#include "precompiled.h" // // Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // Renderer.cpp: Implements EGL dependencies for creating and destroying Renderer instances. #include #include "libGLESv2/main.h" #include "libGLESv2/Program.h" #include "libGLESv2/renderer/Renderer.h" #ifndef ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11 #include "libGLESv2/renderer/Renderer9.h" #else #include "libGLESv2/renderer/Renderer11.h" #endif #include "libGLESv2/utilities.h" #include "third_party/trace_event/trace_event.h" #if !defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11) // Enables use of the Direct3D 11 API for a default display, when available #define ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11 0 #endif #ifndef D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY #define D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY MAKE_HRESULT(1, 0x876, 380) #endif #ifndef D3DCOMPILER_DLL #define D3DCOMPILER_DLL L"d3dcompiler_43.dll" // Lowest common denominator #endif #ifndef QT_D3DCOMPILER_DLL #define QT_D3DCOMPILER_DLL D3DCOMPILER_DLL #endif #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(ANGLE_OS_WINPHONE) //Add define + typedefs for older MinGW-w64 headers (pre 5783) //Also define these on Windows Phone, which doesn't have a shader compiler HRESULT WINAPI D3DCompile(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, const char *filename, const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *defines, ID3DInclude *include, const char *entrypoint, const char *target, UINT sflags, UINT eflags, ID3DBlob **shader, ID3DBlob **error_messages); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *pD3DCompile)(const void *data, SIZE_T data_size, const char *filename, const D3D_SHADER_MACRO *defines, ID3DInclude *include, const char *entrypoint, const char *target, UINT sflags, UINT eflags, ID3DBlob **shader, ID3DBlob **error_messages); #endif // __MINGW32__ || ANGLE_OS_WINPHONE namespace rx { Renderer::Renderer(egl::Display *display) : mDisplay(display) { mD3dCompilerModule = NULL; mD3DCompileFunc = NULL; } Renderer::~Renderer() { if (mD3dCompilerModule) { FreeLibrary(mD3dCompilerModule); mD3dCompilerModule = NULL; } } bool Renderer::initializeCompiler() { TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "initializeCompiler"); #if defined(ANGLE_PRELOADED_D3DCOMPILER_MODULE_NAMES) // Find a D3DCompiler module that had already been loaded based on a predefined list of versions. static TCHAR* d3dCompilerNames[] = ANGLE_PRELOADED_D3DCOMPILER_MODULE_NAMES; for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(d3dCompilerNames); ++i) { if (GetModuleHandleEx(0, d3dCompilerNames[i], &mD3dCompilerModule)) { break; } } #else // Load the compiler DLL specified by the environment, or default to QT_D3DCOMPILER_DLL #if !defined(ANGLE_OS_WINRT) const wchar_t *defaultCompiler = _wgetenv(L"QT_D3DCOMPILER_DLL"); if (!defaultCompiler) defaultCompiler = QT_D3DCOMPILER_DLL; #else // !ANGLE_OS_WINRT # ifdef _DEBUG const wchar_t *defaultCompiler = L"d3dcompiler_qtd.dll"; # else const wchar_t *defaultCompiler = L"d3dcompiler_qt.dll"; # endif #endif // ANGLE_OS_WINRT const wchar_t *compilerDlls[] = { defaultCompiler, L"d3dcompiler_47.dll", L"d3dcompiler_46.dll", L"d3dcompiler_45.dll", L"d3dcompiler_44.dll", L"d3dcompiler_43.dll", 0 }; // Load the first available known compiler DLL for (int i = 0; compilerDlls[i]; ++i) { #if !defined(ANGLE_OS_WINRT) mD3dCompilerModule = LoadLibrary(compilerDlls[i]); #else mD3dCompilerModule = LoadPackagedLibrary(compilerDlls[i], NULL); #endif if (mD3dCompilerModule) break; } #endif // ANGLE_PRELOADED_D3DCOMPILER_MODULE_NAMES if (!mD3dCompilerModule) { ERR("No D3D compiler module found - aborting!\n"); return false; } mD3DCompileFunc = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(mD3dCompilerModule, "D3DCompile")); ASSERT(mD3DCompileFunc); return mD3DCompileFunc != NULL; } // Compiles HLSL code into executable binaries ShaderBlob *Renderer::compileToBinary(gl::InfoLog &infoLog, const char *hlsl, const char *profile, UINT optimizationFlags, bool alternateFlags) { if (!hlsl) { return NULL; } HRESULT result = S_OK; UINT flags = 0; std::string sourceText; if (gl::perfActive()) { flags |= D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG; #ifdef NDEBUG flags |= optimizationFlags; #else flags |= D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION; #endif std::string sourcePath = getTempPath(); sourceText = std::string("#line 2 \"") + sourcePath + std::string("\"\n\n") + std::string(hlsl); writeFile(sourcePath.c_str(), sourceText.c_str(), sourceText.size()); } else { flags |= optimizationFlags; sourceText = hlsl; } // Sometimes D3DCompile will fail with the default compilation flags for complicated shaders when it would otherwise pass with alternative options. // Try the default flags first and if compilation fails, try some alternatives. const static UINT extraFlags[] = { 0, D3DCOMPILE_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL, D3DCOMPILE_PREFER_FLOW_CONTROL }; const static char * const extraFlagNames[] = { "default", "avoid flow control", "prefer flow control" }; int attempts = alternateFlags ? ArraySize(extraFlags) : 1; pD3DCompile compileFunc = reinterpret_cast(mD3DCompileFunc); for (int i = 0; i < attempts; ++i) { ID3DBlob *errorMessage = NULL; ID3DBlob *binary = NULL; result = compileFunc(hlsl, strlen(hlsl), gl::g_fakepath, NULL, NULL, "main", profile, flags | extraFlags[i], 0, &binary, &errorMessage); if (errorMessage) { const char *message = (const char*)errorMessage->GetBufferPointer(); infoLog.appendSanitized(message); TRACE("\n%s", hlsl); TRACE("\n%s", message); errorMessage->Release(); errorMessage = NULL; } if (SUCCEEDED(result)) { return (ShaderBlob*)binary; } else { if (result == D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY || result == E_OUTOFMEMORY) { return gl::error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, (ShaderBlob*) NULL); } infoLog.append("Warning: D3D shader compilation failed with "); infoLog.append(extraFlagNames[i]); infoLog.append(" flags."); if (i + 1 < attempts) { infoLog.append(" Retrying with "); infoLog.append(extraFlagNames[i + 1]); infoLog.append(".\n"); } } } return NULL; } } extern "C" { rx::Renderer *glCreateRenderer(egl::Display *display, HDC hDc, EGLNativeDisplayType displayId) { rx::Renderer *renderer = NULL; EGLint status = EGL_BAD_ALLOC; #if ANGLE_ENABLE_D3D11 renderer = new rx::Renderer11(display, hDc); #else bool softwareDevice = (displayId == EGL_SOFTWARE_DISPLAY_ANGLE); renderer = new rx::Renderer9(display, hDc, softwareDevice); #endif if (renderer) { status = renderer->initialize(); } if (status == EGL_SUCCESS) { return renderer; } return NULL; } void glDestroyRenderer(rx::Renderer *renderer) { delete renderer; } }