetD3D *attachmentRenderTarget = nullptr; gl::Error error = readAttachment->getRenderTarget(context, &attachmentRenderTarget); if (error.isError()) { return GL_NONE; } GLenum implementationFormat = getRenderTargetImplementationFormat(attachmentRenderTarget); const gl::InternalFormat &implementationFormatInfo = gl::GetSizedInternalFormatInfo(implementationFormat); return implementationFormatInfo.getReadPixelsFormat(); } GLenum FramebufferD3D::getImplementationColorReadType(const gl::Context *context) const { const gl::FramebufferAttachment *readAttachment = mState.getReadAttachment(); if (readAttachment == nullptr) { return GL_NONE; } RenderTargetD3D *attachmentRenderTarget = nullptr; gl::Error error = readAttachment->getRenderTarget(context, &attachmentRenderTarget); if (error.isError()) { return GL_NONE; } GLenum implementationFormat = getRenderTargetImplementationFormat(attachmentRenderTarget); const gl::InternalFormat &implementationFormatInfo = gl::GetSizedInternalFormatInfo(implementationFormat); return implementationFormatInfo.getReadPixelsType(context->getClientVersion()); } gl::Error FramebufferD3D::readPixels(const gl::Context *context, const gl::Rectangle &origArea, GLenum format, GLenum type, void *pixels) { // Clip read area to framebuffer. const gl::Extents fbSize = getState().getReadAttachment()->getSize(); const gl::Rectangle fbRect(0, 0, fbSize.width, fbSize.height); gl::Rectangle area; if (!ClipRectangle(origArea, fbRect, &area)) { // nothing to read return gl::NoError(); } const gl::PixelPackState &packState = context->getGLState().getPackState(); const gl::InternalFormat &sizedFormatInfo = gl::GetInternalFormatInfo(format, type); GLuint outputPitch = 0; ANGLE_TRY_RESULT(sizedFormatInfo.computeRowPitch(type, origArea.width, packState.alignment, packState.rowLength), outputPitch); GLuint outputSkipBytes = 0; ANGLE_TRY_RESULT(sizedFormatInfo.computeSkipBytes(outputPitch, 0, packState, false), outputSkipBytes); outputSkipBytes += (area.x - origArea.x) * sizedFormatInfo.pixelBytes + (area.y - origArea.y) * outputPitch; return readPixelsImpl(context, area, format, type, outputPitch, packState, reinterpret_cast(pixels) + outputSkipBytes); } gl::Error FramebufferD3D::blit(const gl::Context *context, const gl::Rectangle &sourceArea, const gl::Rectangle &destArea, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter) { const auto &glState = context->getGLState(); const gl::Framebuffer *sourceFramebuffer = glState.getReadFramebuffer(); const gl::Rectangle *scissor = glState.isScissorTestEnabled() ? &glState.getScissor() : nullptr; ANGLE_TRY(blitImpl(context, sourceArea, destArea, scissor, (mask & GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) != 0, (mask & GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) != 0, (mask & GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT) != 0, filter, sourceFramebuffer)); return gl::NoError(); } bool FramebufferD3D::checkStatus(const gl::Context *context) const { // if we have both a depth and stencil buffer, they must refer to the same object // since we only support packed_depth_stencil and not separate depth and stencil if (mState.getDepthAttachment() != nullptr && mState.getStencilAttachment() != nullptr && mState.getDepthStencilAttachment() == nullptr) { return false; } // D3D11 does not allow for overlapping RenderTargetViews. // If WebGL compatibility is enabled, this has already been checked at a higher level. ASSERT(!context->getExtensions().webglCompatibility || mState.colorAttachmentsAreUniqueImages()); if (!context->getExtensions().webglCompatibility) { if (!mState.colorAttachmentsAreUniqueImages()) { return false; } } // D3D requires all render targets to have the same dimensions. if (!mState.attachmentsHaveSameDimensions()) { return false; } return true; } void FramebufferD3D::syncState(const gl::Context *context, const gl::Framebuffer::DirtyBits &dirtyBits) { if (!mColorAttachmentsForRender.valid()) { return; } for (auto dirtyBit : dirtyBits) { if ((dirtyBit >= gl::Framebuffer::DIRTY_BIT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_0 && dirtyBit < gl::Framebuffer::DIRTY_BIT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_MAX) || dirtyBit == gl::Framebuffer::DIRTY_BIT_DRAW_BUFFERS) { mColorAttachmentsForRender.reset(); } } } const gl::AttachmentList &FramebufferD3D::getColorAttachmentsForRender(const gl::Context *context) { gl::DrawBufferMask activeProgramOutputs = context->getContextState().getState().getProgram()->getActiveOutputVariables(); if (mColorAttachmentsForRender.valid() && mCurrentActiveProgramOutputs == activeProgramOutputs) { return mColorAttachmentsForRender.value(); } // Does not actually free memory gl::AttachmentList colorAttachmentsForRender; const auto &colorAttachments = mState.getColorAttachments(); const auto &drawBufferStates = mState.getDrawBufferStates(); const auto &workarounds = mRenderer->getWorkarounds(); for (size_t attachmentIndex = 0; attachmentIndex < colorAttachments.size(); ++attachmentIndex) { GLenum drawBufferState = drawBufferStates[attachmentIndex]; const gl::FramebufferAttachment &colorAttachment = colorAttachments[attachmentIndex]; if (colorAttachment.isAttached() && drawBufferState != GL_NONE && activeProgramOutputs[attachmentIndex]) { ASSERT(drawBufferState == GL_BACK || drawBufferState == (GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT + attachmentIndex)); colorAttachmentsForRender.push_back(&colorAttachment); } else if (!workarounds.mrtPerfWorkaround) { colorAttachmentsForRender.push_back(nullptr); } } // When rendering with no render target on D3D, two bugs lead to incorrect behavior on Intel // drivers < 4815. The rendering samples always pass neglecting discard statements in pixel // shader. We add a dummy texture as render target in such case. if (mRenderer->getWorkarounds().addDummyTextureNoRenderTarget && colorAttachmentsForRender.empty()) { static_assert(static_cast(activeProgramOutputs.size()) <= 32, "Size of active program outputs should less or equal than 32."); GLenum i = static_cast( gl::ScanForward(static_cast(activeProgramOutputs.bits()))); gl::Texture *dummyTex = nullptr; // TODO(Jamie): Handle error if dummy texture can't be created. ANGLE_SWALLOW_ERR(mRenderer->getIncompleteTexture(context, GL_TEXTURE_2D, &dummyTex)); if (dummyTex) { gl::ImageIndex index = gl::ImageIndex::Make2D(0); gl::FramebufferAttachment *dummyAttach = new gl::FramebufferAttachment( context, GL_TEXTURE, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT + i, index, dummyTex); colorAttachmentsForRender.push_back(dummyAttach); } } mColorAttachmentsForRender = std::move(colorAttachmentsForRender); mCurrentActiveProgramOutputs = activeProgramOutputs; return mColorAttachmentsForRender.value(); } } // namespace rx