ARCH_SUBDIR=x86 contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64): { ARCH_SUBDIR=amd64 } else { !contains(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86): message("ERROR: Could not detect architecture from QMAKE_TARGET.arch") } MIDL_GENERATED = $$PWD/generated/$${ARCH_SUBDIR} INCLUDEPATH += $$MIDL_GENERATED SOURCES += $${MIDL_GENERATED}/ia2_api_all_i.c \ $${MIDL_GENERATED}/ia2_api_all_p.c # Do not add dlldata.c when building accessibility into a static library, as the COM entry points # defined there can cause duplicate symbol errors when linking into a binary that also defines # such entry points, e.g. anything linked against QtAxServer. !static: SOURCES += $${MIDL_GENERATED}/dlldata.c HEADERS += $${MIDL_GENERATED}/ia2_api_all.h OTHER_FILES = \ $$PWD/idl/ia2_api_all.idl LIBS += -lrpcrt4 TR_EXCLUDE += $$PWD/*