include (../config.pri) INCLUDEPATH += \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src \ $$ANGLE_DIR/include LIBS_PRIVATE = $$QMAKE_LIBS_CORE $$QMAKE_LIBS_GUI # DirectX is included in the Windows 8 Kit, but everything else requires the DX SDK. win32-msvc2012|win32-msvc2013|winrt { FXC = fxc.exe } else { DX_DIR = $$(DXSDK_DIR) isEmpty(DX_DIR) { error("Cannot determine DirectX SDK location. Please set DXSDK_DIR environment variable.") } DXINC_DIR = $${DX_DIR}Include contains(QT_ARCH, x86_64) { DXLIB_DIR = $${DX_DIR}Lib\\x64 } else { DXLIB_DIR = $${DX_DIR}Lib\\x86 } equals(QMAKE_TARGET.arch, x86_64) { FXC = \"$${DX_DIR}Utilities\\bin\\x64\\fxc.exe\" } else { FXC = \"$${DX_DIR}Utilities\\bin\\x86\\fxc.exe\" } msvc { # Unfortunately MinGW cannot use the DirectX headers from the DX SDK because d3d11shader.h uses # buffer annotation macros (eg: __out, __in) which are not defined in the MinGW copy of # specstrings_strict.h INCLUDEPATH += $$DXINC_DIR # Similarly we want the MinGW linker to use the import libraries shipped with the compiler # instead of those from the SDK which cause a crash on startup. LIBS_PRIVATE += -L\"$$DXLIB_DIR\" } } static: DEFINES *= QT_OPENGL_ES_2_ANGLE_STATIC HEADERS += \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src/common/angleutils.h \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src/common/debug.h \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src/common/event_tracer.h \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src/common/RefCountObject.h \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src/common/version.h SOURCES += \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src/common/debug.cpp \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src/common/event_tracer.cpp \ $$ANGLE_DIR/src/common/RefCountObject.cpp