// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page qt_deploy_translations.html \ingroup cmake-commands-qtcore \title qt_deploy_translations \target qt_deploy_translations \summary {Deploy Qt translations needed by an executable.} \include cmake-find-package-core.qdocinc Unlike most other CMake commands provided by Qt, \c{qt_deploy_translations()} can only be called from a deployment script. It cannot be called directly by the project during the configure stage. \cmakecommandsince 6.5 \preliminarycmakecommand \note This command does not usually need to be called directly. It is used internally by other higher level commands, but projects wishing to implement more customized deployment logic may find it useful. \section1 Synopsis \badcode qt_deploy_translations( [CATALOGS catalogs] [LOCALES locales] [LCONVERT lconvert_executable] [VERBOSE] ) \endcode \section1 Description When installing an application, it may be desirable to also install the translations that belong to the used Qt modules. The \c qt_deploy_translations command collects the necessary \c{.qm} file from the Qt installation and compiles them into one \c{qt_${language}.qm} file per language. The \c{.qm} files are installed into \c{QT_DEPLOY_TRANSLATIONS_DIR}. \section1 Arguments The \c LOCALES argument specifies for which locales translations should be deployed. This is a list of language/region combinations as described in \l{Changing the Target Locale}{Qt Linguist's manual for translators}. Examples for valid locales are: \c{de}, \c{pl}, or \c{pt_BR}. If \c LOCALES is omitted, then all available locales are deployed. The \c CATALOGS argument specifies a list of \l{Available Catalogs}{translation catalogs} to be deployed. If this argument is omitted, then all catalogs are deployed that belong to any Qt module that is used in the project via \c{find_package}. The \c LCONVERT argument specifies the \c lconvert executable that is used to combine the catalogs. By default, the Qt installation's \c lconvert is used. For debugging purposed, the \c VERBOSE argument can be set to turn on diagnostic messages. \sa QT_DEPLOY_TRANSLATIONS_DIR \section1 Example The following example deploys Danish and German translations of the Qt libraries. \badcode qt_deploy_translations( LOCALES da de ) \endcode */