// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page qt-import-plugins.html \ingroup cmake-commands-qtcore \title qt_import_plugins \keyword qt6_import_plugins \summary {Specifies a custom set of plugins to import or exclude.} \include cmake-find-package-core.qdocinc \cmakecommandsince 5.14 \section1 Synopsis \badcode qt_import_plugins(target [INCLUDE plugin ...] [EXCLUDE plugin ...] [INCLUDE_BY_TYPE plugin_type plugin ...] [EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE plugin_type] [NO_DEFAULT] ) \endcode \versionlessCMakeCommandsNote qt6_import_plugins() \section1 Description Specifies a custom set of plugins to import. The optional arguments: \c INCLUDE, \c EXCLUDE, \c INCLUDE_BY_TYPE, and \c EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE, can be used more than once. \list \li \c INCLUDE -- can be used to specify a list of plugins to import. \li \c EXCLUDE -- can be used to specify a list of plugins to exclude. \li \c INCLUDE_BY_TYPE -- can be used to override the list of plugins to import for a certain plugin type. \li \c EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE -- can be used to specify a plugin type to exclude; then no plugins of that type are imported. \li \c NO_DEFAULT -- prevent the default plugins from being included automatically (for example, the default platform plugin). \endlist Qt provides plugin types such as \c imageformats, \c platforms, and \c sqldrivers. \section2 Dynamic plugins If plugins are dynamic libraries, the function controls the plugin deployment. Using this function, you may exclude specific plugin types from being packaged into an Android APK, for example: \badcode qt_add_executable(MyApp ...) ... qt_import_plugins(MyApp EXCLUDE_BY_TYPE imageformats) \endcode In the snippet above, all plugins that have the \c imageformats type will be excluded when deploying \c MyApp. The resulting Android APK will not contain any of the \c imageformats plugins. If the command isn't used, the target automatically deploys all plugins that belong to the Qt modules that the target is linked against. \section2 Static plugins If the command isn't used the target automatically links against a sane set of default static plugins, for each Qt module that the target is linked against. For more information, see \l{CMake target_link_libraries Documentation}{target_link_libraries}. Each plugin comes with a C++ stub file that automatically initializes the static plugin. Consequently, any target that links against a plugin has this C++ file added to its \c SOURCES. \section1 Examples \snippet cmake-macros/examples.cmake qt_import_plugins In the snippet above, the following occurs with the executable \c myapp: \list \li The \c Qt6::QCocoaIntegrationPlugin is imported into myapp. \li The \c Qt6::QMinimalIntegrationPlugin plugin is excluded from being automatically imported into myapp. \li The default list of plugins for \c imageformats is overridden to only include Qt6::QGifPlugin and Qt6::QJpegPlugin. \li All \c sqldrivers plugins are excluded from automatic importing. \endlist \sa{qt6_import_qml_plugins}{qt_import_qml_plugins()} */