#### Inputs # input doubleconversion set(INPUT_doubleconversion "undefined" CACHE STRING "") set_property(CACHE INPUT_doubleconversion PROPERTY STRINGS undefined no qt system) # input iconv set(INPUT_iconv "undefined" CACHE STRING "") set_property(CACHE INPUT_iconv PROPERTY STRINGS undefined no yes posix sun gnu) #### Libraries qt_find_package(WrapDoubleConversion PROVIDED_TARGETS WrapDoubleConversion::WrapDoubleConversion) qt_find_package(GLIB2 PROVIDED_TARGETS GLIB2::GLIB2) qt_find_package(ICU COMPONENTS i18n uc data PROVIDED_TARGETS ICU::i18n ICU::uc ICU::data) qt_find_package(Libsystemd PROVIDED_TARGETS PkgConfig::Libsystemd) qt_find_package(Atomic PROVIDED_TARGETS Atomic) qt_find_package(WrapRt PROVIDED_TARGETS WrapRt) qt_find_package(LTTngUST PROVIDED_TARGETS LTTng::UST) qt_find_package(WrapSystemPCRE2 PROVIDED_TARGETS WrapSystemPCRE2::WrapSystemPCRE2) set_package_properties(WrapPCRE2 PROPERTIES TYPE REQUIRED) if((QNX) OR QT_FIND_ALL_PACKAGES_ALWAYS) qt_find_package(PPS PROVIDED_TARGETS PPS::PPS) endif() qt_find_package(Slog2 PROVIDED_TARGETS Slog2::Slog2) #### Tests # atomicfptr qt_config_compile_test(atomicfptr LABEL "working std::atomic for function pointers" CODE " #include typedef void (*fptr)(int); typedef std::atomic atomicfptr; void testfunction(int) { } void test(volatile atomicfptr &a) { fptr v = a.load(std::memory_order_acquire); while (!a.compare_exchange_strong(v, &testfunction, std::memory_order_acq_rel, std::memory_order_acquire)) { v = a.exchange(&testfunction); } a.store(&testfunction, std::memory_order_release); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ atomicfptr fptr(testfunction); test(fptr); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # clock-monotonic qt_config_compile_test(clock_monotonic LABEL "POSIX monotonic clock" LIBRARIES WrapRt CODE " #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ #if defined(_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK) && (_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK-0 >= 0) timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); #else # error Feature _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK not available #endif /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # cloexec qt_config_compile_test(cloexec LABEL "O_CLOEXEC" CODE "#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ int pipes[2]; (void) pipe2(pipes, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK); (void) fcntl(0, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0); (void) dup3(0, 3, O_CLOEXEC); #if defined(__NetBSD__) (void) paccept(0, 0, 0, NULL, SOCK_CLOEXEC | SOCK_NONBLOCK); #else (void) accept4(0, 0, 0, SOCK_CLOEXEC | SOCK_NONBLOCK); #endif /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # cxx11_future if (UNIX) set(cxx11_future_TEST_LIBRARIES pthread) endif() qt_config_compile_test(cxx11_future LABEL "C++11 " LIBRARIES "${cxx11_future_TEST_LIBRARIES}" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ std::future f = std::async([]() { return 42; }); (void)f.get(); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # cxx11_random qt_config_compile_test(cxx11_random LABEL "C++11 " CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ std::mt19937 mt(0); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # cxx17_filesystem qt_config_compile_test(cxx17_filesystem LABEL "C++17 " CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ std::filesystem::copy( std::filesystem::path("./file"), std::filesystem::path("./other")); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } "# FIXME: qmake: CONFIG += c++17 ) # eventfd qt_config_compile_test(eventfd LABEL "eventfd" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ eventfd_t value; int fd = eventfd(0, EFD_CLOEXEC); eventfd_read(fd, &value); eventfd_write(fd, value); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # futimens qt_config_compile_test(futimens LABEL "futimens()" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ futimens(-1, 0); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } "# FIXME: qmake: ["# Block futimens() on Apple platforms unless it's available on ALL", '# deployment targets. This simplifies the logic at the call site', "# dramatically, as it isn't strictly needed compared to futimes().", 'darwin: QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Werror=unguarded-availability'] ) # futimes qt_config_compile_test(futimes LABEL "futimes()" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ futimes(-1, 0); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # getauxval qt_config_compile_test(getauxval LABEL "getauxval()" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ (void) getauxval(AT_NULL); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # getentropy qt_config_compile_test(getentropy LABEL "getentropy()" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ char buf[32]; (void) getentropy(buf, sizeof(buf)); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # glibc qt_config_compile_test(glibc LABEL "GNU libc" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ return __GLIBC__; /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # inotify qt_config_compile_test(inotify LABEL "inotify" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ inotify_init(); inotify_add_watch(0, \"foobar\", IN_ACCESS); inotify_rm_watch(0, 1); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # ipc_sysv qt_config_compile_test(ipc_sysv LABEL "SysV IPC" CODE " #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ key_t unix_key = ftok(\"test\", 'Q'); semctl(semget(unix_key, 1, 0666 | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL), 0, IPC_RMID, 0); shmget(unix_key, 0, 0666 | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL); shmctl(0, 0, (struct shmid_ds *)(0)); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # ipc_posix if (LINUX) set(ipc_posix_TEST_LIBRARIES pthread rt) endif() qt_config_compile_test(ipc_posix LABEL "POSIX IPC" LIBRARIES "${ipc_posix_TEST_LIBRARIES}" CODE " #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ sem_close(sem_open(\"test\", O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666, 0)); shm_open(\"test\", O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666); shm_unlink(\"test\"); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # linkat qt_config_compile_test(linkat LABEL "linkat()" CODE "#define _ATFILE_SOURCE 1 #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ linkat(AT_FDCWD, \"foo\", AT_FDCWD, \"bar\", AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # ppoll qt_config_compile_test(ppoll LABEL "ppoll()" CODE " #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ struct pollfd pfd; struct timespec ts; sigset_t sig; ppoll(&pfd, 1, &ts, &sig); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # pollts qt_config_compile_test(pollts LABEL "pollts()" CODE " #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ struct pollfd pfd; struct timespec ts; sigset_t sig; pollts(&pfd, 1, &ts, &sig); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # poll qt_config_compile_test(poll LABEL "poll()" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ struct pollfd pfd; poll(&pfd, 1, 0); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # renameat2 qt_config_compile_test(renameat2 LABEL "renameat2()" CODE "#define _ATFILE_SOURCE 1 #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ renameat2(AT_FDCWD, argv[1], AT_FDCWD, argv[2], RENAME_NOREPLACE | RENAME_WHITEOUT); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # statx qt_config_compile_test(statx LABEL "statx() in libc" CODE "#define _ATFILE_SOURCE 1 #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ struct statx statxbuf; unsigned int mask = STATX_BASIC_STATS; return statx(AT_FDCWD, \"\", AT_STATX_SYNC_AS_STAT, mask, &statxbuf); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # syslog qt_config_compile_test(syslog LABEL "syslog" CODE " #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ openlog(\"qt\", 0, LOG_USER); syslog(LOG_INFO, \"configure\"); closelog(); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } ") # xlocalescanprint qt_config_compile_test(xlocalescanprint LABEL "xlocale.h (or equivalents)" CODE " #define QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #define QT_END_NAMESPACE #ifdef _MSVC_VER #define Q_CC_MSVC _MSVC_VER #endif #define QT_NO_DOUBLECONVERSION #include QDSP_P_H int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* BEGIN TEST: */ #ifdef _MSVC_VER _locale_t invalidLocale = NULL; #else locale_t invalidLocale = NULL; #endif double a = 3.4; qDoubleSnprintf(argv[0], 1, invalidLocale, \"invalid format\", a); qDoubleSscanf(argv[0], invalidLocale, \"invalid format\", &a, &argc); /* END TEST: */ return 0; } "# FIXME: qmake: DEFINES += QDSP_P_H=$$shell_quote(\"@PWD@/text/qdoublescanprint_p.h\") ) #### Features qt_feature("clock-gettime" PRIVATE LABEL "clock_gettime()" CONDITION UNIX AND WrapRt_FOUND ) qt_feature("clock-monotonic" PUBLIC LABEL "POSIX monotonic clock" CONDITION QT_FEATURE_clock_gettime AND TEST_clock_monotonic ) qt_feature_definition("clock-monotonic" "QT_NO_CLOCK_MONOTONIC" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("doubleconversion" PUBLIC PRIVATE LABEL "DoubleConversion" ) qt_feature_definition("doubleconversion" "QT_NO_DOUBLECONVERSION" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("system-doubleconversion" PRIVATE LABEL " Using system DoubleConversion" CONDITION QT_FEATURE_doubleconversion AND WrapDoubleConversion_FOUND ENABLE INPUT_doubleconversion STREQUAL 'system' DISABLE INPUT_doubleconversion STREQUAL 'qt' ) qt_feature("cxx11_future" PUBLIC LABEL "C++11 " CONDITION TEST_cxx11_future ) qt_feature("cxx17_filesystem" PUBLIC LABEL "C++17 " CONDITION TEST_cxx17_filesystem ) qt_feature("eventfd" PUBLIC LABEL "eventfd" CONDITION NOT WASM AND TEST_eventfd ) qt_feature_definition("eventfd" "QT_NO_EVENTFD" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("futimens" PRIVATE LABEL "futimens()" CONDITION NOT WIN32 AND TEST_futimens ) qt_feature("futimes" PRIVATE LABEL "futimes()" CONDITION NOT WIN32 AND NOT QT_FEATURE_futimens AND TEST_futimes ) qt_feature("getauxval" PRIVATE LABEL "getauxval()" CONDITION LINUX AND TEST_getauxval ) qt_feature("getentropy" PRIVATE LABEL "getentropy()" CONDITION UNIX AND TEST_getentropy ) qt_feature("glib" PUBLIC PRIVATE LABEL "GLib" AUTODETECT NOT WIN32 CONDITION GLIB2_FOUND ) qt_feature_definition("glib" "QT_NO_GLIB" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("glibc" PRIVATE LABEL "GNU libc" AUTODETECT LINUX CONDITION TEST_glibc ) qt_feature("iconv" PUBLIC PRIVATE SECTION "Internationalization" LABEL "iconv" PURPOSE "Provides internationalization on Unix." CONDITION NOT QT_FEATURE_icu AND QT_FEATURE_textcodec AND ( TEST_posix_iconv OR TEST_sun_iconv ) ) qt_feature_definition("iconv" "QT_NO_ICONV" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("posix-libiconv" PRIVATE LABEL "POSIX iconv" CONDITION NOT WIN32 AND NOT QNX AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT APPLE AND TEST_posix_iconv AND TEST_iconv_needlib ENABLE TEST_posix_iconv AND TEST_iconv_needlib DISABLE NOT TEST_posix_iconv OR NOT TEST_iconv_needlib ) qt_feature("sun-libiconv" LABEL "SUN iconv" CONDITION NOT WIN32 AND NOT QNX AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT APPLE AND TEST_sun_iconv ENABLE TEST_sun_iconv DISABLE NOT TEST_sun_iconv ) qt_feature("gnu-libiconv" PRIVATE LABEL "GNU iconv" CONDITION NOT WIN32 AND NOT QNX AND NOT ANDROID AND NOT APPLE AND TEST_posix_iconv AND NOT TEST_iconv_needlib ENABLE TEST_posix_iconv AND NOT TEST_iconv_needlib DISABLE NOT TEST_posix_iconv OR TEST_iconv_needlib ) qt_feature("icu" PRIVATE LABEL "ICU" AUTODETECT NOT WIN32 CONDITION ICU_FOUND ) qt_feature("inotify" PUBLIC PRIVATE LABEL "inotify" CONDITION TEST_inotify ) qt_feature_definition("inotify" "QT_NO_INOTIFY" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("ipc_posix" LABEL "Using POSIX IPC" AUTODETECT NOT WIN32 CONDITION NOT TEST_ipc_sysv AND TEST_ipc_posix ) qt_feature_definition("ipc_posix" "QT_POSIX_IPC") qt_feature("journald" PRIVATE LABEL "journald" AUTODETECT OFF CONDITION Libsystemd_FOUND ) # Currently only used by QTemporaryFile; linkat() exists on Android, but hardlink creation fails due to security rules qt_feature("linkat" PRIVATE LABEL "linkat()" AUTODETECT LINUX AND NOT ANDROID CONDITION TEST_linkat ) qt_feature("std-atomic64" PUBLIC LABEL "64 bit atomic operations" CONDITION Atomic_FOUND ) qt_feature("mimetype" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "Mimetype handling" PURPOSE "Provides MIME type handling." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_textcodec ) qt_feature_definition("mimetype" "QT_NO_MIMETYPE" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("mimetype-database" PRIVATE LABEL "Built-in copy of the MIME database" CONDITION QT_FEATURE_mimetype ) qt_feature("pcre2" LABEL "PCRE2" ENABLE INPUT_pcre STREQUAL 'qt' DISABLE INPUT_pcre STREQUAL 'no' OR INPUT_pcre STREQUAL 'system' ) qt_feature_config("pcre2" QMAKE_PRIVATE_CONFIG) qt_feature("system-pcre2" PRIVATE LABEL " Using system PCRE2" CONDITION WrapSystemPCRE2_FOUND ENABLE INPUT_pcre STREQUAL 'system' DISABLE INPUT_pcre STREQUAL 'no' OR INPUT_pcre STREQUAL 'qt' ) qt_feature("poll_ppoll" PRIVATE LABEL "Native ppoll()" CONDITION NOT WASM AND TEST_ppoll EMIT_IF NOT WIN32 ) qt_feature("poll_pollts" PRIVATE LABEL "Native pollts()" CONDITION NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_ppoll AND TEST_pollts EMIT_IF NOT WIN32 ) qt_feature("poll_poll" PRIVATE LABEL "Native poll()" CONDITION NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_ppoll AND NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_pollts AND TEST_poll EMIT_IF NOT WIN32 ) qt_feature("poll_select" PRIVATE LABEL "Emulated poll()" CONDITION NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_ppoll AND NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_pollts AND NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_poll EMIT_IF NOT WIN32 ) qt_feature_definition("poll_select" "QT_NO_NATIVE_POLL") qt_feature("qqnx_pps" PRIVATE LABEL "PPS" CONDITION PPS_FOUND EMIT_IF QNX ) qt_feature("renameat2" PRIVATE LABEL "renameat2()" CONDITION LINUX AND TEST_renameat2 ) qt_feature("slog2" PRIVATE LABEL "slog2" CONDITION Slog2_FOUND ) qt_feature("statx" PRIVATE LABEL "statx() in libc" CONDITION LINUX AND TEST_statx ) qt_feature("syslog" PRIVATE LABEL "syslog" AUTODETECT OFF CONDITION TEST_syslog ) qt_feature("threadsafe-cloexec" LABEL "Threadsafe pipe creation" CONDITION TEST_cloexec ) qt_feature_definition("threadsafe-cloexec" "QT_THREADSAFE_CLOEXEC" VALUE "1") qt_feature_config("threadsafe-cloexec" QMAKE_PUBLIC_QT_CONFIG) qt_feature("properties" PUBLIC SECTION "Kernel" LABEL "Properties" PURPOSE "Supports scripting Qt-based applications." ) qt_feature_definition("properties" "QT_NO_PROPERTIES" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("regularexpression" PUBLIC SECTION "Kernel" LABEL "QRegularExpression" PURPOSE "Provides an API to Perl-compatible regular expressions." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_system_pcre2 OR QT_FEATURE_pcre2 ) qt_feature_definition("regularexpression" "QT_NO_REGULAREXPRESSION" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("sharedmemory" PUBLIC SECTION "Kernel" LABEL "QSharedMemory" PURPOSE "Provides access to a shared memory segment." CONDITION ( ANDROID OR WIN32 OR ( NOT VXWORKS AND ( TEST_ipc_sysv OR TEST_ipc_posix ) ) ) ) qt_feature_definition("sharedmemory" "QT_NO_SHAREDMEMORY" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("shortcut" PUBLIC SECTION "Kernel" LABEL "QShortcut" PURPOSE "Provides keyboard accelerators and shortcuts." ) qt_feature_definition("shortcut" "QT_NO_SHORTCUT" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("systemsemaphore" PUBLIC SECTION "Kernel" LABEL "QSystemSemaphore" PURPOSE "Provides a general counting system semaphore." CONDITION ( NOT INTEGRITY AND NOT VXWORKS AND NOT rtems ) AND ( ANDROID OR WIN32 OR TEST_ipc_sysv OR TEST_ipc_posix ) ) qt_feature_definition("systemsemaphore" "QT_NO_SYSTEMSEMAPHORE" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("xmlstream" PUBLIC SECTION "Kernel" LABEL "XML Streaming APIs" PURPOSE "Provides a simple streaming API for XML." ) qt_feature_definition("xmlstream" "QT_NO_XMLSTREAM" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("xmlstreamreader" PUBLIC SECTION "Kernel" LABEL "QXmlStreamReader" PURPOSE "Provides a well-formed XML parser with a simple streaming API." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_xmlstream ) qt_feature_definition("xmlstreamreader" "QT_NO_XMLSTREAMREADER" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("xmlstreamwriter" PUBLIC SECTION "Kernel" LABEL "QXmlStreamWriter" PURPOSE "Provides a XML writer with a simple streaming API." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_xmlstream ) qt_feature_definition("xmlstreamwriter" "QT_NO_XMLSTREAMWRITER" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("textdate" PUBLIC SECTION "Data structures" LABEL "Text Date" PURPOSE "Supports month and day names in dates." ) qt_feature_definition("textdate" "QT_NO_TEXTDATE" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("datestring" PUBLIC SECTION "Data structures" LABEL "QDate/QTime/QDateTime" PURPOSE "Provides conversion between dates and strings." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_textdate ) qt_feature_definition("datestring" "QT_NO_DATESTRING" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("process" PUBLIC SECTION "File I/O" LABEL "QProcess" PURPOSE "Supports external process invocation." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_processenvironment AND ( QT_FEATURE_thread OR NOT UNIX ) AND NOT WINRT AND NOT UIKIT AND NOT INTEGRITY AND NOT VXWORKS AND NOT rtems ) qt_feature_definition("process" "QT_NO_PROCESS" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("processenvironment" PUBLIC SECTION "File I/O" LABEL "QProcessEnvironment" PURPOSE "Provides a higher-level abstraction of environment variables." CONDITION NOT WINRT AND NOT INTEGRITY AND NOT rtems ) qt_feature("temporaryfile" PUBLIC SECTION "File I/O" LABEL "QTemporaryFile" PURPOSE "Provides an I/O device that operates on temporary files." ) qt_feature_definition("temporaryfile" "QT_NO_TEMPORARYFILE" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("library" PUBLIC SECTION "File I/O" LABEL "QLibrary" PURPOSE "Provides a wrapper for dynamically loaded libraries." CONDITION WIN32 OR HPUX OR ( NOT NACL AND QT_FEATURE_dlopen ) ) qt_feature_definition("library" "QT_NO_LIBRARY" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("settings" PUBLIC SECTION "File I/O" LABEL "QSettings" PURPOSE "Provides persistent application settings." ) qt_feature_definition("settings" "QT_NO_SETTINGS" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("filesystemwatcher" PUBLIC SECTION "File I/O" LABEL "QFileSystemWatcher" PURPOSE "Provides an interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications." CONDITION NOT WINRT ) qt_feature_definition("filesystemwatcher" "QT_NO_FILESYSTEMWATCHER" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("filesystemiterator" PUBLIC SECTION "File I/O" LABEL "QFileSystemIterator" PURPOSE "Provides fast file system iteration." ) qt_feature_definition("filesystemiterator" "QT_NO_FILESYSTEMITERATOR" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("itemmodel" PUBLIC SECTION "ItemViews" LABEL "Qt Item Model" PURPOSE "Provides the item model for item views" ) qt_feature_definition("itemmodel" "QT_NO_ITEMMODEL" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("proxymodel" PUBLIC SECTION "ItemViews" LABEL "QAbstractProxyModel" PURPOSE "Supports processing of data passed between another model and a view." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_itemmodel ) qt_feature_definition("proxymodel" "QT_NO_PROXYMODEL" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("sortfilterproxymodel" PUBLIC SECTION "ItemViews" LABEL "QSortFilterProxyModel" PURPOSE "Supports sorting and filtering of data passed between another model and a view." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_proxymodel ) qt_feature_definition("sortfilterproxymodel" "QT_NO_SORTFILTERPROXYMODEL" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("identityproxymodel" PUBLIC SECTION "ItemViews" LABEL "QIdentityProxyModel" PURPOSE "Supports proxying a source model unmodified." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_proxymodel ) qt_feature_definition("identityproxymodel" "QT_NO_IDENTITYPROXYMODEL" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("transposeproxymodel" PUBLIC SECTION "ItemViews" LABEL "QTransposeProxyModel" PURPOSE "Provides a proxy to swap rows and columns of a model." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_proxymodel ) qt_feature_definition("transposeproxymodel" "QT_NO_TRANSPOSEPROXYMODEL" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("concatenatetablesproxymodel" PUBLIC SECTION "ItemViews" LABEL "QConcatenateTablesProxyModel" PURPOSE "Supports concatenating source models." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_proxymodel ) qt_feature_definition("concatenatetablesproxymodel" "QT_NO_CONCATENATETABLESPROXYMODEL" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("stringlistmodel" PUBLIC SECTION "ItemViews" LABEL "QStringListModel" PURPOSE "Provides a model that supplies strings to views." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_itemmodel ) qt_feature_definition("stringlistmodel" "QT_NO_STRINGLISTMODEL" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("translation" PUBLIC SECTION "Internationalization" LABEL "Translation" PURPOSE "Supports translations using QObject::tr()." ) qt_feature_definition("translation" "QT_NO_TRANSLATION" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("textcodec" PUBLIC SECTION "Internationalization" LABEL "QTextCodec" PURPOSE "Supports conversions between text encodings." ) qt_feature_definition("textcodec" "QT_NO_TEXTCODEC" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("codecs" PUBLIC SECTION "Internationalization" LABEL "Codecs" PURPOSE "Supports non-unicode text conversions." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_textcodec ) qt_feature_definition("codecs" "QT_NO_CODECS" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("big_codecs" PUBLIC SECTION "Internationalization" LABEL "Big Codecs" PURPOSE "Supports big codecs, e.g. CJK." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_textcodec ) qt_feature_definition("big_codecs" "QT_NO_BIG_CODECS" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("easingcurve" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "Easing curve" PURPOSE "Provides easing curve." ) qt_feature("animation" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "Animation" PURPOSE "Provides a framework for animations." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_properties AND QT_FEATURE_easingcurve ) qt_feature_definition("animation" "QT_NO_ANIMATION" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("statemachine" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "State machine" PURPOSE "Provides hierarchical finite state machines." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_properties ) qt_feature_definition("statemachine" "QT_NO_STATEMACHINE" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("qeventtransition" PUBLIC LABEL "QEventTransition class" CONDITION QT_FEATURE_statemachine ) qt_feature("gestures" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "Gesture" PURPOSE "Provides a framework for gestures." ) qt_feature_definition("gestures" "QT_NO_GESTURES" NEGATE VALUE "1") qt_feature("sha3-fast" PRIVATE SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "Speed optimized SHA3" PURPOSE "Optimizes SHA3 for speed instead of size." ) qt_feature("jalalicalendar" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "QJalaliCalendar" PURPOSE "Support the Jalali (Persian) calendar" ) qt_feature("hijricalendar" PRIVATE SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "QHijriCalendar" PURPOSE "Generic basis for Islamic calendars, providing shared locale data" ) qt_feature("islamiccivilcalendar" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "QIslamicCivilCalendar" PURPOSE "Support the Islamic Civil calendar" CONDITION QT_FEATURE_hijricalendar ) qt_feature("timezone" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "QTimeZone" PURPOSE "Provides support for time-zone handling." ) qt_feature("datetimeparser" PRIVATE SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "QDateTimeParser" PURPOSE "Provides support for parsing date-time texts." ) qt_feature("commandlineparser" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "QCommandlineParser" PURPOSE "Provides support for command line parsing." ) qt_feature("lttng" PRIVATE LABEL "LTTNG" AUTODETECT OFF CONDITION LINUX AND LTTNGUST_FOUND ENABLE INPUT_trace STREQUAL 'lttng' OR ( INPUT_trace STREQUAL 'yes' AND LINUX ) DISABLE INPUT_trace STREQUAL 'etw' OR INPUT_trace STREQUAL 'no' ) qt_feature("etw" PRIVATE LABEL "ETW" AUTODETECT OFF CONDITION WIN32 ENABLE INPUT_trace STREQUAL 'etw' OR ( INPUT_trace STREQUAL 'yes' AND WIN32 ) DISABLE INPUT_trace STREQUAL 'lttng' OR INPUT_trace STREQUAL 'no' ) qt_feature("win32_system_libs" LABEL "Windows System Libraries" CONDITION WIN32 AND libs.advapi32 AND libs.gdi32 AND libs.kernel32 AND libs.netapi32 AND libs.ole32 AND libs.shell32 AND libs.uuid AND libs.user32 AND libs.winmm AND libs.ws2_32 OR FIXME ) qt_feature("cborstreamreader" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "CBOR stream reading" PURPOSE "Provides support for reading the CBOR binary format. Note that this is required for plugin loading. Qt GUI needs QPA plugins for basic operation." ) qt_feature("cborstreamwriter" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "CBOR stream writing" PURPOSE "Provides support for writing the CBOR binary format." ) qt_feature("binaryjson" PUBLIC SECTION "Utilities" LABEL "Binary JSON (deprecated)" PURPOSE "Provides support for the deprecated binary JSON format." ) qt_configure_add_summary_section(NAME "Qt Core") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "doubleconversion") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "system-doubleconversion") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "glib") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "iconv") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "icu") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "mimetype-database") qt_configure_add_summary_entry( TYPE "firstAvailableFeature" ARGS "etw lttng" MESSAGE "Tracing backend" ) qt_configure_add_summary_section(NAME "Logging backends") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "journald") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "syslog") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "slog2") qt_configure_end_summary_section() # end of "Logging backends" section qt_configure_add_summary_entry( ARGS "qqnx_pps" CONDITION QNX ) qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "pcre2") qt_configure_add_summary_entry(ARGS "system-pcre2") qt_configure_end_summary_section() # end of "Qt Core" section qt_configure_add_report_entry( TYPE NOTE MESSAGE "journald, syslog or slog2 integration is enabled. If your users intend to develop applications against this build, ensure that the IDEs they use either set QT_FORCE_STDERR_LOGGING to 1 or are able to read the logged output from journald, syslog or slog2." CONDITION QT_FEATURE_journald OR QT_FEATURE_syslog OR ( QNX AND QT_FEATURE_slog2 ) ) qt_configure_add_report_entry( TYPE ERROR MESSAGE "C++11 is required and is missing or failed to compile." CONDITION NOT TEST_cxx11_random ) qt_configure_add_report_entry( TYPE ERROR MESSAGE "Your C library does not provide sscanf_l or snprintf_l. You need to use libdouble-conversion for double/string conversion." CONDITION INPUT_doubleconversion STREQUAL 'no' AND NOT TEST_xlocalescanprint ) qt_configure_add_report_entry( TYPE ERROR MESSAGE "detected a std::atomic implementation that fails for function pointers. Please apply the patch corresponding to your Standard Library vendor, found in qtbase/config.tests/atomicfptr" CONDITION NOT TEST_atomicfptr ) qt_configure_add_report_entry( TYPE ERROR MESSAGE "Qt requires poll(), ppoll(), poll_ts() or select() on this platform" CONDITION ( UNIX OR INTEGRITY ) AND ( NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_ppoll ) AND ( NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_pollts ) AND ( NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_poll ) AND ( NOT QT_FEATURE_poll_select ) )