// Copyright (C) 2021 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company, info@kdab.com, author Marc Mutz // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #define QT_CORE_BUILD_REMOVED_API #include "qglobal.h" QT_USE_NAMESPACE #if QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 1) #include "qmetatype.h" // keep in sync with version in header int QMetaType::id() const { if (d_ptr) { if (int id = d_ptr->typeId.loadRelaxed()) return id; return idHelper(); } return 0; } #endif // QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 1) #if QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 2) #include "qbindingstorage.h" void QBindingStorage::maybeUpdateBindingAndRegister_helper(const QUntypedPropertyData *data) const { registerDependency_helper(data); } #endif // QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 2) #if QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 3) #include "qbytearraymatcher.h" # if QT_POINTER_SIZE != 4 int QStaticByteArrayMatcherBase::indexOfIn(const char *h, uint hl, const char *n, int nl, int from) const noexcept { qsizetype r = indexOfIn(h, size_t(hl), n, qsizetype(nl), qsizetype(from)); Q_ASSERT(r == int(r)); return r; } # endif // QT_POINTER_SIZE != 4 qsizetype QByteArrayMatcher::indexIn(const QByteArray &ba, qsizetype from) const { return indexIn(QByteArrayView{ba}, from); // ba.isNull() may be significant, so don't ignore it! } #include "tools/qcryptographichash.h" void QCryptographicHash::addData(const QByteArray &data) { addData(QByteArrayView{data}); } QByteArray QCryptographicHash::hash(const QByteArray &data, Algorithm method) { return hash(QByteArrayView{data}, method); } #include "qdatastream.h" # ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM # include "qfloat16.h" QDataStream &QDataStream::operator>>(qfloat16 &f) { return *this >> reinterpret_cast(f); } QDataStream &QDataStream::operator<<(qfloat16 f) { return *this << reinterpret_cast(f); } # endif #include "quuid.h" QUuid::QUuid(const QString &text) : QUuid{qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(text)} { } QUuid::QUuid(const char *text) : QUuid{QAnyStringView(text)} { } QUuid::QUuid(const QByteArray &text) : QUuid{qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(text)} { } QUuid QUuid::fromString(QStringView string) noexcept { return fromString(QAnyStringView{string}); } QUuid QUuid::fromString(QLatin1StringView string) noexcept { return fromString(QAnyStringView{string}); } QUuid QUuid::fromRfc4122(const QByteArray &bytes) { return fromRfc4122(qToByteArrayViewIgnoringNull(bytes)); } #include "qbytearraylist.h" # if QT_POINTER_SIZE != 4 QByteArray QtPrivate::QByteArrayList_join(const QByteArrayList *that, const char *sep, int seplen) { return QByteArrayList_join(that, sep, qsizetype(seplen)); } # endif #include "qlocale.h" QString QLocale::languageToCode(Language language) { return languageToCode(language, QLocale::AnyLanguageCode); } QLocale::Language QLocale::codeToLanguage(QStringView languageCode) noexcept { return codeToLanguage(languageCode, QLocale::AnyLanguageCode); } #include "qoperatingsystemversion.h" int QOperatingSystemVersion::compare(const QOperatingSystemVersion &v1, const QOperatingSystemVersion &v2) { return QOperatingSystemVersionBase::compare(v1, v2); } #include "qurl.h" QString QUrl::fromAce(const QByteArray &domain) { return fromAce(domain, {}); } QByteArray QUrl::toAce(const QString &domain) { return toAce(domain, {}); } #endif // QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 3) #if QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 4) #include "qbytearray.h" // uses QT_CORE_INLINE_SINCE #include "qcalendar.h" QCalendar::QCalendar(QStringView name) : QCalendar(QAnyStringView{name}) {} QCalendar::QCalendar(QLatin1StringView name) : QCalendar(QAnyStringView{name}) {} #include "qcollator.h" // inline function compare(ptr, n, ptr, n) (for MSVC) #if QT_CONFIG(future) #include "qfutureinterface.h" #include "private/qfutureinterface_p.h" void QFutureInterfaceBase::cleanContinuation() { if (!d) return; // This was called when the associated QPromise was being destroyed, // but isn't used anymore. QMutexLocker lock(&d->continuationMutex); d->continuation = nullptr; } #endif // QT_CONFIG(future) #include "qhashfunctions.h" size_t qHash(const QByteArray &key, size_t seed) noexcept { return qHashBits(key.constData(), size_t(key.size()), seed); } size_t qHash(const QByteArrayView &key, size_t seed) noexcept { return qHashBits(key.constData(), size_t(key.size()), seed); } #include "qobject.h" void QObject::setObjectName(const QString &name) { setObjectName(name); } #include "qlocale.h" // uses QT_CORE_INLINE_SINCE #include "qsettings.h" void QSettings::beginGroup(const QString &prefix) { return beginGroup(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(prefix)); } int QSettings::beginReadArray(const QString &prefix) { return beginReadArray(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(prefix)); } void QSettings::beginWriteArray(const QString &prefix, int size) { beginWriteArray(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(prefix), size); } void QSettings::setValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value) { setValue(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(key), value); } void QSettings::remove(const QString &key) { remove(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(key)); } bool QSettings::contains(const QString &key) const { return contains(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(key)); } QVariant QSettings::value(const QString &key, const QVariant &defaultValue) const { return value(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(key), defaultValue); } QVariant QSettings::value(const QString &key) const { return value(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(key)); } #include "qversionnumber.h" QT_WARNING_PUSH QT_WARNING_DISABLE_DEPRECATED QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::fromString(const QString &string, int *suffixIndex) { return fromString(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(string), suffixIndex); } QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::fromString(QStringView string, int *suffixIndex) { return fromString(QAnyStringView{string}, suffixIndex); } QVersionNumber QVersionNumber::fromString(QLatin1StringView string, int *suffixIndex) { return fromString(QAnyStringView{string}, suffixIndex); } QT_WARNING_POP // #include // // implement removed functions from qotherheader.h // order sections alphabetically to reduce chances of merge conflicts #endif // QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 4) #if QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 5) #include "qenvironmentvariables.h" bool qputenv(const char *varName, const QByteArray &value) { return qputenv(varName, qToByteArrayViewIgnoringNull(value)); } #include "qmetatype.h" int QMetaType::idHelper() const { Q_ASSERT(d_ptr); return registerHelper(d_ptr); } #include "qvariant.h" // these implementations aren't as efficient as they used to be prior to // replacement, but there's no way to call the ambiguous overload QVariant::QVariant(const QUuid &uuid) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(uuid)) {} #ifndef QT_NO_GEOM_VARIANT #include "qline.h" #include "qpoint.h" #include "qrect.h" #include "qsize.h" QVariant::QVariant(const QPoint &pt) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(pt)) {} QVariant::QVariant(const QPointF &pt) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(pt)) {} QVariant::QVariant(const QRect &r) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(r)) {} QVariant::QVariant(const QRectF &r) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(r)) {} QVariant::QVariant(const QLine &l) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(l)) {} QVariant::QVariant(const QLineF &l) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(l)) {} QVariant::QVariant(const QSize &s) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(s)) {} QVariant::QVariant(const QSizeF &s) : QVariant(QVariant::fromValue(s)) {} #endif #include "qxmlstream.h" QXmlStreamReader::QXmlStreamReader(const QByteArray &data) : QXmlStreamReader(data, PrivateConsructorTag{}) { } QXmlStreamReader::QXmlStreamReader(const QString &data) : QXmlStreamReader(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(data)) { } QXmlStreamReader::QXmlStreamReader(const char *data) : QXmlStreamReader(QAnyStringView(data)) { } void QXmlStreamReader::addData(const QByteArray &data) { addData<>(data); } void QXmlStreamReader::addData(const QString &data) { addData(qToAnyStringViewIgnoringNull(data)); } void QXmlStreamReader::addData(const char *data) { addData(QAnyStringView(data)); } #endif // QT_CORE_REMOVED_SINCE(6, 5)