// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \page qt-set-finalizer-mode.html \ingroup cmake-commands-qtcore \title qt_set_finalizer_mode \keyword qt6_set_finalizer_mode \summary {Customizes aspects of a target's finalization.} \cmakecommandsince 6.2 \preliminarycmakecommand \section1 Synopsis \badcode qt_set_finalizer_mode(target ENABLE | DISABLE MODES modes... ) \endcode \versionlessCMakeCommandsNote qt6_set_finalizer_mode() \section1 Description This command is used to customize some aspects of the finalization of a specific \c target. It only has an effect if called before \c target is finalized, which occurs in one of the following scenarios: \list \li The project explicitly calls \l{qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()} for the \c target. This usually means the \c MANUAL_FINALIZATION keyword was passed to \l{qt6_add_executable}{qt_add_executable()} when the \c target was defined. \li CMake 3.17 or earlier is being used, in which case finalization always occurs immediately as part of the call to \l{qt6_add_executable}{qt_add_executable()}. \li CMake 3.18 or later is being used, the \c MANUAL_FINALIZATION keyword was not passed to \l{qt6_add_executable}{qt_add_executable()} when the \c target was defined, and deferred finalization has been completed at the end of the \c target's directory scope. \endlist \c{qt_set_finalizer_mode()} is used to enable or disable a list of \e modes, where a mode corresponds to a specific aspect of finalization. The currently supported finalization modes are: \table \header \li Mode \li Default \li Finalization behavior \row \li \c static_plugins \li Enabled \li When Qt is built statically, it creates initializer object libraries for its static plugins. If \c target is an executable and this finalization mode is enabled, any plugin initializer object libraries needed by the \c target will be directly linked to it. This prevents cycles between Qt-provided static libraries and may reduce link time. When this finalizer mode is disabled, each plugin initializer is instead propagated via usage requirements of its associated Qt library, which may cause cycles. If Qt is not built statically, this finalizer mode is not relevant and isn't used. \endtable \sa {qt6_finalize_target}{qt_finalize_target()} \section1 Example The following example assumes you are using CMake 3.19 or later (required for deferred finalization): \badcode qt_add_executable(my_app main.cpp) qt_set_finalizer_mode(my_app ENABLE MODES static_plugins) \endcode The same example using manual finalization might look like this: \badcode qt_add_executable(my_app MANUAL_FINALIZATION main.cpp) qt_set_finalizer_mode(my_app ENABLE MODES static_plugins) qt_finalize_target(my_app) \endcode */