#include "precompiled.h" // // Copyright (c) 2014 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // queryconversions.cpp: Implementation of state query cast conversions #include "libGLESv2/Context.h" #include "common/utilities.h" namespace gl { // Helper class for converting a GL type to a GLenum: // We can't use CastStateValueEnum generally, because of GLboolean + GLubyte overlap. // We restrict our use to CastStateValue, where it eliminates duplicate parameters. template struct CastStateValueEnum { static GLenum mEnumForType; }; template <> GLenum CastStateValueEnum::mEnumForType = GL_INT; template <> GLenum CastStateValueEnum::mEnumForType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT; template <> GLenum CastStateValueEnum::mEnumForType = GL_BOOL; template <> GLenum CastStateValueEnum::mEnumForType = GL_INT_64_ANGLEX; template <> GLenum CastStateValueEnum::mEnumForType = GL_FLOAT; template QueryT CastStateValueToInt(GLenum pname, NativeT value) { GLenum queryType = CastStateValueEnum::mEnumForType; GLenum nativeType = CastStateValueEnum::mEnumForType; if (nativeType == GL_FLOAT) { // RGBA color values and DepthRangeF values are converted to integer using Equation 2.4 from Table 4.5 if (pname == GL_DEPTH_RANGE || pname == GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE || pname == GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE || pname == GL_BLEND_COLOR) { return static_cast((static_cast(0xFFFFFFFF) * value - 1.0f) / 2.0f); } else { return gl::iround(value); } } // Clamp 64-bit int values when casting to int if (nativeType == GL_INT_64_ANGLEX && queryType == GL_INT) { GLint64 minIntValue = static_cast(std::numeric_limits::min()); GLint64 maxIntValue = static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max()); GLint64 clampedValue = std::max(std::min(static_cast(value), maxIntValue), minIntValue); return static_cast(clampedValue); } return static_cast(value); } template QueryT CastStateValue(GLenum pname, NativeT value) { GLenum queryType = CastStateValueEnum::mEnumForType; switch (queryType) { case GL_INT: return CastStateValueToInt(pname, value); case GL_INT_64_ANGLEX: return CastStateValueToInt(pname, value); case GL_FLOAT: return static_cast(value); case GL_BOOL: return (value == static_cast(0) ? GL_FALSE : GL_TRUE); default: UNREACHABLE(); return 0; } } template void CastStateValues(Context *context, GLenum nativeType, GLenum pname, unsigned int numParams, QueryT *outParams) { if (nativeType == GL_INT) { GLint *intParams = NULL; intParams = new GLint[numParams]; context->getIntegerv(pname, intParams); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numParams; ++i) { outParams[i] = CastStateValue(pname, intParams[i]); } delete [] intParams; } else if (nativeType == GL_BOOL) { GLboolean *boolParams = NULL; boolParams = new GLboolean[numParams]; context->getBooleanv(pname, boolParams); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numParams; ++i) { outParams[i] = (boolParams[i] == GL_FALSE ? static_cast(0) : static_cast(1)); } delete [] boolParams; } else if (nativeType == GL_FLOAT) { GLfloat *floatParams = NULL; floatParams = new GLfloat[numParams]; context->getFloatv(pname, floatParams); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numParams; ++i) { outParams[i] = CastStateValue(pname, floatParams[i]); } delete [] floatParams; } else if (nativeType == GL_INT_64_ANGLEX) { GLint64 *int64Params = NULL; int64Params = new GLint64[numParams]; context->getInteger64v(pname, int64Params); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numParams; ++i) { outParams[i] = CastStateValue(pname, int64Params[i]); } delete [] int64Params; } else UNREACHABLE(); } // Explicit template instantiation (how we export template functions in different files) // The calls below will make CastStateValues successfully link with the GL state query types // The GL state query API types are: bool, int, uint, float, int64 template void CastStateValues(Context *, GLenum, GLenum, unsigned int, GLboolean *); template void CastStateValues(Context *, GLenum, GLenum, unsigned int, GLint *); template void CastStateValues(Context *, GLenum, GLenum, unsigned int, GLuint *); template void CastStateValues(Context *, GLenum, GLenum, unsigned int, GLfloat *); template void CastStateValues(Context *, GLenum, GLenum, unsigned int, GLint64 *); }