TEMPLATE = subdirs SUBDIRS += src # We need to call syncqt manually instead of using "load(qt_module_headers)" for several reasons: # 1) qt_module_headers assumes the TARGET is the same as the include directory (eg: libGLESv2 != GLES2) # 2) If we made a 'QtANGLE' module, the include directory would be flattened which won't work since # we need to support "#include " !build_pass { qtPrepareTool(QMAKE_SYNCQT, syncqt) QTDIR = $$[QT_HOST_PREFIX] exists($$QTDIR/.qmake.cache): \ mod_component_base = $$QTDIR else: \ mod_component_base = $$dirname(_QMAKE_CACHE_) QMAKE_SYNCQT += -minimal -module KHR -module EGL -module GLES2 \ -version none -outdir $$mod_component_base $$dirname(_QMAKE_CONF_) !silent:message($$QMAKE_SYNCQT) system($$QMAKE_SYNCQT)|error("Failed to run: $$QMAKE_SYNCQT") }