// // Copyright(c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // entry_points_gles_2_0_ext.cpp : Implements the GLES 2.0 extension entry points. #include "libGLESv2/entry_points_gles_2_0_ext.h" #include "libGLESv2/global_state.h" #include "libANGLE/Buffer.h" #include "libANGLE/Context.h" #include "libANGLE/Error.h" #include "libANGLE/Fence.h" #include "libANGLE/Framebuffer.h" #include "libANGLE/Shader.h" #include "libANGLE/Query.h" #include "libANGLE/validationES.h" #include "libANGLE/validationES2.h" #include "libANGLE/validationES3.h" #include "common/debug.h" #include "common/utilities.h" namespace gl { void GL_APIENTRY GenQueriesEXT(GLsizei n, GLuint *ids) { EVENT("(GLsizei n = %d, GLuint* ids = 0x%0.8p)", n, ids); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGenQueriesEXT(context, n, ids)) { return; } for (GLsizei i = 0; i < n; i++) { ids[i] = context->createQuery(); } } } void GL_APIENTRY DeleteQueriesEXT(GLsizei n, const GLuint *ids) { EVENT("(GLsizei n = %d, const GLuint *ids = 0x%0.8p)", n, ids); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateDeleteQueriesEXT(context, n, ids)) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { context->deleteQuery(ids[i]); } } } GLboolean GL_APIENTRY IsQueryEXT(GLuint id) { EVENT("(GLuint id = %d)", id); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { return (context->getQuery(id, false, GL_NONE) != NULL) ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE; } return GL_FALSE; } void GL_APIENTRY BeginQueryEXT(GLenum target, GLuint id) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLuint %d)", target, id); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateBeginQueryEXT(context, target, id)) { return; } Error error = context->beginQuery(target, id); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY EndQueryEXT(GLenum target) { EVENT("GLenum target = 0x%X)", target); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateEndQueryEXT(context, target)) { return; } Error error = context->endQuery(target); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY QueryCounterEXT(GLuint id, GLenum target) { EVENT("GLuint id = %d, GLenum target = 0x%X)", id, target); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateQueryCounterEXT(context, id, target)) { return; } Error error = context->queryCounter(id, target); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY GetQueryivEXT(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) { EVENT("GLenum target = 0x%X, GLenum pname = 0x%X, GLint *params = 0x%0.8p)", target, pname, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetQueryivEXT(context, target, pname, params)) { return; } context->getQueryiv(target, pname, params); } } void GL_APIENTRY GetQueryObjectivEXT(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint *params) { EVENT("(GLuint id = %d, GLenum pname = 0x%X, GLuint *params = 0x%0.8p)", id, pname, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetQueryObjectivEXT(context, id, pname, params)) { return; } Error error = context->getQueryObjectiv(id, pname, params); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY GetQueryObjectuivEXT(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint *params) { EVENT("(GLuint id = %d, GLenum pname = 0x%X, GLuint *params = 0x%0.8p)", id, pname, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetQueryObjectuivEXT(context, id, pname, params)) { return; } Error error = context->getQueryObjectuiv(id, pname, params); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY GetQueryObjecti64vEXT(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLint64 *params) { EVENT("(GLuint id = %d, GLenum pname = 0x%X, GLuint *params = 0x%0.16p)", id, pname, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetQueryObjecti64vEXT(context, id, pname, params)) { return; } Error error = context->getQueryObjecti64v(id, pname, params); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY GetQueryObjectui64vEXT(GLuint id, GLenum pname, GLuint64 *params) { EVENT("(GLuint id = %d, GLenum pname = 0x%X, GLuint *params = 0x%0.16p)", id, pname, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetQueryObjectui64vEXT(context, id, pname, params)) { return; } Error error = context->getQueryObjectui64v(id, pname, params); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY DeleteFencesNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint *fences) { EVENT("(GLsizei n = %d, const GLuint* fences = 0x%0.8p)", n, fences); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (n < 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { context->deleteFenceNV(fences[i]); } } } void GL_APIENTRY DrawArraysInstancedANGLE(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount) { EVENT("(GLenum mode = 0x%X, GLint first = %d, GLsizei count = %d, GLsizei primcount = %d)", mode, first, count, primcount); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(context, mode, first, count, primcount)) { return; } Error error = context->drawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, primcount); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY DrawElementsInstancedANGLE(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei primcount) { EVENT( "(GLenum mode = 0x%X, GLsizei count = %d, GLenum type = 0x%X, const GLvoid* indices = " "0x%0.8p, GLsizei primcount = %d)", mode, count, type, indices, primcount); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { IndexRange indexRange; if (!ValidateDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(context, mode, count, type, indices, primcount, &indexRange)) { return; } Error error = context->drawElementsInstanced(mode, count, type, indices, primcount, indexRange); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY FinishFenceNV(GLuint fence) { EVENT("(GLuint fence = %d)", fence); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { FenceNV *fenceObject = context->getFenceNV(fence); if (fenceObject == NULL) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } if (fenceObject->isSet() != GL_TRUE) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } fenceObject->finish(); } } void GL_APIENTRY GenFencesNV(GLsizei n, GLuint *fences) { EVENT("(GLsizei n = %d, GLuint* fences = 0x%0.8p)", n, fences); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (n < 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { fences[i] = context->createFenceNV(); } } } void GL_APIENTRY GetFenceivNV(GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint *params) { EVENT("(GLuint fence = %d, GLenum pname = 0x%X, GLint *params = 0x%0.8p)", fence, pname, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { FenceNV *fenceObject = context->getFenceNV(fence); if (fenceObject == NULL) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } if (fenceObject->isSet() != GL_TRUE) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } switch (pname) { case GL_FENCE_STATUS_NV: { // GL_NV_fence spec: // Once the status of a fence has been finished (via FinishFenceNV) or tested and the returned status is TRUE (via either TestFenceNV // or GetFenceivNV querying the FENCE_STATUS_NV), the status remains TRUE until the next SetFenceNV of the fence. GLboolean status = GL_TRUE; if (fenceObject->getStatus() != GL_TRUE) { Error error = fenceObject->test(&status); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } *params = status; break; } case GL_FENCE_CONDITION_NV: { *params = static_cast(fenceObject->getCondition()); break; } default: { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return; } } } } GLenum GL_APIENTRY GetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(void) { EVENT("()"); Context *context = GetGlobalContext(); if (context) { return context->getResetStatus(); } return GL_NO_ERROR; } void GL_APIENTRY GetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length, GLchar* source) { EVENT("(GLuint shader = %d, GLsizei bufsize = %d, GLsizei* length = 0x%0.8p, GLchar* source = 0x%0.8p)", shader, bufsize, length, source); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (bufsize < 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return; } Shader *shaderObject = context->getShader(shader); if (!shaderObject) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } shaderObject->getTranslatedSourceWithDebugInfo(bufsize, length, source); } } void GL_APIENTRY GetnUniformfvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat* params) { EVENT("(GLuint program = %d, GLint location = %d, GLsizei bufSize = %d, GLfloat* params = 0x%0.8p)", program, location, bufSize, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetnUniformfvEXT(context, program, location, bufSize, params)) { return; } Program *programObject = context->getProgram(program); ASSERT(programObject); programObject->getUniformfv(location, params); } } void GL_APIENTRY GetnUniformivEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint* params) { EVENT("(GLuint program = %d, GLint location = %d, GLsizei bufSize = %d, GLint* params = 0x%0.8p)", program, location, bufSize, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetnUniformivEXT(context, program, location, bufSize, params)) { return; } Program *programObject = context->getProgram(program); ASSERT(programObject); programObject->getUniformiv(location, params); } } GLboolean GL_APIENTRY IsFenceNV(GLuint fence) { EVENT("(GLuint fence = %d)", fence); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { FenceNV *fenceObject = context->getFenceNV(fence); if (fenceObject == NULL) { return GL_FALSE; } // GL_NV_fence spec: // A name returned by GenFencesNV, but not yet set via SetFenceNV, is not the name of an existing fence. return fenceObject->isSet(); } return GL_FALSE; } void GL_APIENTRY ReadnPixelsEXT(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid *data) { EVENT("(GLint x = %d, GLint y = %d, GLsizei width = %d, GLsizei height = %d, " "GLenum format = 0x%X, GLenum type = 0x%X, GLsizei bufSize = 0x%d, GLvoid *data = 0x%0.8p)", x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, data); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!context->skipValidation() && !ValidateReadnPixelsEXT(context, x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, data)) { return; } context->readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, data); } } void GL_APIENTRY RenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLsizei samples = %d, GLenum internalformat = 0x%X, GLsizei width = %d, GLsizei height = %d)", target, samples, internalformat, width, height); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateRenderbufferStorageParametersANGLE(context, target, samples, internalformat, width, height)) { return; } Renderbuffer *renderbuffer = context->getState().getCurrentRenderbuffer(); Error error = renderbuffer->setStorageMultisample(samples, internalformat, width, height); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY SetFenceNV(GLuint fence, GLenum condition) { EVENT("(GLuint fence = %d, GLenum condition = 0x%X)", fence, condition); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (condition != GL_ALL_COMPLETED_NV) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return; } FenceNV *fenceObject = context->getFenceNV(fence); if (fenceObject == NULL) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } Error error = fenceObject->set(condition); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } GLboolean GL_APIENTRY TestFenceNV(GLuint fence) { EVENT("(GLuint fence = %d)", fence); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { FenceNV *fenceObject = context->getFenceNV(fence); if (fenceObject == NULL) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return GL_TRUE; } if (fenceObject->isSet() != GL_TRUE) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return GL_TRUE; } GLboolean result; Error error = fenceObject->test(&result); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return GL_TRUE; } return result; } return GL_TRUE; } void GL_APIENTRY TexStorage2DEXT(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLsizei levels = %d, GLenum internalformat = 0x%X, GLsizei width = %d, GLsizei height = %d)", target, levels, internalformat, width, height); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!context->getExtensions().textureStorage) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } if (context->getClientVersion() < 3 && !ValidateES2TexStorageParameters(context, target, levels, internalformat, width, height)) { return; } if (context->getClientVersion() >= 3 && !ValidateES3TexStorage2DParameters(context, target, levels, internalformat, width, height, 1)) { return; } Extents size(width, height, 1); Texture *texture = context->getTargetTexture(target); Error error = texture->setStorage(target, levels, internalformat, size); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY VertexAttribDivisorANGLE(GLuint index, GLuint divisor) { EVENT("(GLuint index = %d, GLuint divisor = %d)", index, divisor); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (index >= MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return; } if (context->getLimitations().attributeZeroRequiresZeroDivisorInEXT) { if (index == 0 && divisor != 0) { const char *errorMessage = "The current context doesn't support setting a non-zero divisor on the attribute with index zero. " "Please reorder the attributes in your vertex shader so that attribute zero can have a zero divisor."; context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, errorMessage)); // We also output an error message to the debugger window if tracing is active, so that developers can see the error message. ERR("%s", errorMessage); return; } } context->setVertexAttribDivisor(index, divisor); } } void GL_APIENTRY BlitFramebufferANGLE(GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter) { EVENT("(GLint srcX0 = %d, GLint srcY0 = %d, GLint srcX1 = %d, GLint srcY1 = %d, " "GLint dstX0 = %d, GLint dstY0 = %d, GLint dstX1 = %d, GLint dstY1 = %d, " "GLbitfield mask = 0x%X, GLenum filter = 0x%X)", srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcX1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!context->skipValidation() && !ValidateBlitFramebufferANGLE(context, srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter)) { return; } context->blitFramebuffer(srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1, mask, filter); } } void GL_APIENTRY DiscardFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, const GLenum *attachments) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLsizei numAttachments = %d, attachments = 0x%0.8p)", target, numAttachments, attachments); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!context->skipValidation() && !ValidateDiscardFramebufferEXT(context, target, numAttachments, attachments)) { return; } context->discardFramebuffer(target, numAttachments, attachments); } } void GL_APIENTRY TexImage3DOES(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLint level = %d, GLenum internalformat = 0x%X, " "GLsizei width = %d, GLsizei height = %d, GLsizei depth = %d, GLint border = %d, " "GLenum format = 0x%X, GLenum type = 0x%x, const GLvoid* pixels = 0x%0.8p)", target, level, internalformat, width, height, depth, border, format, type, pixels); UNIMPLEMENTED(); // FIXME } void GL_APIENTRY GetProgramBinaryOES(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLenum *binaryFormat, void *binary) { EVENT("(GLenum program = 0x%X, bufSize = %d, length = 0x%0.8p, binaryFormat = 0x%0.8p, binary = 0x%0.8p)", program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetProgramBinaryOES(context, program, bufSize, length, binaryFormat, binary)) { return; } Program *programObject = context->getProgram(program); ASSERT(programObject != nullptr); Error error = programObject->saveBinary(binaryFormat, binary, bufSize, length); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY ProgramBinaryOES(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, const void *binary, GLint length) { EVENT("(GLenum program = 0x%X, binaryFormat = 0x%x, binary = 0x%0.8p, length = %d)", program, binaryFormat, binary, length); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateProgramBinaryOES(context, program, binaryFormat, binary, length)) { return; } Program *programObject = context->getProgram(program); ASSERT(programObject != nullptr); Error error = programObject->loadBinary(binaryFormat, binary, length); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY DrawBuffersEXT(GLsizei n, const GLenum *bufs) { EVENT("(GLenum n = %d, bufs = 0x%0.8p)", n, bufs); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!context->skipValidation() && !ValidateDrawBuffersEXT(context, n, bufs)) { return; } context->drawBuffers(n, bufs); } } void GL_APIENTRY GetBufferPointervOES(GLenum target, GLenum pname, void** params) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLenum pname = 0x%X, GLvoid** params = 0x%0.8p)", target, pname, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidBufferTarget(context, target)) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return; } if (pname != GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return; } Buffer *buffer = context->getState().getTargetBuffer(target); if (!buffer || !buffer->isMapped()) { *params = NULL; } else { *params = buffer->getMapPointer(); } } } void *GL_APIENTRY MapBufferOES(GLenum target, GLenum access) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLbitfield access = 0x%X)", target, access); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidBufferTarget(context, target)) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return NULL; } Buffer *buffer = context->getState().getTargetBuffer(target); if (buffer == NULL) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return NULL; } if (access != GL_WRITE_ONLY_OES) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return NULL; } if (buffer->isMapped()) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return NULL; } Error error = buffer->map(access); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return NULL; } return buffer->getMapPointer(); } return NULL; } GLboolean GL_APIENTRY UnmapBufferOES(GLenum target) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X)", target); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidBufferTarget(context, target)) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return GL_FALSE; } Buffer *buffer = context->getState().getTargetBuffer(target); if (buffer == NULL || !buffer->isMapped()) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return GL_FALSE; } GLboolean result; Error error = buffer->unmap(&result); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return GL_FALSE; } return result; } return GL_FALSE; } void *GL_APIENTRY MapBufferRangeEXT(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLintptr offset = %d, GLsizeiptr length = %d, GLbitfield access = 0x%X)", target, offset, length, access); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidBufferTarget(context, target)) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return NULL; } if (offset < 0 || length < 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return NULL; } Buffer *buffer = context->getState().getTargetBuffer(target); if (buffer == NULL) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return NULL; } // Check for buffer overflow size_t offsetSize = static_cast(offset); size_t lengthSize = static_cast(length); if (!rx::IsUnsignedAdditionSafe(offsetSize, lengthSize) || offsetSize + lengthSize > static_cast(buffer->getSize())) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return NULL; } // Check for invalid bits in the mask GLbitfield allAccessBits = GL_MAP_READ_BIT | GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT | GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT | GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT | GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT | GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT; if (access & ~(allAccessBits)) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return NULL; } if (length == 0 || buffer->isMapped()) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return NULL; } // Check for invalid bit combinations if ((access & (GL_MAP_READ_BIT | GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT)) == 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return NULL; } GLbitfield writeOnlyBits = GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT | GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT | GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT; if ((access & GL_MAP_READ_BIT) != 0 && (access & writeOnlyBits) != 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return NULL; } if ((access & GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT) == 0 && (access & GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT) != 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return NULL; } Error error = buffer->mapRange(offset, length, access); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return NULL; } return buffer->getMapPointer(); } return NULL; } void GL_APIENTRY FlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLintptr offset = %d, GLsizeiptr length = %d)", target, offset, length); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (offset < 0 || length < 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return; } if (!ValidBufferTarget(context, target)) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_ENUM)); return; } Buffer *buffer = context->getState().getTargetBuffer(target); if (buffer == NULL) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } if (!buffer->isMapped() || (buffer->getAccessFlags() & GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT_BIT) == 0) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION)); return; } // Check for buffer overflow size_t offsetSize = static_cast(offset); size_t lengthSize = static_cast(length); if (!rx::IsUnsignedAdditionSafe(offsetSize, lengthSize) || offsetSize + lengthSize > static_cast(buffer->getMapLength())) { context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_VALUE)); return; } // We do not currently support a non-trivial implementation of FlushMappedBufferRange } } void GL_APIENTRY InsertEventMarkerEXT(GLsizei length, const char *marker) { // Don't run an EVENT() macro on the EXT_debug_marker entry points. // It can interfere with the debug events being set by the caller. Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!context->getExtensions().debugMarker) { // The debug marker calls should not set error state // However, it seems reasonable to set an error state if the extension is not enabled context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "Extension not enabled")); return; } if (!ValidateInsertEventMarkerEXT(context, length, marker)) { return; } context->insertEventMarker(length, marker); } } void GL_APIENTRY PushGroupMarkerEXT(GLsizei length, const char *marker) { // Don't run an EVENT() macro on the EXT_debug_marker entry points. // It can interfere with the debug events being set by the caller. Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!context->getExtensions().debugMarker) { // The debug marker calls should not set error state // However, it seems reasonable to set an error state if the extension is not enabled context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "Extension not enabled")); return; } if (!ValidatePushGroupMarkerEXT(context, length, marker)) { return; } if (marker == nullptr) { // From the EXT_debug_marker spec, // "If is null then an empty string is pushed on the stack." context->pushGroupMarker(length, ""); } else { context->pushGroupMarker(length, marker); } } } void GL_APIENTRY PopGroupMarkerEXT() { // Don't run an EVENT() macro on the EXT_debug_marker entry points. // It can interfere with the debug events being set by the caller. Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!context->getExtensions().debugMarker) { // The debug marker calls should not set error state // However, it seems reasonable to set an error state if the extension is not enabled context->recordError(Error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "Extension not enabled")); return; } context->popGroupMarker(); } } ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLeglImageOES image = 0x%0.8p)", target, image); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { egl::Display *display = egl::GetGlobalDisplay(); egl::Image *imageObject = reinterpret_cast(image); if (!ValidateEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(context, display, target, imageObject)) { return; } Texture *texture = context->getTargetTexture(target); Error error = texture->setEGLImageTarget(target, imageObject); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } ANGLE_EXPORT void GL_APIENTRY EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image) { EVENT("(GLenum target = 0x%X, GLeglImageOES image = 0x%0.8p)", target, image); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { egl::Display *display = egl::GetGlobalDisplay(); egl::Image *imageObject = reinterpret_cast(image); if (!ValidateEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(context, display, target, imageObject)) { return; } Renderbuffer *renderbuffer = context->getState().getCurrentRenderbuffer(); Error error = renderbuffer->setStorageEGLImageTarget(imageObject); if (error.isError()) { context->recordError(error); return; } } } void GL_APIENTRY BindVertexArrayOES(GLuint array) { EVENT("(GLuint array = %u)", array); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateBindVertexArrayOES(context, array)) { return; } context->bindVertexArray(array); } } void GL_APIENTRY DeleteVertexArraysOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint *arrays) { EVENT("(GLsizei n = %d, const GLuint* arrays = 0x%0.8p)", n, arrays); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateDeleteVertexArraysOES(context, n)) { return; } for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < n; arrayIndex++) { if (arrays[arrayIndex] != 0) { context->deleteVertexArray(arrays[arrayIndex]); } } } } void GL_APIENTRY GenVertexArraysOES(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays) { EVENT("(GLsizei n = %d, GLuint* arrays = 0x%0.8p)", n, arrays); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGenVertexArraysOES(context, n)) { return; } for (int arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < n; arrayIndex++) { arrays[arrayIndex] = context->createVertexArray(); } } } GLboolean GL_APIENTRY IsVertexArrayOES(GLuint array) { EVENT("(GLuint array = %u)", array); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateIsVertexArrayOES(context)) { return GL_FALSE; } if (array == 0) { return GL_FALSE; } VertexArray *vao = context->getVertexArray(array); return (vao != nullptr ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE); } return GL_FALSE; } void GL_APIENTRY DebugMessageControlKHR(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean enabled) { EVENT( "(GLenum source = 0x%X, GLenum type = 0x%X, GLenum severity = 0x%X, GLsizei count = %d, " "GLint *ids = 0x%0.8p, GLboolean enabled = %d)", source, type, severity, count, ids, enabled); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateDebugMessageControlKHR(context, source, type, severity, count, ids, enabled)) { return; } std::vector idVector(ids, ids + count); context->getState().getDebug().setMessageControl( source, type, severity, std::move(idVector), (enabled != GL_FALSE)); } } void GL_APIENTRY DebugMessageInsertKHR(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar *buf) { EVENT( "(GLenum source = 0x%X, GLenum type = 0x%X, GLint id = %d, GLenum severity = 0x%X, GLsizei " "length = %d, const GLchar *buf = 0x%0.8p)", source, type, id, severity, length, buf); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateDebugMessageInsertKHR(context, source, type, id, severity, length, buf)) { return; } std::string msg(buf, (length > 0) ? static_cast(length) : strlen(buf)); context->getState().getDebug().insertMessage(source, type, id, severity, std::move(msg)); } } void GL_APIENTRY DebugMessageCallbackKHR(GLDEBUGPROCKHR callback, const void *userParam) { EVENT("(GLDEBUGPROCKHR callback = 0x%0.8p, const void *userParam = 0x%0.8p)", callback, userParam); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateDebugMessageCallbackKHR(context, callback, userParam)) { return; } context->getState().getDebug().setCallback(callback, userParam); } } GLuint GL_APIENTRY GetDebugMessageLogKHR(GLuint count, GLsizei bufSize, GLenum *sources, GLenum *types, GLuint *ids, GLenum *severities, GLsizei *lengths, GLchar *messageLog) { EVENT( "(GLsizei count = %d, GLsizei bufSize = %d, GLenum *sources, GLenum *types = 0x%0.8p, " "GLuint *ids = 0x%0.8p, GLenum *severities = 0x%0.8p, GLsizei *lengths = 0x%0.8p, GLchar " "*messageLog = 0x%0.8p)", count, bufSize, sources, types, ids, severities, lengths, messageLog); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetDebugMessageLogKHR(context, count, bufSize, sources, types, ids, severities, lengths, messageLog)) { return 0; } return static_cast(context->getState().getDebug().getMessages( count, bufSize, sources, types, ids, severities, lengths, messageLog)); } return 0; } void GL_APIENTRY PushDebugGroupKHR(GLenum source, GLuint id, GLsizei length, const GLchar *message) { EVENT( "(GLenum source = 0x%X, GLuint id = 0x%X, GLsizei length = %d, const GLchar *message = " "0x%0.8p)", source, id, length, message); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidatePushDebugGroupKHR(context, source, id, length, message)) { return; } std::string msg(message, (length > 0) ? static_cast(length) : strlen(message)); context->getState().getDebug().pushGroup(source, id, std::move(msg)); } } void GL_APIENTRY PopDebugGroupKHR(void) { EVENT("()"); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidatePopDebugGroupKHR(context)) { return; } context->getState().getDebug().popGroup(); } } void GL_APIENTRY ObjectLabelKHR(GLenum identifier, GLuint name, GLsizei length, const GLchar *label) { EVENT( "(GLenum identifier = 0x%X, GLuint name = %u, GLsizei length = %d, const GLchar *label = " "0x%0.8p)", identifier, name, length, label); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateObjectLabelKHR(context, identifier, name, length, label)) { return; } LabeledObject *object = context->getLabeledObject(identifier, name); ASSERT(object != nullptr); std::string lbl(label, (length > 0) ? static_cast(length) : strlen(label)); object->setLabel(lbl); } } void GL_APIENTRY GetObjectLabelKHR(GLenum identifier, GLuint name, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *label) { EVENT( "(GLenum identifier = 0x%X, GLuint name = %u, GLsizei bufSize = %d, GLsizei *length = " "0x%0.8p, GLchar *label = 0x%0.8p)", identifier, name, bufSize, length, label); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetObjectLabelKHR(context, identifier, name, bufSize, length, label)) { return; } LabeledObject *object = context->getLabeledObject(identifier, name); ASSERT(object != nullptr); const std::string &objectLabel = object->getLabel(); size_t writeLength = std::min(static_cast(bufSize) - 1, objectLabel.length()); std::copy(objectLabel.begin(), objectLabel.begin() + writeLength, label); label[writeLength] = '\0'; *length = static_cast(writeLength); } } void GL_APIENTRY ObjectPtrLabelKHR(const void *ptr, GLsizei length, const GLchar *label) { EVENT("(const void *ptr = 0x%0.8p, GLsizei length = %d, const GLchar *label = 0x%0.8p)", ptr, length, label); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateObjectPtrLabelKHR(context, ptr, length, label)) { return; } LabeledObject *object = context->getLabeledObjectFromPtr(ptr); ASSERT(object != nullptr); std::string lbl(label, (length > 0) ? static_cast(length) : strlen(label)); object->setLabel(lbl); } } void GL_APIENTRY GetObjectPtrLabelKHR(const void *ptr, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *label) { EVENT( "(const void *ptr = 0x%0.8p, GLsizei bufSize = %d, GLsizei *length = 0x%0.8p, GLchar " "*label = 0x%0.8p)", ptr, bufSize, length, label); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetObjectPtrLabelKHR(context, ptr, bufSize, length, label)) { return; } LabeledObject *object = context->getLabeledObjectFromPtr(ptr); ASSERT(object != nullptr); const std::string &objectLabel = object->getLabel(); size_t writeLength = std::min(static_cast(bufSize) - 1, objectLabel.length()); std::copy(objectLabel.begin(), objectLabel.begin() + writeLength, label); label[writeLength] = '\0'; *length = static_cast(writeLength); } } void GL_APIENTRY GetPointervKHR(GLenum pname, void **params) { EVENT("(GLenum pname = 0x%X, void **params = 0x%0.8p)", pname, params); Context *context = GetValidGlobalContext(); if (context) { if (!ValidateGetPointervKHR(context, pname, params)) { return; } context->getPointerv(pname, params); } } }