// // Copyright (c) 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // WorkaroundsD3D.h: Workarounds for D3D driver bugs and other issues. #ifndef LIBANGLE_RENDERER_D3D_WORKAROUNDSD3D_H_ #define LIBANGLE_RENDERER_D3D_WORKAROUNDSD3D_H_ // TODO(jmadill,zmo,geofflang): make a workarounds library that can operate // independent of ANGLE's renderer. Workarounds should also be accessible // outside of the Renderer. namespace rx { struct D3DCompilerWorkarounds { D3DCompilerWorkarounds() : skipOptimization(false), useMaxOptimization(false), enableIEEEStrictness(false) { } bool skipOptimization; bool useMaxOptimization; // IEEE strictness needs to be enabled for NANs to work. bool enableIEEEStrictness; }; struct WorkaroundsD3D { WorkaroundsD3D() : mrtPerfWorkaround(false), setDataFasterThanImageUpload(false), zeroMaxLodWorkaround(false), useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation(false) { } // On some systems, having extra rendertargets than necessary slows down the shader. // We can fix this by optimizing those out of the shader. At the same time, we can // work around a bug on some nVidia drivers that they ignore "null" render targets // in D3D11, by compacting the active color attachments list to omit null entries. bool mrtPerfWorkaround; bool setDataFasterThanImageUpload; // Some renderers can't disable mipmaps on a mipmapped texture (i.e. solely sample from level // zero, and ignore the other levels). D3D11 Feature Level 10+ does this by setting MaxLOD to // 0.0f in the Sampler state. D3D9 sets D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER to D3DTEXF_NONE. There is no // equivalent to this in D3D11 Feature Level 9_3. This causes problems when (for example) an // application creates a mipmapped texture2D, but sets GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER to GL_NEAREST // (i.e disables mipmaps). To work around this, D3D11 FL9_3 has to create two copies of the // texture. The textures' level zeros are identical, but only one texture has mips. bool zeroMaxLodWorkaround; // Some renderers do not support Geometry Shaders so the Geometry Shader-based PointSprite // emulation will not work. To work around this, D3D11 FL9_3 has to use a different pointsprite // emulation that is implemented using instanced quads. bool useInstancedPointSpriteEmulation; }; } #endif // LIBANGLE_RENDERER_D3D_WORKAROUNDSD3D_H_