//! [thread-safety-section1] \section1 Thread safety Being a \l {Accessing QObject Subclasses from Other Threads}{subclass of QObject}, \1 is not \l {Reentrancy and Thread-Safety}{thread-safe}. Any \1 model-related API should only be called from the thread the model object lives in. If the \1 is connected with a view, that means the GUI thread, as that is where the view lives, and it will call into the model from the GUI thread. Using a background thread to populate or modify the contents of a model is possible, but requires care, as the background thread cannot call any model-related API directly. Instead, you should queue the updates and apply them in the main thread. This can be done with \l {Signals and Slots Across Threads}{queued connections}. //! [thread-safety-section1]