// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause //! [0] QUrl url("http://www.example.com/List of holidays.xml"); // url.toEncoded() == "http://www.example.com/List%20of%20holidays.xml" //! [0] //! [1] QUrl url = QUrl::fromEncoded("http://qt-project.org/List%20of%20holidays.xml"); //! [1] //! [2] bool checkUrl(const QUrl &url) { if (!url.isValid()) { qDebug("Invalid URL: %s", qUtf8Printable(url.toString())); return false; } return true; } //! [2] //! [3] QTcpSocket sock; sock.connectToHost(url.host(), url.port(80)); //! [3] //! [4] http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/drawgraph.cgi?type(pie)color(green) //! [4] //! [5] QUrl baseUrl("http://qt.digia.com/Support/"); QUrl relativeUrl("../Product/Library/"); qDebug(baseUrl.resolved(relativeUrl).toString()); // prints "http://qt.digia.com/Product/Library/" //! [5] //! [6] QByteArray ba = QUrl::toPercentEncoding("{a fishy string?}", "{}", "s"); qDebug(ba.constData()); // prints "{a fi%73hy %73tring%3F}" //! [6] //! [7] QUrl url("http://qt-project.org/support/file.html"); // url.adjusted(RemoveFilename) == "http://qt-project.org/support/" // url.fileName() == "file.html" //! [7] //! [8] qDebug() << QUrl("main.qml").isRelative(); // true: no scheme qDebug() << QUrl("qml/main.qml").isRelative(); // true: no scheme qDebug() << QUrl("file:main.qml").isRelative(); // false: has "file" scheme qDebug() << QUrl("file:qml/main.qml").isRelative(); // false: has "file" scheme //! [8] //! [9] // Absolute URL, relative path QUrl url("file:file.txt"); qDebug() << url.isRelative(); // false: has "file" scheme qDebug() << QDir::isAbsolutePath(url.path()); // false: relative path // Relative URL, absolute path url = QUrl("/home/user/file.txt"); qDebug() << url.isRelative(); // true: has no scheme qDebug() << QDir::isAbsolutePath(url.path()); // true: absolute path //! [9] //! [10] QUrl original("http://example.com/?q=a%2B%3Db%26c"); QUrl copy(original); copy.setQuery(copy.query(QUrl::FullyDecoded), QUrl::DecodedMode); qDebug() << original.toString(); // prints: http://example.com/?q=a%2B%3Db%26c qDebug() << copy.toString(); // prints: http://example.com/?q=a+=b&c //! [10] //! [11] QUrl url; url.setScheme("ftp"); //! [11] //! [12] qDebug() << QUrl("file:file.txt").path(); // "file.txt" qDebug() << QUrl("/home/user/file.txt").path(); // "/home/user/file.txt" qDebug() << QUrl("http://www.example.com/test/123").path(); // "/test/123" //! [12] //! [13] qDebug() << QUrl("/foo%FFbar").path(); //! [13] //! [14] qDebug() << QUrl("/foo+bar%2B").path(); // "/foo+bar+" //! [14] //! [15] const QUrl url("/tmp/Mambo %235%3F.mp3"); qDebug() << url.path(QUrl::FullyDecoded); // "/tmp/Mambo #5?.mp3" qDebug() << url.path(QUrl::PrettyDecoded); // "/tmp/Mambo #5?.mp3" qDebug() << url.path(QUrl::FullyEncoded); // "/tmp/Mambo%20%235%3F.mp3" //! [15] //! [16] qDebug() << QUrl::fromLocalFile("file.txt"); // QUrl("file:file.txt") qDebug() << QUrl::fromLocalFile("/home/user/file.txt"); // QUrl("file:///home/user/file.txt") qDebug() << QUrl::fromLocalFile("file:file.txt"); // doesn't make sense; expects path, not url with scheme //! [16] //! [17] QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile("file.txt"); QUrl baseUrl = QUrl("file:/home/user/"); // wrong: prints QUrl("file:file.txt"), as url already has a scheme qDebug() << baseUrl.resolved(url); //! [17] //! [18] // correct: prints QUrl("file:///home/user/file.txt") url.setScheme(QString()); qDebug() << baseUrl.resolved(url); //! [18] //! [19] QUrl url = QUrl("file.txt"); QUrl baseUrl = QUrl("file:/home/user/"); // prints QUrl("file:///home/user/file.txt") qDebug() << baseUrl.resolved(url); //! [19] //! [20] qDebug() << QUrl("file:file.txt").toLocalFile(); // "file.txt" qDebug() << QUrl("file:/home/user/file.txt").toLocalFile(); // "/home/user/file.txt" qDebug() << QUrl("file.txt").toLocalFile(); // ""; wasn't a local file as it had no scheme //! [20]