# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # NOTE: This code should only ever be executed in script mode. It expects to be # used either as part of an install(CODE) call or called by a script # invoked via cmake -P as a POST_BUILD step. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16...3.21) function(qt6_deploy_qt_conf qt_conf_absolute_path) set(no_value_options "") set(single_value_options PREFIX DOC_DIR HEADERS_DIR LIB_DIR LIBEXEC_DIR BIN_DIR PLUGINS_DIR QML_DIR ARCHDATA_DIR DATA_DIR TRANSLATIONS_DIR EXAMPLES_DIR TESTS_DIR SETTINGS_DIR ) set(multi_value_options "") cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "${no_value_options}" "${single_value_options}" "${multi_value_options}" ) if(arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unparsed arguments: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${qt_conf_absolute_path}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Given qt.conf path is not an absolute path: '${qt_conf_absolute_path}'") endif() # Only write out locations that differ from the defaults set(contents "[Paths]\n") if(arg_PREFIX) string(APPEND contents "Prefix = ${arg_PREFIX}\n") endif() if(arg_DOC_DIR AND NOT arg_DOC_DIR STREQUAL "doc") string(APPEND contents "Documentation = ${arg_DOC_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_HEADERS_DIR AND NOT arg_HEADERS_DIR STREQUAL "include") string(APPEND contents "Headers = ${arg_HEADERS_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_LIB_DIR AND NOT arg_LIB_DIR STREQUAL "lib") string(APPEND contents "Libraries = ${arg_LIB_DIR}\n") endif() # This one is special, the default is platform-specific if(arg_LIBEXEC_DIR AND ((WIN32 AND NOT arg_LIBEXEC_DIR STREQUAL "bin") OR (NOT WIN32 AND NOT arg_LIBEXEC_DIR STREQUAL "libexec"))) string(APPEND contents "LibraryExecutables = ${arg_LIBEXEC_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_BIN_DIR AND NOT arg_BIN_DIR STREQUAL "bin") string(APPEND contents "Binaries = ${arg_BIN_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_PLUGINS_DIR AND NOT arg_PLUGINS_DIR STREQUAL "plugins") string(APPEND contents "Plugins = ${arg_PLUGINS_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_QML_DIR AND NOT arg_QML_DIR STREQUAL "qml") string(APPEND contents "QmlImports = ${arg_QML_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_ARCHDATA_DIR AND NOT arg_ARCHDATA_DIR STREQUAL ".") string(APPEND contents "ArchData = ${arg_ARCHDATA_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_DATA_DIR AND NOT arg_DATA_DIR STREQUAL ".") string(APPEND contents "Data = ${arg_DATA_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_TRANSLATIONS_DIR AND NOT arg_TRANSLATIONS_DIR STREQUAL "translations") string(APPEND contents "Translations = ${arg_TRANSLATIONS_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_EXAMPLES_DIR AND NOT arg_EXAMPLES_DIR STREQUAL "examples") string(APPEND contents "Examples = ${arg_EXAMPLES_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_TESTS_DIR AND NOT arg_TESTS_DIR STREQUAL "tests") string(APPEND contents "Tests = ${arg_TESTS_DIR}\n") endif() if(arg_SETTINGS_DIR AND NOT arg_SETTINGS_DIR STREQUAL ".") string(APPEND contents "Settings = ${arg_SETTINGS_DIR}\n") endif() message(STATUS "Writing ${qt_conf_absolute_path}") file(WRITE "${qt_conf_absolute_path}" "${contents}") endfunction() if(NOT __QT_NO_CREATE_VERSIONLESS_FUNCTIONS) function(qt_deploy_qt_conf) if(__QT_DEFAULT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL 6) qt6_deploy_qt_conf(${ARGV}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_deploy_qt_conf() is only available in Qt 6.") endif() endfunction() endif() # Copied from QtCMakeHelpers.cmake function(_qt_internal_re_escape out_var str) string(REGEX REPLACE "([][+.*()^])" "\\\\\\1" regex "${str}") set(${out_var} ${regex} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_qt_internal_set_rpath) if(NOT CMAKE_HOST_UNIX OR CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) message(WARNING "_qt_internal_set_rpath is not implemented on this platform.") return() endif() set(no_value_options "") set(single_value_options FILE NEW_RPATH) set(multi_value_options "") cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "${no_value_options}" "${single_value_options}" "${multi_value_options}" ) if(__QT_DEPLOY_USE_PATCHELF) message(STATUS "Setting runtime path of '${arg_FILE}' to '${arg_NEW_RPATH}'.") execute_process( COMMAND ${__QT_DEPLOY_PATCHELF_EXECUTABLE} --set-rpath "${arg_NEW_RPATH}" "${arg_FILE}" RESULT_VARIABLE process_result ) if(NOT process_result EQUAL "0") if(process_result MATCHES "^[0-9]+$") message(FATAL_ERROR "patchelf failed with exit code ${process_result}.") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "patchelf failed: ${process_result}.") endif() endif() else() # Warning: file(RPATH_SET) is CMake-internal API. file(RPATH_SET FILE "${arg_FILE}" NEW_RPATH "${arg_NEW_RPATH}" ) endif() endfunction() # Store the platform-dependent $ORIGIN marker in out_var. function(_qt_internal_get_rpath_origin out_var) if(__QT_DEPLOY_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Darwin") set(rpath_origin "@loader_path") else() set(rpath_origin "$ORIGIN") endif() set(${out_var} ${rpath_origin} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(_qt_internal_generic_deployqt) set(no_value_options NO_TRANSLATIONS VERBOSE ) set(single_value_options LIB_DIR PLUGINS_DIR ) set(file_GRD_options EXECUTABLES LIBRARIES MODULES PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES POST_INCLUDE_FILES POST_EXCLUDE_FILES ) set(multi_value_options ${file_GRD_options}) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "${no_value_options}" "${single_value_options}" "${multi_value_options}" ) if(arg_VERBOSE OR __QT_DEPLOY_VERBOSE) set(verbose TRUE) endif() # Make input file paths absolute foreach(var IN ITEMS EXECUTABLES LIBRARIES MODULES) string(PREPEND var arg_) set(abspaths "") foreach(path IN LISTS ${var}) get_filename_component(abspath "${path}" REALPATH BASE_DIR "${QT_DEPLOY_PREFIX}") list(APPEND abspaths "${abspath}") endforeach() set(${var} "${abspaths}") endforeach() # We need to get the runtime dependencies of plugins too. list(APPEND arg_MODULES ${__QT_DEPLOY_PLUGINS}) # Forward the arguments that are exactly the same for file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES). set(file_GRD_args "") foreach(var IN LISTS file_GRD_options) if(NOT "${arg_${var}}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND file_GRD_args ${var} ${arg_${var}}) endif() endforeach() # Compile a list of regular expressions that represent ignored library directories. if("${arg_POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES}" STREQUAL "") set(regexes "") foreach(path IN LISTS QT_DEPLOY_IGNORED_LIB_DIRS) _qt_internal_re_escape(path_rex "${path}") list(APPEND regexes "^${path_rex}") endforeach() if(regexes) list(APPEND file_GRD_args POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES ${regexes}) endif() endif() # Get the runtime dependencies recursively. file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES ${file_GRD_args} RESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR resolved UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCIES_VAR unresolved CONFLICTING_DEPENDENCIES_PREFIX conflicting ) if(verbose) message("file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES ${file_args})") foreach(file IN LISTS resolved) message(" resolved: ${file}") endforeach() foreach(file IN LISTS unresolved) message(" unresolved: ${file}") endforeach() foreach(file IN LISTS conflicting_FILENAMES) message(" conflicting: ${file}") message(" with ${conflicting_${file}}") endforeach() endif() # Deploy the Qt libraries. file(INSTALL ${resolved} DESTINATION "${QT_DEPLOY_PREFIX}/${arg_LIB_DIR}" FOLLOW_SYMLINK_CHAIN ) # Determine the runtime path origin marker if necessary. if(__QT_DEPLOY_MUST_ADJUST_PLUGINS_RPATH) _qt_internal_get_rpath_origin(rpath_origin) endif() # Deploy the Qt plugins. foreach(file_path IN LISTS __QT_DEPLOY_PLUGINS) file(RELATIVE_PATH destination "${__QT_DEPLOY_QT_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${__QT_DEPLOY_QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS}" "${file_path}" ) get_filename_component(destination "${destination}" DIRECTORY) string(PREPEND destination "${QT_DEPLOY_PREFIX}/${arg_PLUGINS_DIR}/") file(INSTALL ${file_path} DESTINATION ${destination}) if(__QT_DEPLOY_MUST_ADJUST_PLUGINS_RPATH) get_filename_component(file_name ${file_path} NAME) file(RELATIVE_PATH rel_lib_dir "${destination}" "${QT_DEPLOY_PREFIX}/${QT_DEPLOY_LIB_DIR}") _qt_internal_set_rpath( FILE "${destination}/${file_name}" NEW_RPATH "${rpath_origin}/${rel_lib_dir}" ) endif() endforeach() # Deploy translations. if(NOT arg_NO_TRANSLATIONS) qt6_deploy_translations() endif() endfunction() function(qt6_deploy_runtime_dependencies) if(NOT __QT_DEPLOY_TOOL) message(FATAL_ERROR "No Qt deploy tool available for this target platform") endif() set(no_value_options GENERATE_QT_CONF VERBOSE NO_OVERWRITE NO_APP_STORE_COMPLIANCE # TODO: Might want a better name NO_TRANSLATIONS ) set(single_value_options EXECUTABLE BIN_DIR LIB_DIR PLUGINS_DIR QML_DIR ) set(file_GRD_options # The following include/exclude options are only used if the "generic deploy tool" is # used. The options are what file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) supports. PRE_INCLUDE_REGEXES PRE_EXCLUDE_REGEXES POST_INCLUDE_REGEXES POST_EXCLUDE_REGEXES POST_INCLUDE_FILES POST_EXCLUDE_FILES ) set(multi_value_options # These ADDITIONAL_... options are based on what file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) # supports. We differentiate between the types of binaries so that we keep # open the possibility of switching to a purely CMake implementation of # the deploy tool based on file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) instead of the # individual platform-specific tools (macdeployqt, windeployqt, etc.). ADDITIONAL_EXECUTABLES ADDITIONAL_LIBRARIES ADDITIONAL_MODULES ${file_GRD_options} ) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "${no_value_options}" "${single_value_options}" "${multi_value_options}" ) if(arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unparsed arguments: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() if(NOT arg_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "EXECUTABLE must be specified") endif() # None of these are used if the executable is a macOS app bundle if(NOT arg_BIN_DIR) set(arg_BIN_DIR "${QT_DEPLOY_BIN_DIR}") endif() if(NOT arg_LIB_DIR) set(arg_LIB_DIR "${QT_DEPLOY_LIB_DIR}") endif() if(NOT arg_QML_DIR) set(arg_QML_DIR "${QT_DEPLOY_QML_DIR}") endif() if(NOT arg_PLUGINS_DIR) set(arg_PLUGINS_DIR "${QT_DEPLOY_PLUGINS_DIR}") endif() # macdeployqt always writes out a qt.conf file. It will complain if one # already exists, so leave it to create it for us if we will be running it. if(__QT_DEPLOY_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Darwin) # We might get EXECUTABLE pointing to either the actual binary under the # Contents/MacOS directory, or it might be pointing to the top of the # app bundle (i.e. the .app directory). We want the latter to # pass to macdeployqt. if(arg_EXECUTABLE MATCHES "^((.*/)?(.*).app)/Contents/MacOS/(.*)$") set(arg_EXECUTABLE "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") endif() elseif(arg_GENERATE_QT_CONF) set(exe_dir "${QT_DEPLOY_BIN_DIR}") if(exe_dir STREQUAL "" OR exe_dir STREQUAL ".") set(exe_dir ".") set(prefix ".") else() string(REPLACE "/" ";" path "${exe_dir}") list(LENGTH path path_count) string(REPEAT "../" ${path_count} rel_path) string(REGEX REPLACE "/+$" "" prefix "${rel_path}") endif() qt6_deploy_qt_conf("${QT_DEPLOY_PREFIX}/${exe_dir}/qt.conf" PREFIX "${prefix}" BIN_DIR "${arg_BIN_DIR}" LIB_DIR "${arg_LIB_DIR}" PLUGINS_DIR "${arg_PLUGINS_DIR}" QML_DIR "${arg_QML_DIR}" ) endif() set(extra_binaries_option "") set(tool_options "") if(arg_VERBOSE OR __QT_DEPLOY_VERBOSE) # macdeployqt supports 0-3: 0=no output, 1=error/warn (default), 2=normal, 3=debug # windeployqt supports 0-2: 0=error/warn (default), 1=verbose, 2=full_verbose if(__QT_DEPLOY_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Windows) list(APPEND tool_options --verbose 2) elseif(__QT_DEPLOY_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Darwin) list(APPEND tool_options -verbose=3) else() list(APPEND tool_options VERBOSE) endif() endif() if(__QT_DEPLOY_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Windows) list(APPEND tool_options --dir . --libdir "${arg_BIN_DIR}" # NOTE: Deliberately not arg_LIB_DIR --plugindir "${arg_PLUGINS_DIR}" ) if(NOT arg_NO_OVERWRITE) list(APPEND tool_options --force) endif() if(arg_NO_TRANSLATIONS) list(APPEND tool_options --no-translations) endif() elseif(__QT_DEPLOY_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Darwin) set(extra_binaries_option "-executable=") if(NOT arg_NO_APP_STORE_COMPLIANCE) list(APPEND tool_options -appstore-compliant) endif() if(NOT arg_NO_OVERWRITE) list(APPEND tool_options -always-overwrite) endif() endif() # This is an internal variable. It is normally unset and is only intended # for debugging purposes. It may be removed at any time without warning. list(APPEND tool_options ${__qt_deploy_tool_extra_options}) if(__QT_DEPLOY_TOOL STREQUAL "GRD") message(STATUS "Running generic Qt deploy tool on ${arg_EXECUTABLE}") # Construct the EXECUTABLES, LIBRARIES and MODULES arguments. list(APPEND tool_options EXECUTABLES ${arg_EXECUTABLE}) if(NOT "${arg_ADDITIONAL_EXECUTABLES}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND tool_options ${arg_ADDITIONAL_EXECUTABLES}) endif() foreach(file_type LIBRARIES MODULES) if("${arg_ADDITIONAL_${file_type}}" STREQUAL "") continue() endif() list(APPEND tool_options ${file_type} ${arg_ADDITIONAL_${file_type}}) endforeach() # Forward the arguments that are exactly the same for file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES). foreach(var IN LISTS file_GRD_options) if(NOT "${arg_${var}}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND tool_options ${var} ${arg_${var}}) endif() endforeach() if(arg_NO_TRANSLATIONS) list(APPEND tool_options NO_TRANSLATIONS) endif() _qt_internal_generic_deployqt( EXECUTABLE "${arg_EXECUTABLE}" LIB_DIR "${arg_LIB_DIR}" PLUGINS_DIR "${arg_PLUGINS_DIR}" ${tool_options} ) return() endif() # Both windeployqt and macdeployqt don't differentiate between the different # types of binaries, so we merge the lists and treat them all the same. set(additional_binaries ${arg_ADDITIONAL_EXECUTABLES} ${arg_ADDITIONAL_LIBRARIES} ${arg_ADDITIONAL_MODULES} ) foreach(extra_binary IN LISTS additional_binaries) list(APPEND tool_options "${extra_binaries_option}${extra_binary}") endforeach() message(STATUS "Running Qt deploy tool for ${arg_EXECUTABLE} in working directory '${QT_DEPLOY_PREFIX}'") execute_process( COMMAND_ECHO STDOUT COMMAND "${__QT_DEPLOY_TOOL}" "${arg_EXECUTABLE}" ${tool_options} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${QT_DEPLOY_PREFIX}" RESULT_VARIABLE result ) if(result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Executing ${__QT_DEPLOY_TOOL} failed: ${result}") endif() endfunction() if(NOT __QT_NO_CREATE_VERSIONLESS_FUNCTIONS) function(qt_deploy_runtime_dependencies) if(__QT_DEFAULT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL 6) qt6_deploy_runtime_dependencies(${ARGV}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_deploy_runtime_dependencies() is only available in Qt 6.") endif() endfunction() endif() function(_qt_internal_show_skip_runtime_deploy_message qt_build_type_string) message(STATUS "Skipping runtime deployment steps. " "Support for installing runtime dependencies is not implemented for " "this target platform (${__QT_DEPLOY_SYSTEM_NAME}, ${qt_build_type_string})." ) endfunction() # This function is currently in Technical Preview. # Its signature and behavior might change. function(qt6_deploy_translations) set(no_value_options VERBOSE) set(single_value_options LCONVERT ) set(multi_value_options CATALOGS LOCALES ) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "${no_value_options}" "${single_value_options}" "${multi_value_options}" ) set(verbose OFF) if(arg_VERBOSE OR __QT_DEPLOY_VERBOSE) set(verbose ON) endif() if(arg_CATALOGS) set(catalogs ${arg_CATALOGS}) else() set(catalogs qt qtbase) # Find the translations that belong to the Qt modules that are used by the project. # "Used by the project" means just all modules that are pulled in via find_package for now. set(modules ${__QT_DEPLOY_ALL_MODULES_FOUND_VIA_FIND_PACKAGE}) set(module_catalog_mapping "Bluetooth|Nfc" qtconnectivity "Help" qt_help "Multimedia(Widgets|QuickPrivate)?" qtmultimedia "Qml|Quick" qtdeclarative "SerialPort" qtserialport "WebEngine" qtwebengine "WebSockets" qtwebsockets ) list(LENGTH module_catalog_mapping max_i) math(EXPR max_i "${max_i} - 1") foreach(module IN LISTS modules) foreach(i RANGE 0 ${max_i} 2) list(GET module_catalog_mapping ${i} module_rex) if(NOT module MATCHES "^${module_rex}") continue() endif() math(EXPR k "${i} + 1") list(GET module_catalog_mapping ${k} catalog) list(APPEND catalogs ${catalog}) endforeach() endforeach() endif() get_filename_component(qt_translations_dir "${__QT_DEPLOY_QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${__QT_DEPLOY_QT_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) set(locales ${arg_LOCALES}) if(NOT locales) file(GLOB locales RELATIVE "${qt_translations_dir}" "${qt_translations_dir}/*.qm") list(TRANSFORM locales REPLACE "\\.qm$" "") list(TRANSFORM locales REPLACE "^qt_help" "qt-help") list(TRANSFORM locales REPLACE "^[^_]+" "") list(TRANSFORM locales REPLACE "^_" "") list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES locales) endif() # Ensure existence of the output directory. set(output_dir "${QT_DEPLOY_PREFIX}/${QT_DEPLOY_TRANSLATIONS_DIR}") if(NOT EXISTS "${output_dir}") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${output_dir}") endif() # Locate lconvert. if(arg_LCONVERT) set(lconvert "${arg_LCONVERT}") else() set(lconvert "${__QT_DEPLOY_QT_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${__QT_DEPLOY_QT_INSTALL_BINS}/lconvert") if(CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) string(APPEND lconvert ".exe") endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${lconvert}) message(STATUS "lconvert was not found. Skipping deployment of translations.") return() endif() endif() # Find the .qm files for the selected locales if(verbose) message(STATUS "Looking for translations in ${qt_translations_dir}") endif() foreach(locale IN LISTS locales) set(qm_files "") foreach(catalog IN LISTS catalogs) set(qm_file "${catalog}_${locale}.qm") if(EXISTS "${qt_translations_dir}/${qm_file}") list(APPEND qm_files ${qm_file}) endif() endforeach() if(NOT qm_files) message(WARNING "No translations found for requested locale '${locale}'.") continue() endif() if(verbose) foreach(qm_file IN LISTS qm_files) message(STATUS "found translation file: ${qm_file}") endforeach() endif() # Merge the .qm files into one qt_${locale}.qm file. set(output_file_name "qt_${locale}.qm") set(output_file_path "${output_dir}/${output_file_name}") message(STATUS "Creating: ${output_file_path}") set(extra_options) if(verbose) list(APPEND extra_options COMMAND_ECHO STDOUT) endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${lconvert} -if qm -o ${output_file_path} ${qm_files} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${qt_translations_dir} RESULT_VARIABLE process_result ${extra_options} ) if(NOT process_result EQUAL "0") if(process_result MATCHES "^[0-9]+$") message(WARNING "lconvert failed with exit code ${process_result}.") else() message(WARNING "lconvert failed: ${process_result}.") endif() endif() endforeach() endfunction() if(NOT __QT_NO_CREATE_VERSIONLESS_FUNCTIONS) function(qt_deploy_translations) if(__QT_DEFAULT_MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL 6) qt6_deploy_translations(${ARGV}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "qt_deploy_translations() is only available in Qt 6.") endif() endfunction() endif()