// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /* NOTE: The variables documented here are available when running CMake, they ** are not available in a deployment script. Both these and the set of ** deploy-time variables are all members of the cmake-variables-qtcore ** group. **/ /*! \group cmake-variables-qtcore \title CMake Variables in Qt6 Core The following CMake variables are defined when Qt6::Core is loaded, for instance with \badcode find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core) \endcode \sa{CMake Variable Reference} */ */*! \page cmake-variable-ANDROID_NDK_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title ANDROID_NDK_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME \target cmake-variable-ANDROID_NDK_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME \summary {Android-specific architecture of the host system.} \cmakevariablesince 6.0 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly This is normally set by the Android NDK toolchain file. It is written out as part of the deployment settings for a target. \sa{qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings}{qt_android_generate_deployment_settings()} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-ANDROID_SDK_ROOT.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title ANDROID_SDK_ROOT \target cmake-variable-ANDROID_SDK_ROOT \summary {Location of the Android SDK.} \cmakevariablesince 6.0 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly This specifies the location of the Android SDK when building for the Android platform. It is written out as part of the deployment settings for a target. \sa{qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings}{qt_android_generate_deployment_settings()}. */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_APPLICATION_ARGUMENTS.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_ANDROID_APPLICATION_ARGUMENTS \target cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_APPLICATION_ARGUMENTS \summary {List of arguments to pass to Android applications.} \cmakevariablesince 6.0 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly This contains a list of arguments to be passed to Android applications. It is written out as part of the deployment settings for a target. \sa{qt6_android_generate_deployment_settings}{qt_android_generate_deployment_settings()} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_BUILD_ALL_ABIS.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_ANDROID_BUILD_ALL_ABIS \target cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_BUILD_ALL_ABIS \summary {Enables building multi-ABI packages using the autodetected Qt for Android SDK list.} \cmakevariablesince 6.3 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly The option automatically detects available ABIs of Qt for Android and uses them to build a package. The automatic detection expects the default directory structure supplied by the Qt installer, with the corresponding naming of the directories. \include cmake-android-supported-abis.qdocinc The typical directory structure looks as below: \badcode /path/to/Qt/6.x.x android_armv7 android_arm64_v8a android_x86 android_x86_64 ... \endcode The auto-detected paths can be customized using one of \c{QT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_} variables. The variable is set to FALSE by default. \sa{QT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_ABIS.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_ANDROID_ABIS \target cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_ABIS \summary {List of ABIs that the project packages are built for.} \cmakevariablesince 6.3 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly This variable specifies a list of ABIs to be used to build the project packages. \include cmake-android-supported-abis.qdocinc Each ABI should have the corresponding Qt for Android either installed or user-built. It's possible to specify the path to the Qt for Android ABI using the corresponding \c{QT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_} variable. \note \c{QT_ANDROID_BUILD_ALL_ABIS} has the higher priority and ignores the QT_ANDROID_ABIS logic. \sa{QT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_}, {QT_ANDROID_BUILD_ALL_ABIS} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_ \target cmake-variable-QT_PATH_ANDROID_ABI_ \summary {Set of variables to specify the path to Qt for Android for the corresponding ABI.} \cmakevariablesince 6.3 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly Each variable can be used to specify the path to Qt for Android for the corresponding ABI. \include cmake-android-supported-abis.qdocinc \sa{cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_ABIS}{QT_ANDROID_ABIS} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_SIGN_AAB.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_ANDROID_SIGN_AAB \target cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_SIGN_AAB \summary {Sign the .aab package with the specified keystore, alias and store password.} \cmakevariablesince 6.4 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly Sign the resulting package. The path of the keystore file, the alias of the key and passwords have to be specified by additional environment variables: \badcode QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_STORE_PASS QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASS \endcode Mentioned variables are used internally by \l{androiddeployqt}. \sa{androiddeployqt} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_SIGN_APK.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_ANDROID_SIGN_APK \target cmake-variable-QT_ANDROID_SIGN_APK \summary {Sign the package with the specified keystore, alias and store password.} \cmakevariablesince 6.4 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly Sign the resulting package. The path of the keystore file, the alias of the key and passwords have to be specified by additional environment variables: \badcode QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_STORE_PASS QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASS \endcode Mentioned variables are used internally by \l{androiddeployqt}. \sa{androiddeployqt} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_NO_COLLECT_BUILD_TREE_APK_DEPS.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_NO_COLLECT_BUILD_TREE_APK_DEPS \target cmake-variable-QT_NO_COLLECT_BUILD_TREE_APK_DEPS \summary {Prevents collecting of project-built shared library targets during Android deployment.} \cmakevariablesince 6.3 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly During project finalization, the build system collects the locations of all built shared library targets in the project. These locations are passed to \l androiddeployqt for deployment consideration when resolving dependencies between libraries. Set \c QT_NO_COLLECT_BUILD_TREE_APK_DEPS to \c TRUE to disable this behavior. \sa {qt6_finalize_project}{qt_finalize_project()} \sa {cmake-variable-QT_NO_COLLECT_IMPORTED_TARGET_APK_DEPS}{QT_NO_COLLECT_IMPORTED_TARGET_APK_DEPS} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_NO_COLLECT_IMPORTED_TARGET_APK_DEPS.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_NO_COLLECT_IMPORTED_TARGET_APK_DEPS \target cmake-variable-QT_NO_COLLECT_IMPORTED_TARGET_APK_DEPS \summary {Prevents collecting of imported targets during Android deployment.} \cmakevariablesince 6.5 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableandroidonly When using CMake version 3.21 or later, the build system collects the locations of imported shared library targets that might be relevant for deployment. The collected targets are those that are reachable from the the directory scope of the currently processed executable target. That includes the target's source directory scope and its parents. The collected locations are passed to \l androiddeployqt for deployment consideration when resolving dependencies between libraries. Set \c QT_NO_COLLECT_IMPORTED_TARGET_APK_DEPS to \c TRUE to disable this behavior. \sa {qt6_finalize_project}{qt_finalize_project()} \sa {cmake-variable-QT_NO_COLLECT_BUILD_TREE_APK_DEPS}{QT_NO_COLLECT_BUILD_TREE_APK_DEPS} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_HOST_PATH.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_HOST_PATH \target cmake-variable-QT_HOST_PATH \summary {Location of the host Qt installation when cross-compiling.} \cmakevariablesince 6.0 When cross-compiling, this must be set to the install location of Qt for the host platform. It is used to locate tools to be run on the host (\l{moc}, \l{rcc}, \l{androiddeployqt}, and so on). */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_NO_SET_XCODE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM_ID.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_NO_SET_XCODE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM_ID \target cmake-variable-QT_NO_SET_XCODE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM_ID \summary {Disables providing a fallback team ID during target finalization on iOS.} \cmakevariablesince 6.1 When finalizing an executable target on iOS, \l{qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()} will populate the target's \c XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM property if it hasn't been set. Set \c QT_NO_SET_XCODE_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM_ID to true if you want to prevent this. */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_NO_SET_XCODE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_NO_SET_XCODE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER \target cmake-variable-QT_NO_SET_XCODE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER \summary {Disables providing a fallback app bundle ID during target finalization on iOS.} \cmakevariablesince 6.1 When finalizing an executable target on iOS, \l{qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()} will populate the target's \c XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER and \c MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER properties if they haven't been set. Set \c QT_NO_SET_XCODE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER to true if you want to prevent this. */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_ENABLE_VERBOSE_DEPLOYMENT.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_ENABLE_VERBOSE_DEPLOYMENT \target cmake-variable-QT_ENABLE_VERBOSE_DEPLOYMENT \summary {Enables verbose mode of deployment tools} \cmakevariablesince 6.3 \preliminarycmakevariable Enables verbose mode of the \l androiddeployqt deployment tool when it is called internally at build time, usually during target finalization. This variable also changes the default verbosity of install-time deployment scripts for other platforms (see \l{qt_deploy_runtime_dependencies()}), but it must be set before the first \c{find_package(Qt6)} call to have that effect. */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_DEPLOY_SUPPORT.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_DEPLOY_SUPPORT \target cmake-variable-QT_DEPLOY_SUPPORT \summary {Name of the file to include for setting up deployment support.} \cmakevariablesince 6.3 \preliminarycmakevariable \note The value of this variable should never be modified by project code. This configure-phase variable is set by the Core package. It is intended to be used as the first line of any deployment script to ensure access to the deployment APIs provided by Qt. Such deployment scripts do not run during CMake's configure phase, they are executed during installation or as part of a post-build rule. The following example shows one way the variable would be used when installing an application, along with its runtime dependencies: \include cmake-deploy-runtime-dependencies.qdocinc \sa qt_deploy_runtime_dependencies(), qt_deploy_qml_imports() */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_NO_STANDARD_PROJECT_SETUP.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_NO_STANDARD_PROJECT_SETUP \target cmake-variable-QT_NO_STANDARD_PROJECT_SETUP \summary {Prevents subsequent calls to qt_standard_project_setup() from making any changes.} \cmakevariablesince 6.3 The \l{qt6_standard_project_setup}{qt_standard_project_setup()} command is typically called in the top level \c{CMakeLists.txt} file of a project. In some scenarios, such projects may be absorbed as a child project of a larger project hierarchy. A parent project may want to prevent any child project from applying changes to the setup. The parent project can achieve this by setting \c{QT_NO_STANDARD_PROJECT_SETUP} to true before bringing in the child project via \l{add_subdirectory()}, \l{FetchContent_MakeAvailable()} or other similar methods provided by CMake. \sa {qt6_standard_project_setup}{qt_standard_project_setup()} */ /*! \page cmake-variable-QT_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN.html \ingroup cmake-variables-qtcore \title QT_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN \target cmake-variable-QT_IOS_LAUNCH_SCREEN \summary {Path to iOS launch screen storyboard used by all targets} \cmakevariablesince 6.4 \preliminarycmakevariable \cmakevariableiosonly Specifies the path to an iOS launch screen storyboard file that will be used by all targets within a project. \sa {Launch Screens and Launch Images} */